Guardian Angel Stories

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Do any of you have any guardian angel stories, such as unique experiences you have had with an angel? Sometimes it is hard to tell if someone was actually a guardian angel with a message or just a human being with a divine message from God. Here is the story of my 22 year old daughter who is a fallen away Catholic.

She was sitting outside on her break at a large mall. A man about 50 years old walked up to her, carrying a bag of sunglasses. He said, “Could I get your opinion on which pair of sunglasses looks best on me?” He proceeded to try on each pair, but while doing so, he continued to talk to her, revealing things about her that he would have had no way of knowing. He said, “I bet you come from a good family. . .I bet you come from a good Catholic family.” He went on and on saying things about her life and interests, and was right on the mark. He said to her, “you need to go back to Church, you need to go back to Mass.” He said he goes to Mass with his wife every Sunday and it’s the best thing in the world.

At first we thought for sure this was her guardian angel, but it was explained to me that a guardian angel would not relate his life as if living here on the earth, such as being married. But, this was definitely a message from God through another human being.

What’s your story?
A friend of mine in England told me of a story once where she was walking through some back country and came upon a boggie area. She was a bit stuck and having difficulty moving or finding firm footing anywhere.

She said she looked up and saw a man some distance away in a bright orange coat of some sort, and he was pointing. She started moving in the direction he was pointing, looking down frequently to watch her footing. She made her way safely out of the boggie area and turned back to thank the man, but he was nowhere to be seen and there was nothing around that would have concealed him had he just walked away.
Though Angels are pure spirit I wonder about “the Angel of Mercy” who came to our aid at the time of my husband’s desperate struggle with cancer at the end of his life…
When he was given only weeks to live, I had a choice to bring him home or let him stay in the hospital. He hated hospitals and his mind was starting to go due to the cancer traveling to his brain. I new with God’s help I could do it.
Hospice and the VNA came in, only they couldn’t get a regular nurse for him at first. Out of the blue, I received a call saying that they found just the person. It was a very gentle and caring young man from South America… He had the kindest eyes and was so caring… He would talk to me at great lengths and give me strength. He was so compassionate with my husband….

After my husband’s death, I called the VNA to thank them for all they had done and to especially recommend this “Special” man…. they didn’t know whom I was talking about…. they never had him listed as even a Temp or otherwise! So, I ask you…was he some sort of a messenger? In my heart, know he was…:angel1:
I’m sure I’ve got a big, spiritually buff guardian angel, because he somehow overcame my complacency and rebellion and got me back to Church. Well, it’s a nice theory, anyway…

I don’t know if it was MY guardian angel, or just a crazy man on the street, but there was something going on in an encounter I had: I was in Rome this past March, halfway desiring to make a full comeback, but still hesitant because it would mean I’d have to make some painful changes.

My hostel was about two blocks from St. Peter’s, and I’d take the walk past the wall toward St. Peter’s Square every morning no matter where I was headed in the city. There was this dusty, chaotically-dressed man I assumed was homeless standing halfway between the hostel and the Square. As I passed him, he said in this creepy, cracking voice of undeterminate accent, “Go to Con-fess-ee-unnn…”

The first time, it creeped me out, and I had a nervous laugh about it. The second time, I couldn’t ignore it. After a quick hike to the top of St. Peter’s (with magnificent views), I found an American priest and he heard my Confession right there in the bascilica. I went to Mass in St. Peter’s later that day.

I saw that wierdo once more, but I don’t recall hearing him dispense his advice any more… :eek:
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