Good solid Catholic Missionaries?

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Anyone know of any that would counter GEM? I have a friend that is involved in Greater European Mission and for some reason, I can not bring myself to donate to them financially. The way I’m seeing it is an assault on the Catholic Church through their mission efforts. Bless them for wanting to bring the Gospel to people, but I even asked my friend “What will you say to a fallen away Catholic that appears to have a desire to return but doesn’t know how?” Her response was the last nail in the coffin for me to not financially support them.

So does anyone know of any missions in Europe that is active as GEM? I like their idea but want it to be a Catholic mission.

Thanks in advance!! 😃
If the historically Catholic countries of Europe (or the historically Protestant or Orthodox countries for that matter) had clung to their beliefs and were still living in conformity with the creeds they once universally professed, there would be no need or scope for GEM. If Catholic hierarchy and laity in those countries are not evangelizing first their own lost sheep, and then the unchurched shame on them for disobeying their baptismal commitment. If they are contracepting themselves out of existence, in a couple of generations GEM will be proselytizing Muslims, then God help them.
Ain’t that the truth! I read in one of their statements about going into Poland… and that just irked me to no end. I’m Polish and I treasure the fact that Poland is such a devout Catholic country and I’d die to see it fall into the hands of mainstream Protestantism. It’s like I want to scream at them to “leave my Poland alone!”

I’m sure I can also do some research to find some missionaries in Europe to support. If I find any, I’ll post here. 😃
My mother’s church is constantly sposoring mission trips around the world. Her Sunday school class is going to Guatemala. I told her that most Guatemalans were probably already Christians.
At one time, Guatemala was consistently Catholic, but here’s a link that says that Catholicism is weakening in Central America due to persecution, lack of priests and Protestant missionaries…here’s the link

Catholics are really being persecuted, and we also need missionaries right here in the heart of our big cities, where vocations are sadly lacking and relativism, secularism is attacking our young people’s hearts as well. It is a tough job, but all baptized Catholics need to pick up the torch and carry it.
I know the Legion of Christ is very involved in Europe evangelizing. I’m sure that they are really suffering financially because of the recent scandels. Not everyone likes the Legion, but I have only admiration for the Regnum Christi, consecrated, and Legionary priests I have met.

I think Africa will be the next be Catholic community that springs out to evangelize the world.
Check out CNEWA(www, has no body now on earth but yours,yours are the only hands with which he can do his work,yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world,yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world.Christ has no body on earth now but yours…St.Teresa of Avila
Anyone know of any that would counter GEM? I have a friend that is involved in Greater European Mission and for some reason, I can not bring myself to donate to them financially. The way I’m seeing it is an assault on the Catholic Church through their mission efforts. Bless them for wanting to bring the Gospel to people, but I even asked my friend “What will you say to a fallen away Catholic that appears to have a desire to return but doesn’t know how?” Her response was the last nail in the coffin for me to not financially support them.

So does anyone know of any missions in Europe that is active as GEM? I like their idea but want it to be a Catholic mission.
Thanks in advance!! 😃
Good solid Catholic Missionaries?that I thinkis what yo should be looking at.
I live in New Zealand and there is SOOOOOO much work as a missionary here and realy only because I am looking for the work. Brother/sister you don’t have to look at anyone elses fence remember thatJesus said that be still and know that He is God.
I got married on saturday last and I invited two youth who are not any religion but one of them started singing the songs and has now been asking me questions about why catholics don’t go out helping the poor.
I told him that we do but the difference between catholic and others say, sallys is that we do what Jesus told us to do.
Instead of sprouting out the good works we do as sallys do we do it under cover least the right hand knows what the left hand does. In that way I told him our Father in heaven rewards us in His time.

Go for it and ask Jesus for the people for you to help. remember the beatitudes Matt 5:6 I think do all of those and you will be doiing what Jesus told us to do. Get others to join and you will have a group to help others.
Ask bakers for left overs feed the poor go to hospitals, feed those youth under bridges the list never ends. I started doing that and never preached, that is not my ministry but now two youth are studying to be ministers and I never preached as I said, I just showed them Jesus practically and loved them that was what was lacking.
God bless
I find it highly offensive when Protestants send missionaries to predominantly Catholic countries, such as Brazil. IMHO, they need to be concentrating on countries where Jesus isn’t known. Maybe this is just me…

In Pax Christi

I have only recently joined, and someone from another forum led my questions to be checked under evangelization.

Briefly, I have reconverted back to my faith and I’m overjoyed in belonging to the Catholic Church.

As a 27 year old the only difficulties I have had so far is finding avenues to evangelize and serve our church better. I really believe and can attest to that the best evangelization is leading by example and bring people back through this example. However, deep inside of me through meditation and readings I know that the right way to evangelize is through building people up through strong networks based on faith. These networks should not just be based on your close friends or relatives but based on the fact that you have the same faith solely this. These networks should help others on all levels of spiritual development, personal development and also financial help. If these networks exist I would love to know about them so I can offer myself more to them and also meet people who believe in the same thing.

One thing I realized after I fully converted back to the faith and when I was so close in breaking all my ties to the church was my personal expectations of the church and the people in it. I realized that when I was against the church it was because I had the expectation that people will serve me and then I would serve them. This of course only leads to frustration, it is only when I decided to offer myself at disposal that my faith started to deepen.

With that said, I feel this need every second to do more and learn better how we can bring people back to faith and also what resources there are out there for us that I may notbe aware of.

Thanks and sorry for writing this long.

One thing I realized after I fully converted back to the faith and when I was so close in breaking all my ties to the church was my personal expectations of the church and the people in it. I realized that when I was against the church it was because I had the expectation that people will serve me and then I would serve them. This of course only leads to frustration, it is only when I decided to offer myself at disposal that my faith started to deepen.

With that said, I feel this need every second to do more and learn better how we can bring people back to faith and also what resources there are out there for us that I may notbe aware of.
PRAYER: "Dearest Jesus teach me to be generous
Teach me to love and serve you as you deserve,
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest
To labour and to look for no reward,
Except that of knowing that I do your Holy Will. Amen

I have learned not to have any expectations of other people because God will call me to account fot my actions, not those of other people (except my husband and children, because of the sacramental promises I made in regard to them).
I’m in India, met some Catholic missionaries from a small organisation in Louisiana called Family Missions Company-

Family Missions Company/
Wow! I love this and hope that it will be what Our Lord gives me when our Camilite priest returns from India. I would love to train others to minister to others through a school.
You sure have a blessed gathering here, I’m in New Zealand.
Thank you for the information.
Wow! I love this and hope that it will be what Our Lord gives me when our Camilite priest returns from India. I would love to train others to minister to others through a school.
You sure have a blessed gathering here, I’m in New Zealand.
Thank you for the information.
Maybe you could mail the Summers of Family Missions Company, and get some information about how they started off. The founding couple are Frank and genie Summers, and Genie wrote a lovely book about how God touched their lives and called them to be missionaries. It’s called ‘Go, You are Sent’. I think you can get some used copies from Amazon.
Maybe you could mail the Summers of Family Missions Company, and get some information about how they started off. The founding couple are Frank and genie Summers, and Genie wrote a lovely book about how God touched their lives and called them to be missionaries. It’s called ‘Go, You are Sent’. I think you can get some used copies from Amazon.
Thank you for that I surely will.
It was some 30 years ago that I asked Jesus to give me someone to help me live the way He wanted me to live. He gave me St Therese the little flower. I have followed the little way especially “self denial” since.

Two years ago when her relica came to New Zealand I thought I would would go to see them not thinking I would see or feel much more though. Wow I was sure changed and realised that I needed something deeper. I saw our priest and he gave me the right to put together a 3rd order of Camalites with he and our new priest both Camalites to help. Now Ihave found that we are going to have camalite retreates here. So all is on and now I see the family you mention thank you I will get much information thank you.

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