Good works and Salvation

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My Catholic brethern,
You know the saying from James “Faith without works is dead.” I pose this question to you. What do you do for your good works? Could anything done for God be considered good works, like saying “I love you” to your spouse or the like? Would saying your Rosary be considered good works?

The reason why I ask this is because I want to do more good things everyday for the love of Him and am having trouble finding good things to do.

I mean I try to be kind to everyone like Jesus wants me to and I try to help other when I can. When I see people in dire straights and are begging for money I give them my change and sometimes buy them food and give it to them when available. I try to give people that are handicapped and the like special attention and love.

See though these instances come few and far between for me and I’d like to do more. I’m looking to find if their are soup kitchens around my area to help and maybe I could visit the elderly in nursing homes.
My Catholic brethern,
You know the saying from James “Faith without works is dead.” I pose this question to you. What do you do for your good works? Could anything done for God be considered good works, like saying “I love you” to your spouse or the like? Would saying your Rosary be considered good works?

The reason why I ask this is because I want to do more good things everyday for the love of Him and am having trouble finding good things to do.

I mean I try to be kind to everyone like Jesus wants me to and I try to help other when I can. When I see people in dire straights and are begging for money I give them my change and sometimes buy them food and give it to them when available. I try to give people that are handicapped and the like special attention and love.

See though these instances come few and far between for me and I’d like to do more. I’m looking to find if their are soup kitchens around my area to help and maybe I could visit the elderly in nursing homes.
Hi Fox,All your works will be put threw the fire and tested. If approved before God your rewards will be recieved in the kingdom. I admire your desire to do good to those around you. Jesus is smiling at you. God bless you and keep seeking the Lords face and He will show you the way. 👍
The corporal (sp?) works of mercy are an excellent idea. Perhaps God is moving you and the opportunity will present itself shortly, so be prepared to say, “Yes!”

Perhaps if in duty or justice you should do a certain thing, then do more than duty or justice requires. Don’t worry.
Good works do not have to be huge things like volunteering for a prison mission, althought that is highly comendable.
I really don’t sit down and go hmm…what good works can I do today? I think works flow naturally for of faith in the Lord. Small things cutting an elderly neighbors grass, being a kinds and commpasionte ear to a co-worker in distress. Even picking up your husbands socks of the floor for the hundreth time without complaining to me is a good work.
Good works in my opinion flow from the gratitude and humbleness we feel at all the Lord has done for us and how we are compelled to share the Love of God with others though giving of ourselves.
Hi Fox,All your works will be put threw the fire and tested. If approved before God your rewards will be recieved in the kingdom. I admire your desire to do good to those around you. Jesus is smiling at you. God bless you and keep seeking the Lords face and He will show you the way. 👍
Affirmative! First LOVE him! After that, all is well, and all is well, and all manner of thing shall be well. This isn’t a matter of scorekeeping – can we EVER “work” our way to God? No. Love him with all your heart, mind, and strength. What will follow is that all our works will be pleasing to him. That’s what James means.

Spokes – I love it when you talk “Catholic.”
Do you think good works stem from the grace of Salvation?

I miss the feeling I get when I help others, I love it because I love God so much and I know Jesus is in everyone I do help.

I’ll tell you a story and I’ll remember the feeling forever. I was outside the Vatican walls and eating at a cafe with my wife and in the distance I saw a lame man walking about near the walls and he was asking passerbys for change or what have you, I couldn’t hear him.

People were ignoring him and all so he just sat down at the wall. My heart went to him and I told my wife I was going to do something, I had a pull to do so. I then bought him a simple pizza and a big bottle of water from the cafe where I was eating and I went to him.

When I approached him, I smiled and he slowly got up, it was all in his face, he just lit up and he was so happy, he thanked me and I told him it was no problem and he told me in broken English that he was a war veteran and from Croatia. I left him and went back to my wife and she told me that was a great thing I did, and I told her that I remembered the words of Christ “what you do to the least of these, you do it to me.”

I’m really believing that God has engrained in everyone the sense of doing good for others because it gives you such a great feeling.
under the christian religion, there are three branches. the three being protestant, orthodox, and catholic. Each of the three have basically the same teachings, but yet are in different branches, why? There are SIGNIFICANT differences between the three.

Catholicism’s teachings are wrong. one significant difference between the protestant fiath and the catholic faith is that catholicism teaches its believers that heaven is earned, and that salvation is only avaliable through works. if this were the case, salvation would never be granted to us. Going to heaven through works is also found NO WHERE in the bible. a follower of God that lives this way constantly lives in fear of God and damnation to hell. That isnt how God wants us to live.

ALso, confession is no where to be found in the bible. After the great flood, Noah’s offsprings built the city of Babylon, a religious center for the world. It was in Babylon that confession was first used as a toold for BLACKMAIL! CONFESSION IS MAN’S INVENTIONS.

Nuns, Monks, and Popes arent dictated by the bible. God explains that a church should be run from pastors, deacons, etc. but never nun, monks, and popes. ALso the dress of nuns, monks and popes were first used to impress the members of the chruch. Why would you need to impress anybody rather than God?

John 3:16 states “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (NIV) this verse is so commonly known yet holds so much truth. It says that God sent his one and only son to save whoever BELIEVES in him. it didnt say that you had to repeat a given number of “Hail Mary”'s in order to reach salvation. It dictates in the bible that salvation is achieved through acceptance of Jesus CHrist as our Lord and Savior.

…and the list goes on and on

I urge you to come out of such deception and come into the light. Being lost in Deception can and will result in a LOT of damage. God said in romans 3:4 “Let God be true, and every man a liar.” Put your faith in God not in priests or the pope who claim to have a direct connection with God. Man will alter the truth, but God will always prevail.

God bless you.
Man will alter the truth, but God will always prevail.

God bless you.
Dear friend

The Catholic Church and those in communion with it have practised and still do practice God’s truth since Christ Jesus founded the Catholic Church 2005 years ago…you are right men will corrupt God’s truth and you can see that by how people over the ages have formed their own churches not founded by Christ Jesus.

Other than the Catholic Church and those in Communion with it …There is no other Church with Apostolic Succession, no other Church wrote and put together the Bible that you so freely refer to, no other Church with continuation of Tradition since the first Apostles, no other Church that the rites of Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Matrimony, Holy Order and Sacrament tof the Sick can be traced back to…it all is Catholic!

The Pope and Priests you condemn are defenders, keepers and evangelisers of the truth of God

You might like to find out why the Catholic Church teaches what it teaches before you condemn Christ Jesus’ Church.

I wish you well and God Bless

Dear Fox

I have always seen good works as doing the little things well for others with Love in our hearts for God and for those we are doing the good work for.

Even to pick up a piece of paper someone has dropped and hand it to them out of the love of God and love of humanty is a good work. Sometimes all it takes is to give someone a smile that may make their whole day bearable or to talk to a stranger, it may be the only conversation they get in that day or even a week. Making a cup of tea, listening to someone’s troubles…all these small things are great acts of mercy.

It is hard for the ordinary person to make great acts of good being limited by their state in life, therefore I look to the small things I can do and do them with great love. All the small acts of kindness/ mercy throughout our lives add up to a great act of mercy, hopefully a huge mountain if we do many many small things in love and mercy.

I read some place that a single act of mercy is eternal. If we only manage to grasp the opportunity in life to perform one single good act of mercy /kindness that act is eternal…I was really struck by that concept.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Catholicism’s teachings are wrong. one significant difference between the protestant fiath and the catholic faith is that catholicism teaches its believers that heaven is earned, and that salvation is only avaliable through works. .
Let the countdown begin……telling Catholics what they believe and not believing them when they correct your faulty assumptions is a first step on the path to suspension…Check 6&7 under Conduct Rules in the Forum Rules on the Home Page…
ALso, confession is no where to be found in the bible…
5Cor. 5:17-20, James 5:13-16, Mat. 18:18…
Nuns, Monks, and Popes arent dictated by the bible. God explains that a church should be run from pastors, deacons, etc. but never nun, monks, and popes. ALso the dress of nuns, monks and popes were first used to impress the members of the chruch. Why would you need to impress anybody rather than God?
:confused: Do you really think this makes sense?
John 3:16 states “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (NIV) this verse is so commonly known yet holds so much truth. It says that God sent his one and only son to save whoever BELIEVES in him. it didnt say that you had to repeat a given number of “Hail Mary”'s in order to reach salvation. It dictates in the bible that salvation is achieved through acceptance of Jesus CHrist as our Lord and Savior.
This is a post of mine from another thread but applicable…these show that being "saved’ is an ONGOING PROCESS. One moves TOWARD salvation and is only saved IN AN INDIVIDUAL’S FUTURE:

1Peter 1:9 …as you attain the goal of your faith, salvation…
Phil. 2:12 …work out your salvation with fear and trembling…

Mt. 10:22 …he who endures to the end will be saved…

Mt 24:13 …he who perseveres to the end will be saved…

mk 8:35 …whoever loses his life…will save it…

Acts 15:11 …we shall be saved through the grace…

Rom 5:9-10 …since we are justified, we shall be saved

Rom 13:11 …salvation is nearer now than first believed…

1 Cor 3:15 …he will be saved, but only as through fire…

Heb 9:28 …Jesus will appear a second time, to bring salvation
I urge you to come out of such deception and come into the light. Being lost in Deception can and will result in a LOT of damage.
God bless you.
And I urge you in the same manner…it is you who are deceived.
They could just delet all three of these posts (and this one too) couldn’t they. They did get all his threads.

My Catholic brethern,
You know the saying from James “Faith without works is dead.” I pose this question to you. What do you do for your good works? Could anything done for God be considered good works,.
read the Judgement of the Nations in Matthew’s Gospel, the advice Jesus gave to the rich young man for a description of good works. Read St. Theresa of the Little Flower, Story of her life and her “little way” of holiness, doing small things well for the love of God. Offer every thought, action, job, recreation, resolution, choice to God for His greater honor and glory.
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