Got my very first Rosary. Now what?

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Well, first of all, I’m rather new at all this. Coming from a Baptist background, Rosary’s are rather new. 😃 Anyway, I just got my first ever! Rosary. It’s very exciting , but I’m a little lost.

So now what? Do I need to get it blessed? I know the prayers that one says, but is there some graph or something that one can use to help keep up? I’m confused as to when and where the Our Father and Glory Be’s come in at times. 😃 Is there a site that can help? Thanks!
I know the prayers that one says, but is there some graph or something that one can use to help keep up? … Is there a site that can help? Thanks!
Welcome to the Rosary! It really is the neatest “formal” prayer I’ve eve\r come across!

Actually, the beads are used in place of the graph.

And yes, there are lots of sites that help. One of my favorites is the .pdf at

The same site ( ) has some helpful hints at :

The tricky part of the Rosary, for me, is that when you’re saying the Hail Mary prayers, you’re not thinking about them. I usually trying to contemplate the words I’m saying in prayer, but during the Rosary you “ignore” the words and mediatate on the corresponding mystery.
you already know how to pray most of the Rosary, you know the Apostles Creed and the Our Father, and the doxology. You can learn the Hail Mary from one of the sites mentioned, and they will tell you the mysteries we contemplate each day as we pray with Mary to her Son. Mystery means “cannot be known by human reason, but must be revealed by God” so where do we look for the mysteries of the life of Jesus? In Divine Revelation, of course, mostly Luke’s Gospel. the sources listed above will tell you which specific verses. Start with chapters one and two, read the scripture first, that is the matter for your meditation as you pray. There is no way to explain how it works, but the reason for memorizing the prayers is so that you do not have to keep reading a sheet, but can concentrate on the mystery, and the words of the prayer become “background music” so to speak.

Just returned from the funeral home where we prayed the rosary in Spanish for colleague’s mother (age 94) who died yesterday. I don’t know the prayers that well in Spanish, but was able to keep up and just dwelled in the Sorrowful Mysteries (Christ’s passion and death), especially carrying the cross. You can get your rosary blessed the next time you see the priest or deacon, but putting it to its intended use also is a blessing.

My sister is married to the son of a Baptist minister, and when the dad was dying she asked for a rosary, so I sent her one with a Scriptural Rosary booklet, they all started praying it, so I had to send several more rosaries. They had no idea the prayer had such strong scriptural roots. They don’t pray the Hail Marys yet, but simply read one verse at a time, then an Our Father after each 10 beads. Her SIL said to me, “now I know why you pray with Mary, she is here, all the time, in everything that is happening with Jesus” so just be being open to the scripture and the method of prayer, she now “gets it”. Coming from a Baptist background you are already immersed in scripture so you will feel right at home. Welcome, welcome, welcome, I would like you to meet my Mother.
First off, yes, get your Rosary blessed next time you have the chance. In fact, anything used for a “religious” purpose (i.e. crucufixes, medals, etc.) I suggest you get blessed.

Now as for learning the rosary, one really really easy way is to download the virtual rosary. It’s a free program that leads you step by step through the prayers (it shows you where you are on the “beads”, and what prayers to say, you just click “amen” when you have finished each prayer and it prompts you with the next). It also has scripture verses for each mystery and modules to help with your meditations. Get it here.
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