I just received yet another e-mail at work that was a joke about a priest and a woman…I won’t go into detail but everybody around me is chuckling! I’m not and I said I didn’t think it was funny!
It is no secret in my workplace that I am Catholic. I have a wonderful calendar with JPII, some people have even given me the nickname “Pope”. I’m tired of acting like these jokes don’t bother me! It bothers me to the core.
Am I being too serious here? I have to be PC about a lot of things in the business place that I think are immoral. I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.
It is no secret in my workplace that I am Catholic. I have a wonderful calendar with JPII, some people have even given me the nickname “Pope”. I’m tired of acting like these jokes don’t bother me! It bothers me to the core.
Am I being too serious here? I have to be PC about a lot of things in the business place that I think are immoral. I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.