Graces from Rosary

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I thought it would be interesting and uplifting, to hear about the answered prayers and helps received by saying the rosary. I recently got an awesome grace to say the entitire rosary, I try to say every day, but cant always. Anyway, I never liked the rosary and found it dull and boring to say, now I love to pray it!! When i do, I have hope, more so than when I just say other prayers. This could inspire others to pray the rosary, if others post here on their blessings etc.
I can’t begin to tell all the blessings I have received by praying the rosary. It all started in a small town in Kansas back in 1984…

The one thing that comes to mind, though, is INNER PEACE. When you have that, everything is a blessing.

Keep on praying!
Like the others, I cannot begin to recount the number of prayers answered. You cannot begin to imagine the awesome powers that are associated with the Rosary.

Please read carefully the 15 promises that I have attached in the link below. You will hopefully pray several Rosary’s a day, not just one, after reading it. There is NO doubt in my mind that these are true, and I have experienced many of the promises as truth in my own life.
I began believing in the power of the Rosary when my son was a baby. Just 1 1/2, with terrible eczema, an unrelentingly itchy rash that is dry. He had bloody scratches all over his limbs, and couldn’t sleep at night. I prayed the Rosary for 2 weeks with the intention “Please help me help my son’s eczema.” In two weeks, I had a non-toxic unprescribed lotion from a new friend that took the eczema away.

This made me believe the Lord cares for our smallest cares and doesn’t like it when little ones suffer. He answered my prayer by the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

The Rosary is powerful!
I have recently begun to pray the rosary daily, and the one thing I have noticed is a tangable beautiful peace within me. I feel cocooned in it- and no matter what happens during the day, I feel like I never leave this peace. What a great grace this is!
Thank you Mamma Mary!

In my daily half hour drive to work, I have the honor to pray the Rosary. I have been driving this for seven years and have not missed one day. To those who say the Rosary is boring, that is the purpose of the mysteries, to meditate on them, to keep your mind on what you are doing. In praying the Rosary, ask the Blessed Mother to help center your attention. You will be rewarded. Your brother in Jesus Christ.
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