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The greatest scourge, evil and sin of the world today is greed. What do you think, is it?
that’s one of them.

i think that most, if not all, of the sins today stem from the greatest of them all - pride.

greed is a big one, certainly. i guess you could categorize even sexual sins into a ‘greed’ for pleasure, but i think that’s stretching it.

money, sex, and power are the big three, and i think they’re precursor is pride.
I have heard that Thomas Merton said that all sin is the punishment for the primal sin of not knowing God.

Think about the parable of the servant forgiven his debt by his master. The servant then went out and throttled another servant who owed a far smaller sum. I would think that the greatest sin is ingratitude.
I think Jesus, in this Sunday’s gospel,covers one of the great ills of our time that produces sins of omission. This situation is the lack of humility. Recently it was reported that today’s children are the rudest of all times. No wonder with the “Me first” attitudes of today, the kids are growing up this way. Jesus talks about those who always seek out the best seats. Seems like no one today wants to sit in the cheap seats. I think this also speaks to the greed mentioned here.

Deacon Tony SFO
Greed is nasty. Pride and greed bring about selfishness. All just spiritual killers…and sooooooo easy to fall into.

Please God, I pray, keep me safe from these evils.
I would answer “Selfishness” which includes greed, lust, endless pursit of pleasure, etc.

This selfishness today is predominant in the Culture of Hedonism & Death. We need to stand stongly in opposition to this and stand for God and the Culture of Life.
I was trying to think of how to sum up in one word what I believe it is and I can’t. I think it is as someone else said…ME-ism. Self-gratification in all vices, not just one.

I believe one of the biggest problems is that people have lost the understanding that without God, we are nothing, have nothing. I love teaching my children about Bach because he constantly gives credit to God for his gifts, instead of claiming them as his own as if somehow he were solely responsible. Even the inventor of the telegraph (the name escapes me presently) gave God the glory for his abilities.

So how do you classify that? I can only think of “The World according to the Almighty ME.” Therefore, I can do what I want, when I want, how I want, because the only person I am accountable to is me.
i believe the classical word for what you describe would be ‘pride’.
I think this is a culture of the self at any costs. It has led to a culture of death and consume, buy, own, self-absorption and ultimately greed at ANY cost. Greed for possessions, money, sex, image, even time. Selfishness and greed in everything. Homes are not safe from greed, they are broken into and things stolen. Children are not safe from greed, the ‘i want’ culture. Adults constantly in the pursuit of acquiring material wealth at ANY cost in a wicked cycle of oneupmanship. This greed started with a pride in the self, I’d agree. That the self is all important and the self is to be satisfied at any cost. This sin of pride and greed has led people to then even judge what life is worthy and what life isn’t. If a baby is not wanted, so what get rid of it, if a baby is ill, it is not useful to society, it cannot acquire materially, therefore it is of no use, this is the attitude of society today. If someone is ill and/or old they cannot acquire materially, they are therefore of no use a drain on resources and so dispose of them too, this is also the doctrine of greed and pride in our society today.This is just a short analysis of the sin of greed, it infiltrates our closest relationships, where father and/or mother resents child, etc, the list is endless.

I feel we have become a culture of greed and lost love of each other and love of God in a cycle of the self. This is something every Christian should stand in opposition against
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