Grrrr...another e-mail with a priest joke!

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I just received yet another e-mail at work that was a joke about a priest and a woman…I won’t go into detail but everybody around me is chuckling! I’m not and I said I didn’t think it was funny!

It is no secret in my workplace that I am Catholic. I have a wonderful calendar with JPII, some people have even given me the nickname “Pope”. I’m tired of acting like these jokes don’t bother me! It bothers me to the core.

Am I being too serious here? I have to be PC about a lot of things in the business place that I think are immoral. I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.

Get use to it. It’s our lot in life. Just remember to dance and laugh when they start to hurl stones at you. Pain is only temporary. And heaven can heal all wounds.

Couldn’t it be considered harassment? if it were a sexual joke and you complained, under the law, that type of stuff would have to stop or it would be considered a hostile workplace. Seems this may be the same thing.
It’s Friday…lighten up. Priests, like any other identifiable group, are not exempt from being targets of humor–even humor that may occasionally be in poor taste.
Am I being too serious here?
I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.
Priest jokes started because of Catholics behaving badly, not because the world is out to get us. The problem started with those inside the Church.
Priest jokes started because of Catholics behaving badly, not because the world is out to get us. The problem started with those inside the Church.
I disagree…I have heard Catholic jokes and specifically priest jokes since I was a little kid…way before the media targeted Catholic Priests over all the other child molesters.
I used to get this alot at one place I worked, it was ok to slam the Catholic Church, but it wasn’t ok to say a darn thing about Jesse Jackson(reference:this happened at the time of the Decatur IL racial school riot and JJ was protesting the Decatur schools). My Co-worker loved to target priests, conservatives, Catholics etc. and we would argue about it often. He was one of my best friends at work too. Once we were arguing and we both got a little heated about it, we knew that even though we differed in opinion, we were still good friends. Apparently the boss didn’t know this and I got wrote up for raising my voice (we both were yelling, we both did the same job, hired a week apart, in other words equals) and he didn’t. Why? Cause he wasn’t a conservative Catholic and the boss was very political (and liberal, not to mention ex Catholic) minded and he agreed with the other guy. My friend even came to my defense and said we were both guilty of shouting but it didn’t make a difference! BTW Neither of us works there anymore and we are still very good friends.
Unfortunately, this is something that goes on everyday in the workplace. All you can do is to use your delete button and move on. Don’t participate in the laughter if it is a direct hit at our faith. I choose not to watch certain shows on TV because of the remarks that are made to our faith. (Family Guy, Simpsons, etc.)
I agree we must be strong, I have a boss who just loves to zing me everytime there is a priest accused of molestation. Sometimes I get so agitated with his remarks that I tell him that Ministers, Boy Scout Leaders, Rabbi, not exempt. It is because we have a faith that is unbendable and will not give in to
Societies demands. Sometimes an up hill battle. But I am up for the battle.
Benedictus - had I sent a tasteless e-mail joking about lesbianism I likely would have been reprimanded because, God forbid I offend the openly gay in our workplace! We are expected to be “PC” in the workplace. But “PC” does not extend to the Catholic religion and we all know it! I told the person who sent it that I didn’t think it was funny.

Was I being too serious - probably - but hopefully I got my point across and I will be left off the list of Catholic bashing jokes!
Benedictus - had I sent a tasteless e-mail joking about lesbianism I likely would have been reprimanded because, God forbid I offend the openly gay in our workplace! We are expected to be “PC” in the workplace. But “PC” does not extend to the Catholic religion and we all know it! I told the person who sent it that I didn’t think it was funny.

Was I being too serious - probably - but hopefully I got my point across and I will be left off the list of Catholic bashing jokes!
I feel the same way 👍
I just received yet another e-mail at work that was a joke about a priest and a woman…I won’t go into detail but everybody around me is chuckling! I’m not and I said I didn’t think it was funny!

It is no secret in my workplace that I am Catholic. I have a wonderful calendar with JPII, some people have even given me the nickname “Pope”. I’m tired of acting like these jokes don’t bother me! It bothers me to the core.

Am I being too serious here? I have to be PC about a lot of things in the business place that I think are immoral. I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.

Well if you send them this joke they won’t know whether to laugh or cry.

But I expect they’re suffering from Ostrich Syndrome, an all too common disease nowadays.

Speck, log, plank, ummm ! or maybe the pot calling the pan black ***

I usually laugh at them, but it’s hard to tell who’s having fun and who’s being devious.

**We would be naïve and dishonest were we to say this is a Roman Catholic problem and has nothing to do with us because we have married and female priests in our church. Sin and abusive behavior know no ecclesial or other boundaries." Rt. Rev. William Persell, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, Good Friday Sermon, 2002. ** Source.
Here’s what I think. If you are genuinly upset at the joke, then you need to lighten up. I for one find a lot of the Priest jokes funny. I also find a lot of the Protestant jokes funny.

If you just want to prove a point about other “classes” being protected, but Catholicism is not, then by all means, complain away. I agree that it’s not right for lesbian and black jokes to be punished and not Catholic jokes.

But, in reality, they’re just jokes. If you don’t find them funny, that’s your right, but if you let yourself be seriously affected, then that’s your fault.
one time my BOSS told a very taistless catholic joke in the front of the GROCERY store where we worked. I wish there would have been a catholic customer around because he would not be there anyumore, but alas, there was not. I put my hands on my hips and said to hime, “excuse me sir, I would appriciate it if you would not say such things in front of me.” he just walked off. I get stuff like that all the time in e-mails from friends. I try and send them a polite e-mail telling them that those jokes offend me and they quit sending them and usually appologize. I don’t know why people can’t sned good clean well humored jokes in the work place. there is a great thread on the water cooler of fairly taistful jokes that really wouldn’t bother anyone. why can’t people stick to humor like that? it’s got to be filth to be funny.

you were right in putting your foot down. but remember to always try and be a good evangolest. we’re out there with the wolves when we are at work. I feel bad for you. probably the only catholic there, right?
I just received yet another e-mail at work that was a joke about a priest and a woman…I won’t go into detail but everybody around me is chuckling! I’m not and I said I didn’t think it was funny!

It is no secret in my workplace that I am Catholic. I have a wonderful calendar with JPII, some people have even given me the nickname “Pope”. I’m tired of acting like these jokes don’t bother me! It bothers me to the core.

Am I being too serious here? I have to be PC about a lot of things in the business place that I think are immoral. I’m tired of Catholicism and Priests being an open target for jokes and ridicule.

Because you do not laugh at the jokes you are witnessing to your faith. They are aware that you are not laughing.

You may want to offer up your pain and suffering about this (and it is suffering!) to the Lord, hopefully for their change of heart.
Well, I would almost rather be called “Pope”. I talk to people about Christ all the time, and it is no secret at my work at that I am a huge Catholic.

Did I mention I am a 21 year old male? I just thought I would point that out because I get called “Mother Theresa”. I don’t really mind though. Word got around and now and people come in all the time to talk about Christ. Lots of Protestants 😃

So don’t think of it as a bad thing. I asked God a few times to help me speak with Protestants…but the best way to do that isn’t by throwing it in thier face. I try and be the best Christian I can, and people notice. Trust me.

I am also a Marine, so swearing and talking almost go hand in hand. But I don’t swear, and people notice. I don’t call people…indecent names. People notice.

This isn’t a cross, it is a blessing! It can seem hard sometimes, but God makes good out of all things.
I disagree with the posters who say you should blow it off.
If your co-workers know you are a faithful catholic, yet continue to participate in this behaviour - It is ILLEGAL and the workplace could be SUED.
Your superiors, if they aren’t living in the dark ages will know this and stop the behavior at once. It isn’t 1966 anymore. And to just blow it off is wrong and gutless. Sure you can offer it up, but at the same time you should do something about it. What is next, blaspheming Jesus, Mary, the Eucharist in the workplace? Is that also tolerable? Should that just be ignored?
If it were me, I wouldn’t make a big deal about it to my boss… I would simply send a reply back that said:

I don’t think this is funny.

And that’s it. The person who sent it is either a jerk or doesn’t know the joke was offensive. If he’s a jerk… the emails will keep coming… it he didn’t know, maybe they will stop.

Bottom line… sometimes co-workers are jerks but we have to put up with them anyhow.
suing workplaces because co-workers make fun of you is pretty weak.
suing workplaces because co-workers make fun of you is pretty weak.
You can think that if you want but it doesn’t dismiss the reality of discrimination and harrassment lawsuits. I too, think a lot of law suits are bunk. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a reality.
If you don’t think that faith/ethnicity/gender bashing in the workplace has any basis for lawsuits - think again. Try bashing a muslim, a gay, a woman, on the basis of religion, sexual orientation, or gender… just try it in any legitimate workplace, and you will find yourself in a heap of trouble. It is naive to believe there is no basis for a person sueing their workplace for not protecting workers from this. And if you think you can reduce it to harmless fun and jokes… I have four letters for you A-C-L-U.
Sure - they don’t defend christians too often, but they have laid the groundwork for harrassment lawsuits inside the workplace. It is a reality.
There is also the American Center for Law and Justice. A.C.L.J. - they specifically defend Christians in the workplace.
All a person has to do is say something to their boss, document it, and a good employer will know the right thing to do.
Neither is it weak to stick up for priests in the workplace. If someone did that in my workplace I would be ON THEM like white on rice.
It takes no guts to just let people roll over you, your faith, and our beloved faith. Don’t be naive. :tsktsk:
Ok, if we weren’t picked on then we should begin to worry.
Hey lukefan, I agree with you totally. Unfortunately, in our society, it is okay to be anti-Catholic, but not okay to be anti-semitic, racist, or anti-gay. Jokes against priests, nuns, or the Catholic Church are anti-Catholic. And it is not acceptable, in my opinion, when the one telling or sending the joke is Catholic. Indeed, that is worse. I believe that we must politely but firmly express our displeasure at such jokes. Something simple like “I don’t appreciate jokes that disparage my faith” gets the message across in a non-confrontational way.
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