Greeting from Kuwait

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Just have a few minuets and the opportunity to pop into the forums. I am over in Kuwait for a couple of months and I sure do miss the time I had to come here and read. I don’t have many catholic friends in the army and I have come to depend on the “conversation” here, plus I learn from so many of you. But anyway, I just wanted to say hi from Kuwait and thank you to all who continue to keep us in your prayers.

God bless you Sgt Pat. You and all our troops are in my prayers.
Hello Sgt. Pat Just want you to know that we are thinking about you, praying for you and all the soldiers in Iraq and throughout the world. Take care of yourself and stay safe.

God Bless

Thank you for your service, my friend.

Watching President Bush’s inaugural address yesterday, he said:

You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs.

Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself, and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.

You are engaged in a good and Godly service to the world.

It’s snowing like crazy here in the States today. FYI.

Best to you.
Bless you Pat and the sacrifice you and your comrades are making for so many of us here in the States and in the Middle East. Do you have family you left behind that we could include in our prayers? And if you’re not meeting enough Catholics over there…consider that maybe it’s a part of your mission to bring not only peace and stability, but the beautiful example of God’s love to those you encounter.
Thank you for all you do to keep the enduring freedom effort going. I know that so many put so much into it. My daughter is a Navy pilot and returned from her first deployment to the Persian Gulf in July. She will be returning to that area in about 6 months.

I pray for all of you every day, as did my bible study last night. We pray for all our military every time we get together. Send us a post whenever you get a chance and you will generate a lot of prayer!
God Bless You Sgt. Pat!!!

What a brave soul you are indeed!

Are there many Catholic fellas over there? I’m looking into a group that makes rosaries for the troops to send to you all over there!

God Be With You in your endeavors!!!
God Bless you, Sgt.Pat and all those serving with you!

I’m so glad you had the time to pop in and say hello…gives us a chance to tell you how much we’re praying for you over here.

If you have any special intentions please post them if you get a chance to come on again and I know the result will be many prayers.

Thanks for serving and please pass this on to everyone you know over there!
You guys are all so very awesome. I am able to go to mass once a week, there are quite a few people who do attend mass, but no one that I work with does.

It does provide me with the opportunity to share my faith with my co-workers. One of the sergeants I work with went to Mass with me two Sunday’s ago. I spent the evening prior explaining to her about how and why I converted, and about why Mass is so very special to me; that I would go everyday if I could. I count it a privaledge to share my faith.

Just pray with and for me that all my thoughts, my words, and my deeds with bring honor to our Lord.

Thank you all for your kind responses.

it is said that my parents generation has been the greatest generation since they fought the second world war abroad and on the home front, and so they are. But those who served volunteered when it was highly praised, when the entire country was behind the effort, and in any case most were drafted. Today those like yourselves who are serving are volunteers doing so in the spite of indifferent support or outright opposition to the job you are doing, and of the military itself. You are therefore even more highly to be commended for reminding Americans of the high cost of freedom. We salute you and we pray for you.
Just pray with and for me that all my thoughts, my words, and my deeds with bring honor to our Lord.

Thank you all for your kind responses.

Will do! Ask Fr. Capodanno to interceed for you also. If you get a chance, see if you can get the book about him: “The Grunt Padre.”
Will do! Ask Fr. Capodanno to interceed for you also. If you get a chance, see if you can get the book about him: “The Grunt Padre.”
I saw the movie/documentary on EWTN, it was great! I’ll have to look for the book.
God Bless and be with you! Thank you for all you do! I pray for all military personnel every day and you’re prayed for in Church daily!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re a piece of the peace.

Keep “popping” in!
Thank you, Sgt. Pat, for what you are doing. You and your buddies are in the forefront of bringing about a whole new opportunity for mankind that is not yet seen by all the world, yet, except for the enemy. The enemy knows their days are numbered and are fighting with all the evil Satan can give them. Be assured that America is behind you and praying for you everyday. Also, be assured that what you and your buddies are doing are setting the foundation of the beginning of a whole new, greatest generation.

I have the Dennis Miller show on in the background in the other room and I just heard the tale end of his interview. He just finished interviewing 3 American men who were over in your part of the world. They got a loud round of applause and Dennis finished the interview saying, “And I, for one, thank God that we have men like you over there in the Middle East. Thank you, gentlemen.”

We pray for all your safety and success in your mission. God bless.👍
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