Guardian angels, are they unique?

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I have a question concerning guardian angels.

Does the Church have any teaching on what happens to our guardian angels after our death (or indeed what they do priot to our conception).

Do they continue to accompany us in the life hereafter?

Or do they leave us for other duties?

Do they maybe become the guardian angel of another human after our departure from this world?

And if so, it would be possible that a single angel could be the guardian of many many humans over time.

Could it be (and I’m speculating here) that if this is the case, that this could be the basis of the misunderstanding that leads people to believe in reincarnation? Ie, souls being confused with guardian nagels.
I have a question concerning guardian angels.

Does the Church have any teaching on what happens to our guardian angels after our death (or indeed what they do priot to our conception).

Do they continue to accompany us in the life hereafter?

Or do they leave us for other duties?

Do they maybe become the guardian angel of another human after our departure from this world?

And if so, it would be possible that a single angel could be the guardian of many many humans over time.

Could it be (and I’m speculating here) that if this is the case, that this could be the basis of the misunderstanding that leads people to believe in reincarnation? Ie, souls being confused with guardian nagels.
The angels go to Heaven whether you do or not.

I think they are unique to us, there are many angels out there.

Angels have nothing to do with the belief that some have with reincarnation.
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 - Lesson 4

Q. 216. What are angels?

A. Angels are pure spirits without a body, created to adore and enjoy God in heaven.

Q. 217. If Angels have no bodies, how could they appear?

A. Angels could appear by taking bodies to render themselves visible for a time; just as the Holy Ghost took the form of a dove and the devil took the form of a serpent.

Q. 218. Name some persons to whom Angels appeared.

A. Angels appeared to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph; also to Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Tobias and others.

Q. 219. Were the angels created for any other purpose?

A. The angels were also created to assist before the throne of God and to minister unto Him; they have often been sent as messengers from God to man; and are also appointed our guardians.

Q. 220. Are all the Angels equal in dignity?

A. All the Angels are not equal in dignity. There are nine choirs or classes mentioned in the Holy Scripture. The highest are called Seraphim and the lowest simply Angels. The Archangels are one class higher than ordinary Angels.

Q. 221. Mention some Archangels and tell what they did.

A. The Archangel Michael drove Satan out of heaven; the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Blessed Virgin that she was to become the Mother of God. The Archangel Raphael guided and protected Tobias.

Q. 222. Were Angels ever sent to punish men?

A. Angels were sometimes sent to punish men. An Angel killed 185,000 men in the army of a wicked king who had blasphemed God; an Angel also slew the first-born in the families of the Egyptians who had persecuted God’s people.

Q. 223. What do our guardian Angels do for us?

A. Our guardian Angels pray for us, protect and guide us, and offer our prayers, good works and desires to God.

Q. 224. How do we know that Angels offer our prayers and good works to God?

A. We know that Angels offer our prayers and good works to God because it is so stated in Holy Scripture, and Holy Scripture is the Word of God.

Q. 225. Why did God appoint guardian Angels if He watches over us Himself?

A. God appointed guardian Angels to secure for us their help and prayers, and also to show His great love for us in giving us these special servants and faithful friends.

Q. 226. Were the angels, as God created them, good and happy?

A. The angels, as God created them, were good and happy.

Q. 227. Did all the angels remain good and happy?

A. All the angels did not remain good and happy; many of them sinned and were cast into hell, and these are called devils or bad angels.

Q. 228. Do we know the number of good and bad Angels?

A. We do not know the number of the good or bad Angels, but we know it is very great.

Q. 229. What was the devil’s name before he fell, and why was he cast out of heaven?

A. Before he fell, Satan, or the devil, was called Lucifer, or light-bearer, a name which indicates great beauty. He was cast out of heaven because through pride he rebelled against God.

Q. 230. How do the bad Angels act toward us?

A. The bad Angels try by every means to lead us into sin. The efforts they make are called temptations of the devil.

Q. 231. Why does the devil tempt us?

A. The devil tempts us because he hates goodness, and does not wish us to enjoy the happiness which he himself has lost.

Q. 232. Can we by our own power overcome the temptations of the devil?

A. We cannot by our own power overcome the temptations of the devil, because the devil is wiser than we are; for, being an Angel, he is more intelligent, and he did not lose his intelligence by falling into sin any more than we do now. Therefore, to overcome his temptations we need the help of God.
I am unaware of Catholic teaching on the questions you have posed. We certainly have a specific angel whose vocation is to assist us towards the Face of God in this life.
What our relationship is after our death we do not know, but I expect at least a card at Christmas. Enough that we have the strength of one of these powerful spirits behind us. I owe mine a great deal. I often ask Our Lady to send reinforcements if they are needed but I don’t like to hurt my GA’s feeling in case my prayers imply inadequacy on its part. (I think it and Our Lady have a bit of a shared joke at my expense.)
I don’t see why you would need a guardian angel after physical death. They are assigned by God to protect you here. You can’t do but so much alone against the supernatural. They protect, defend.
But I expect at least a card at Christmas. Enough that we have the strength of one of these powerful spirits behind us. I owe mine a great deal
Me too, I suspect we’ll get to know each other better, and I imagine I’m deeply in-dept, I don’t believe the dept could be paid. So I guess I’ll be sending the yearly cards. Their protection is very similar to Gods as its His will. Their timing is impeccable, its the last moment intercession when you just kinda know someone interceded, surely you at least know it was nothing you did.

Sincere thank you is no doubt in order.
As many have mentioned its a difficult question you pose. What I would like to say though is we should all avail ourselves more of our Guardian Angels for instance when I’m headed to a meeting I will ask my Angel to go ahead of me and meet with the other person’s angel and make friends so our meeting will go well, or send him ahead to save me a good seat at church. I understand Angels can bilocate so I send him to protect members of my family at times.

I chuckled the other day when I asked my silent guardian if Angels ever sleep or laugh at jokes. I have a feeling in eternity they won’t be so silent as they are now.

A pious friend once mentioned there was a novena you could say to learn the name of your guardian angel but she is gone now and no one else knows of it :mad:

Oh, and I always say the Angel Prayer when I get in a car, boat or plane.
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