Public Discomfort With Canadian Catholic Bishops’ Approach to Catholic Politicians Growing
OTTAWA, July 25, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - From far and near, from left and right, from Catholics and non-Catholics the actions and non-actions of the Canadian Catholic hierarchy toward Canadian Catholic politicians is coming under fire. The recent passage of the same-sex ‘marriage’ law in Canada with the votes of a majority of Catholic politicians, and at the behest of a Catholic Prime Minister has focussed attention in Canada on renegade Catholicism rampant in politics and seemingly unchecked by the majority of Canada’s bishops.
Of the well over 50 Catholic MPs and Senators who voted in favour of homosexual ‘marriage’ despite the desperate pleas of Catholic bishops, only three are known to have received any discipline from the Church, and all three happen to represent the same political party - the NDP the furthest left-leaning mainline party in Canada’s political makeup. MP Charlie Angus, has been denied communion by his priest with the support of Timmins Bishop Paul Marchand.
London Bishop Ronald Fabbro has publicly announced the MP Joe Comartin is no longer allowed to act in public roles in the Chruch, neither to give marriage preparation classes (as he did formerly) nor to distribute communion nor to read the Bible at Masses. MP Tony Martin who expressed publicly his support for homosexual ‘marriage’ prior to the vote on the legislation was suspended as a reader at Masses.
Sure enough the bishops who dared to act were blasted by the press for their actions, editorials cropped up in many papers decrying the Bishops for daring to do what faithful Catholics consider - taking the faith seriously. Even England’s (albeit left leaning) Catholic paper The Tablet decried the actions against Angus making him sound more like a martyr than a public sinner.
In mid July, the Windsor Star newspaper conducted a survey contacting 51 Catholic MP’s who had voted in favour of homosexual ‘marriage’. While most did not respond, 11 said they were not reprimanded in any way, four refused to say, 34 were unavailable and two (NDP MPs mentioned above) noted their reprimands.
OTTAWA, July 25, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - From far and near, from left and right, from Catholics and non-Catholics the actions and non-actions of the Canadian Catholic hierarchy toward Canadian Catholic politicians is coming under fire. The recent passage of the same-sex ‘marriage’ law in Canada with the votes of a majority of Catholic politicians, and at the behest of a Catholic Prime Minister has focussed attention in Canada on renegade Catholicism rampant in politics and seemingly unchecked by the majority of Canada’s bishops.
Of the well over 50 Catholic MPs and Senators who voted in favour of homosexual ‘marriage’ despite the desperate pleas of Catholic bishops, only three are known to have received any discipline from the Church, and all three happen to represent the same political party - the NDP the furthest left-leaning mainline party in Canada’s political makeup. MP Charlie Angus, has been denied communion by his priest with the support of Timmins Bishop Paul Marchand.
London Bishop Ronald Fabbro has publicly announced the MP Joe Comartin is no longer allowed to act in public roles in the Chruch, neither to give marriage preparation classes (as he did formerly) nor to distribute communion nor to read the Bible at Masses. MP Tony Martin who expressed publicly his support for homosexual ‘marriage’ prior to the vote on the legislation was suspended as a reader at Masses.
Sure enough the bishops who dared to act were blasted by the press for their actions, editorials cropped up in many papers decrying the Bishops for daring to do what faithful Catholics consider - taking the faith seriously. Even England’s (albeit left leaning) Catholic paper The Tablet decried the actions against Angus making him sound more like a martyr than a public sinner.
In mid July, the Windsor Star newspaper conducted a survey contacting 51 Catholic MP’s who had voted in favour of homosexual ‘marriage’. While most did not respond, 11 said they were not reprimanded in any way, four refused to say, 34 were unavailable and two (NDP MPs mentioned above) noted their reprimands.