Grandma's Last Words

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My dear grandmother Carrie passed away early this morning at 102 years old. She has spent the last decade or more in a nursing home and the last few years has been unable to communicate, see or hear.

But this morning, before she died, she was able to utter two last words. In my own way of processing things, I sat down at my computer to write. Our Lord provided me, and our family, with a gift so dear in these last two words, I wanted to share them with you and to ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of Carrie Wilson, and prayers for my family. Thank you.


On Friday, July 16, 2004, my Grandma Carrie uttered her last words on this morning as her caregivers at the retirement home went to move her from her bed. After a very long time of not communicating at all, she opened her eyes, looked at them and said **“No more.” ** Then she passed peacefully from this world.

Grandma was 102 years old. Her last few years were those of silent suffering, trapped in the shell of her body, unable to communicate with the earthly world. That she would have opened her eyes and spoken two words at the time of her death was a gift from Our Lord. Her words may have so many meanings.

“No more.”

No more are you going to move my aching and old body from the bed to the chair.

No more will my family on earth have to worry about me and whether or not I am in pain.

No more will I suffer silently and await my reunion with my husband, son, parents, sisters, relatives and friends.

No more will I have to wait to be with my Savior, Jesus.

No more will I feel pain, frustration, sorrow or anxiety.

No more tears.

*“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a great voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them; He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.” And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” * Revelation 21:1-5

*“Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing form the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. There shall **no more ** be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall worship him; they shall see His Face and His Name shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be no more; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they shall reign forever and ever.” * Revelation 22:1-5

How fitting that Grandma passed away on a Friday – the day of Our Lord Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice. How fitting that her simple words would have such profound meaning; not unlike Jesus’ few and final words on the cross. How fitting that she waited until my mom was out of the hospital and completed her medical tests so she could be able to take care of these last final arrangements. How comforting to know Grandma Carrie’s suffering is complete.

Grandma Carrie, may you be resting in Our Lord’s Eternal Peace, in His Loving Arms, bathing in His Holy Warmth and Light. Alone no more. Suffering no more. Waiting no more. Amen.
My dear grandmother Carrie passed away early this morning at 102 years of age. She has spent the last decade or more in a nursing home and the last few years has been unable to communicate or see or hear well at all.

thank you … we all needed that… my prayers are certainly with you and your family… and Grandmother Carrie too…-
What a beautiful tribute to your Grandma.👍

God bless your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing this very personal and uplifting experience.

To know that your loved one is in the loving embrace of our Lord in heaven is such a comfort. I believe that was your grandmas final gift to her family.

That was so beautiful! I can hardly seen what I’m writing through my tears…
Please be assured of my prayers for your dear Gandmother’s soul (though it sounds like she’s not going to be in purgatory for very long) and for you and your family.🙂

This is so moving really touched my heart.
No more suffering for your grandmother now and she is with
our Lord now. Will keep her and you and your family in my prayers.

God bless you

that was beautiful. I will certainly pray for you, your family and your Grandmother.

I work in a nursing home and have for over 20 years. This really touched me. I can see the same thoughts in the eyes of many of the people that I have cared for in the past…and sometimes I have seen the look of peace that comes over them before they pass away. I am glad your family was able to be there. Sometimes people seem to hang on until one or all of their family members can be there. It was a wonderful gift that she gave you in the end, speaking for one last time. And it was a wonderful gift you gave to us in sharing her last words. Thank you.
How touching your tribute to your grandmother. It reminded me of my own grandmother 10 years ago. I asked God how could he let her live this way… The very next day she died peacefully just 4 days shy of her 87th birthday. There is not a doubt in my mind that she is in heaven and has been the guiding light in my life.God Bless you for sharing this with me!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing this touching, wonderful message. Peace to you and yours! :gopray:
You can rest assured that you, your family and most importantly your grandmother are in my prayers.

That was arguably one of the more touching stories I have ever read. Thank you so very much for sharing with all of us…


What a touching story. Today’s homily in our parish was about seeing God’s signs around us and having the faith to know how and when He communicates to us. It seems you have the ability to do that very well.

You and your family are in our prayers.


“May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” – Numbers 6:24-26
What a wonderful and moving tribute to your grandmother. She is blessed by a granddaughter like you. She, and your family, are in my prayers.

Thank you for sharing. Your thoughts and your writings help heal for anyone who has lost a loved one, I am sure.

🙂 Lilder
Wow, thank you for your gracious outpouring. I wasn’t sure if I should post the entire story or not as it was rather long and I didn’t know if anyone would read it! Your support, prayers and encouragement mean so much to me in return. If we can touch but one soul each day, what a blessing it is! I felt Our Lord’s own touch as I was writing, and am glad He is able to (sometimes!) use me as an instrument to pass on His Love and His Grace to others.

“For He Who is Mighty has done great things for me; and holy is His Name!”
Your message really hit home. My grandfather died 2 years ago his last words were OK God. He suffered alot in his life especially the last 4 or 5 years (leg amputated, etc). He would always repete the same prayer “OK GOD.” When he slept, while in pain, when his wife of 60 yrs passed, he always said “OK God.” God bless you and your family. You are in my prayers.
Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing Grandma Carrie with us.

My own grandmother, age 95, died last summer. Knowing that the time was near, my mother and her 2 sisters and brother called a priest to come to her home. He arrived and shortly thereafter, he began to pray and give her the “last rite.” It was during that beautiful blessing that she died.
Thank you for your beautiful story that brought tears to my eyes. I recently lost my Grandfather, and although I was not there when he passed, I was able to visit him in the hospital several times before he died to tell him how much I loved him and that we would all understand if he wanted to go home. This was a great consolation to me, just as your Grandma’s last words are for you and all who hear your story. How beautiful it is for you to ask for prayers for your Grandma Carrie. We need to remember our loved ones who have died. Just this week I requested a Mass to be said for my Grandfather. I think it is a shame that so many forget their loved ones after death, assuming that they are in Heaven. Well, thank you for reminding us! It never hurts to pray for them even if we are sure that they have attained Heaven.
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