Grounds for God's Omniscience

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I’ve been thinking of this lately and a simple syllogism would suffice. What are the arguments for God’s omniscience? Thank you 🙂
I don’t find any serious arguments in your link. Can you show me? They seem rather puerile, to be honest.

God is omniscient as Creator: for a thing to exist simply is for God to know it as such. He is purely immaterial and therefore purely rational… and His Being “touches” all things, therefore His Knowledge does also.
Hi! Do you know of any articles about the case for God’s omniscience?

Here’s a quick syllogism:

1 - God perfectly understands Himself.
2 - God is His Power due to His Perfect Simplicity.
3 - God perfectly understands His Power.
4 - Understanding a power perfectly means knowing perfectly what comes from it.
5 - God knows perfectly all things that come from His Power.
6 - All creation comes from God’s Power.
7 - God knows all creation perfectly.
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