Guardian angel names

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Do any of you know the name of your guardian angel? I remember in high school being told that if we are open and we keep praying that our guardian angels will reveal their names to us. I didn’t have some big revelation all at once, but over time and prayers (and including my guardian angel in my nightly prayers) I feel convinced that his name is Paul. Anybody else with similar experiences?
My dad told me that you can name your guardian angel. The first name that came to mind was my, at the time favorite, Amy. Perhaps my angel told me then? 🙂
There was a huge thread on this-some people pointed out that asking for your angel’s name is a bad idea, because sometimes less…worthy…sources put the name in your head.

It gave an example of a woman whos guardian angel’s name was “Ishtar,” some sort of female pagan goddess worshiped in some Satanic cults. She had never heard of her.

Also, naming them isn’t neccessarily a good idea, either. Naming them implies authority. God named light and dark etc, Adam named the animals, parents name their children, etc…

Sorry to rain on your parade, I was saddened when I read the conclusions, too. I’d rather not risk it.
Someone at my Charismatic prayer gru\oup suggested praying to our guardian angels, asking them to give us names for them.
I tried this and got the name “Paul”.
I’ve used it ever since.
I made the suggestion to my mother, who prayed and got the name “Daniel” for her guardian angel.
Yes, I’ve heard people go both ways on this, some in favor of naming, some not. Personally, I feel it’s not within my authority to “name” my guardian angel because he already has a name given to him by God.
Yes, I’ve heard people go both ways on this, some in favor of naming, some not. Personally, I feel it’s not within my authority to “name” my guardian angel because he already has a name given to him by God.
I agree. We have no authority to give them names.
I think asking them is different, though. That leaves it up to the angel whether to respond, and what name to use if they do.
I gave my Guardian angel an affectionate nick name. I know he/she has a name given by God, just as I have one given my my parents. The folks who love me do not call my by that name but an affectionate nickname. My name is Roberta, I am called Bert or Berta.

The way I see it is that my Guardian Angel is with me every second of my life. I tend to see my angel as a he so I usually say “him”. I believe he loves and protects me and whispers to me about the Holy Trinity. With this very close relationship, what would I call him, just “Angel”. That is just too strange to me.
I am not sure on the licitness or otherwise of this practice, but when I was in the process of conversion I used to go to hill to chill and learn to pray. I asked my gaurdian Angel for his name and a voice spoke to me in the Air; “Timothy”
I dont think it offends God as long as we dont worship them as some of these new age types do
God Bless
Would you say everyone has a guardian angel? I was never raised to believe I have not (nor was I raised to believe I didn’t, it simply never came up).

If I do have one, how do you suggest I go about introducing myself, not that they wouldn’t already know me.
Interesting stories from you all. I think when it comes down to whether we should or shouldn’t ask for guardian angel names, it seems invalid to say we shouldn’t. If we cannot do a little simple Q&A with our guardian angel for fear of unworthy sources planting the answer in our heads, how can we possibly trust the answers we get concerning the big questions we have?

Everyone has a guardian angel. I was raised as a very young kid saying the guardian angel prayer, so it was just assumed from a young age. I guess the easiest way to introduce oneself is just to petition your guardian angel for prayers, or to who you are during prayer.

Everyone has a guardian angel. Our angel is with us every second, and hears all we say. That means we can talk to them, and expect them to know and understand all we say to them.🙂
Sounds great.

But I have another question…is there scriptural basis for everyone having a guardian angel?
Yes, there is a scriptural basis for that. Check out Psalm 90:11-12 and Tobit 12:12 from the OT, and Matthew 18:10 and Acts 12:11, 15 from the NT.
Thanks so much, I see now that I’ve been missing out on talks with my guardian angel. Thank you!
I didn’t have a name for my guardian angel until a dear friend told me about naming them. She is a good and Holy woman. I don’t worship him but I consider him to be a very dear friend who is there when I am in trouble. His name Dominic.The name came out of thin air. I questioned his name but then it was revieled again to me through prayer. If you listen he/she will tell you. Dominic has gotten me out of many scrapes.
Also, naming them isn’t neccessarily a good idea, either. Naming them implies authority. God named light and dark etc, Adam named the animals, parents name their children, etc…

Sorry to rain on your parade, I was saddened when I read the conclusions, too. I’d rather not risk it.
I disagree. My grandfather (who is a permanent Deacon) told all of us (grand children) to name our guardian angel. Not because we thought we had “authority” over it, but because it is a companion on our spiritual journey. Pretend you were walking in a desert with someone who you didn’t even know their name. That would be pretty lonley. And about the woman naming her angel something Satanic…that seems iffy because if you believe sin does not arise from God, you must believe his messengers are no different. Why would a guardian angel cause you to sin. That’s not it’s purpose. The Holy Spirit wouldn’t cause this either because it’s part of t he Trinity and a component of God Himself. Just my two cents…
Yes, there is a scriptural basis for that. Check out Psalm 90:11-12 and Tobit 12:12 from the OT, and Matthew 18:10 and Acts 12:11, 15 from the NT.
Um, how does Psalm 90:11-12 refer to angels? I’m confused.
I didn’t name mine, but gave him/her a title …

As a Gen-Xer, I decided to call him by the generic “name of honor” of our generation, and that name is DUDE.

Gen-Xers call each other “Dude.” The name can be used with either man or woman,** and it signifies a deep and unspoken camaraderie. You can even use the name with strangers. It is a compliment of the highest caliper!

The word DUDE has about 50 different meanings, depending on tone-of-voice and inflection. It can be a salutation, like “Hey Dude!” or a question, “Dude?” or it be an adjective meaning cool, “Doooooood!” or it can mean a phrase if combined with an exaggerated facial expression. Example: the word, “Dude?!?!” combined with a bewildered facial expression means, “Hey, what did you do that for?”

A DUDE can also be a noun, a title given to someone who is easy to be around. A DUDE is trustworthy, fun, and friendly. A DUDE is fair. A DUDE doesn’t lie to you or cheat you. A DUDE is like unto a man on a white horse, chivarous and honorable. A DUDE a TITLE that is given to someone worthy of being called a DUDE! (You gotta be worthy though. The opposite of a DUDE is a J*RK or an A-Hole).

My Angel is worthy of the title, “Dude,” until such time that his/her (angels are asexual) real name is revealed to me by God.

**Some women prefer to be referred to as Dudettes, but the title of “Dude” can refer to either.

Kristina P.:
Um, how does Psalm 90:11-12 refer to angels? I’m confused.
Ah, good call…I mean, ahem, I was just testing to see if you’d look it up! 😃

It’s supposed to be Psalm 91:11-12: “For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways. With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”
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