Grieving mother-in-law, spiritual dangers

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Hello All:

About a year ago my wife lost her grandfather. Obviously everyone on that side of the family is grieving in different ways, but I have noticed lately that my mother-in-law and some of her cousins have been sharing articles on Facebook about how loved ones can contact us, speak to us through signs, dreams, etc. Many of these articles are written by people who claim to be spiritual mediums. (See here for an example.)

My mother-in-law is a convert to Catholicism who doesn’t know much about her faith and I’m worried about her dabbling in these things, or at the least being very confused about the afterlife. She was not raised in a religious home, and no one in the extended family is a practicing Christian. Her father’s funeral, while it took place in a Methodist church, was a very dark affair. The pastor spoke little of the joys of heaven, and he offered almost no spiritual comfort (no mention of resurrection, etc.).

I am praying and fasting for their family that they may turn away from these things, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could gently bring this up to her? (Or even if I should?) I’m genuinely worried for her soul and those of her cousins who seem to be in the same difficulty.

Thank you!
I would contact Women of Grace who deal with the occult and can guide you better on how to approach them.
Let us pray that this is simply part of the grieving process as you first offered. People in such deep grief can do things that they would not try ordinarily. I wouldn’t worry so much about dreams, but signs… what signs?

I think the suggestion offered about the Catholic group who deals with occult issues may be a good one. Our defenses can be low in great times of mental anguish and turmoil. I would also suggest praying the rosary for her. Send her a St. Michael’s medal as a gift “for spiritual protection.” A gentle way to make an important point.

Playing around in the occult opens the doors to mental instability, and more as I know you are aware of or you would not be posting here.

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
" The Catechism of the Catholic Church says we must reject all forms of divination, including “recourse to mediums” (CCC, No. 2116), which are psychics who channel spirits of the dead in order to get information.

“In channeling, you’re basically invoking spirits and allowing them to use your person, your body, your voice, to speak through you,” Father Gesy said. “Therefore, what you’re going to get may appear to be of God but it isn’t.”


And you might find this helpful too.

Death is very final in Protestant theology. It’s also one of the reasons why I love Catholicism so much. I can pray for my deceased relatives souls. I can ask the Saints to bring my petitions before the Lord. Death isn’t an end, but really another beginning.

That said, I don’t think it’s Satan when I’m reminded out of the blue about a deceased relative. I don’t think it’s Satan when I have a dream of a dead relative. I think there can still be a connection between people’s souls after we die, especially after having a strong connection in life. In fact, sometimes these dreams can be very healing. They have been in my own life.

Personally, I wouldn’t say anything, unless they start spending thousands of dollars trying to “contact” the dead relatives. Is an obsession? Is it all that they want to do and talk about? Then, yeah - I’d be concerned. I’d take my cues from their behavior. Are they getting into Tarot or another ‘nature-based’ religion (like Wicca)? Are they consulting the “medium” more than Jesus? Are they spending more time talking about the “new age” than going to church?

I can understand being concerned if they are sharing articles, but if you know the motivation is because of grieving, then I’d hold my tongue for the moment. It’s natural to want to know that your loved one is “okay” on the “other side”. Especially, if you aren’t confident in what the “other side” is.

Yes, we should be wary of the occult. However, we should also realize that God uses dreams and “signs” (remember the burning bush) to communicate with His people as well. That’s where discernment comes in.

I get that my views may be “controversial”, but I think it limits God when we start saying that “X” is always evil or bad. There is so much that our conscious minds don’t pick up on, but our unconscious minds do all the time. Who’s to say that some people aren’t wired a little bit differently? Dreams help us deal with our problems.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want to dream about your dead loved ones and explore different ideas concerning how the mind works and what the mind and our souls might be able to do. Some of these things are just neat to think about and explore. That’s why there’s a whole genre called science fiction. 👍
Instead of her dabbling in that stuff encourage her to pray for the soul of her father and all the holy souls in purgatory…unless her father was as holy as the virgin mary and went straight to heaven chances are he may be in purgatory in need of prayer and dabbling around with that occult stuff wont help him in any way…

Read the two links in my signature in this post and share them with your mother in law too

God bless you


That said, I don’t think it’s Satan when I’m reminded out of the blue about a deceased relative. I don’t think it’s Satan when I have a dream of a dead relative. I think there can still be a connection between people’s souls after we die, especially after having a strong connection in life. In fact, sometimes these dreams can be very healing. They have been in my own life.
Absolutely. Having dreams or whatnot come to you that leave you feeling peace are certainly not divination; and can very much be from God for any number of reasons. The easy test is: does it bring you closer to God/ does it(the dream) glorify God?

These good things sent by God come to us passively.
It sounds like this poster is concerned because his relations are actively seeking out contact.
When we do this we are placing ourselves in the role of “god” and opening a door to darkness.
This very basic act can be profoundly harmful regardless of money spent or apparent obsession.
I can understand being concerned if they are sharing articles, but if you know the motivation is because of grieving, then I’d hold my tongue for the moment. It’s natural to want to know that your loved one is “okay” on the “other side”. Especially, if you aren’t confident in what the “other side” is.
We must find reassurance of this by simply trusting in God. To wish for or try anything else is again, assuming the roll of “god” ourselves.
Yes, we should be wary of the occult. However, we should also realize that God uses dreams and “signs” (remember the burning bush) to communicate with His people as well. That’s where discernment comes in.
See, the key difference is, Moses didn’t seek a burning bush. He was taking care of his own business.
I get that my views may be “controversial”, but I think it limits God when we start saying that “X” is always evil or bad.
Evil is always evil. That does not limit God.
There is so much that our conscious minds don’t pick up on, but our unconscious minds do all the time. Who’s to say that some people aren’t wired a little bit differently? Dreams help us deal with our problems.
Forgive me but; are you taking this personally?
One is not saying that *your *dreams and signs are evil when the person wishes to warn others of the potential consequences of the person’s actions.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to want to dream about your dead loved ones and explore different ideas concerning how the mind works and what the mind and our souls might be able to do. Some of these things are just neat to think about and explore. That’s why there’s a whole genre called science fiction.
Seems to me like it’s most healthy to move on and focus on the here and now; not dwell too much on things we can’t change.
It is very dangerous to explore in realms where there are very real creatures that very much wish us the greatest of harm.
I love reading scifi/fantasy stories but that is very different from actually opening my body/mind/spirit to peril; that is playing a game of brinkmanship with guides that have been placed to keep us safe.
Can you even dialogue with her? What does she know about her Faith? You can pick up on something and expand on it. If you can bring her to the Heart of Faith, Jesus Christ, thats were the healing begins. Pray for guidance, but you must know about the FAith yourself in order to lead her. You can take the place of the pastor and supply what he didn’t You can inform her about what the Faith says about contacting the dead, but that’s after she knows about Christ first. I believe that if you try t he strictly rational approach you will fail. God bless you in your efforts
try getting her some praise music to listen to. In James, we are told to draw close to God and demons will flee.

Invite her to grief support group at church.

From a Protestant point of view,

In Job we know that angels visit heaven daily for worship.
It makes sense that there is a heavenly language that all speak there.
The person who died had an guardian angel while on earth(I am not sure if unbelievers have one).
It is possible that guardian angel will visit loved ones in heaven sharing information with them, thus that person would know how to pray.
I Cornth letter we are told that angels are present in worship services on earth – head covering.

just some thoughts
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