Good science is good religion. Adam was created from the stuff of the Earth. Adam was put under anesthesia, and his tissue was cloned and gene tweaked, to interpret the language suggesting Woman was a refinement. That’s good science.
Light theory is a great metaphor for the Triune Godhead. God the Father Light; God the Son Incarnate, Particle Light; and Holy Spirit Wave Light–what a grand parallel.
The whole possibility of eternal life has been independently affirmed by science. Time and space are not the absolutes once imagined. Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. An eternal God bringing about the resurrection of the dead is do-able, good science. God is the God of science.
God revealed high-concept, low-tech applications of science. Moses was commanded to craft a giant bronze serpent on a staff to vanquish a plague of snakes. Plunged into the ground, the people were to approach and walk back to their campsites. The bronze coil would have transmitted subsonics to the ground and repelling snakes. This was amplified and propagated by the population trudging to and from the coil en masse.
Remember, God’s miracles are defined by timing, not technique. Timing is the witness of God’s loving providence. The health laws of Moses are another application of revealed science. For example, consorting with the Chanaanites was forbidden. Those who disobeyed showed signs of Sexually Transmitted Disease/STD’s. Quarantine was ordered. Great science.
One observer stated that physicists are the best theologians. Daniel’s prophecy will not catch them off guard. Daniel states that Heaven will be crashed, with the incursants incinerated by the breath of St. Michael the Archangel. That worm-hole of profane “Contact” by physicists will witness of Christ, the Shepherd at the gate Who restricts entry to sheep of His knowing.
Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life, willing to reveal all to those who keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Back-engineering the cogent creation of a cogent Creator, with contributions by religious like Gregor Mendel, is why Judeo-Christianity fostered scientific development at a stunning pace. “All you science and technology, praise the Lord.”
Prayer may be the working of pure intent on sub-atomic particles. The laying on of hands imparts micro-electicity, which increases cell transmissivity, and de-links pathogens and parasites from cellular predation. Good religion is good science, all from a good God.
Antichrist is described by Daniel as adoring a god his fathers never knew, reducing God to a mere force of nature, Maozim, reinforced by another godlet of force. Force cannot prevail over God’s perfect power as wielded by a divine Person, not a force of nature. We praise and adore our Creator in humblest thanks, begging Him to pour out His every blessing of mercy and grace upon us that we may witness of His endless love.
Light theory is a great metaphor for the Triune Godhead. God the Father Light; God the Son Incarnate, Particle Light; and Holy Spirit Wave Light–what a grand parallel.
The whole possibility of eternal life has been independently affirmed by science. Time and space are not the absolutes once imagined. Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. An eternal God bringing about the resurrection of the dead is do-able, good science. God is the God of science.
God revealed high-concept, low-tech applications of science. Moses was commanded to craft a giant bronze serpent on a staff to vanquish a plague of snakes. Plunged into the ground, the people were to approach and walk back to their campsites. The bronze coil would have transmitted subsonics to the ground and repelling snakes. This was amplified and propagated by the population trudging to and from the coil en masse.
Remember, God’s miracles are defined by timing, not technique. Timing is the witness of God’s loving providence. The health laws of Moses are another application of revealed science. For example, consorting with the Chanaanites was forbidden. Those who disobeyed showed signs of Sexually Transmitted Disease/STD’s. Quarantine was ordered. Great science.
One observer stated that physicists are the best theologians. Daniel’s prophecy will not catch them off guard. Daniel states that Heaven will be crashed, with the incursants incinerated by the breath of St. Michael the Archangel. That worm-hole of profane “Contact” by physicists will witness of Christ, the Shepherd at the gate Who restricts entry to sheep of His knowing.
Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life, willing to reveal all to those who keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Back-engineering the cogent creation of a cogent Creator, with contributions by religious like Gregor Mendel, is why Judeo-Christianity fostered scientific development at a stunning pace. “All you science and technology, praise the Lord.”
Prayer may be the working of pure intent on sub-atomic particles. The laying on of hands imparts micro-electicity, which increases cell transmissivity, and de-links pathogens and parasites from cellular predation. Good religion is good science, all from a good God.
Antichrist is described by Daniel as adoring a god his fathers never knew, reducing God to a mere force of nature, Maozim, reinforced by another godlet of force. Force cannot prevail over God’s perfect power as wielded by a divine Person, not a force of nature. We praise and adore our Creator in humblest thanks, begging Him to pour out His every blessing of mercy and grace upon us that we may witness of His endless love.