Kids might be expensive, but the choices parents make for and about them truly determine that. Two families living in the same neighborhood will have differing expenses related to life, marriage and kids. That doesn’t make either Family wrong. It doesn’t make one better than the other or even more generous. It’s not fair to state that kids are expensive as a blanket statement, just as it would not be fair to deny that they can be. Those are the kinds of statements that draw lines in the sand, pick sides, and thumb noses at one another. It is also why the Church leaves those decisions to each family to work out for themselves.
I attended Catholic schools from Kindergarten through college. I can tell you that not all of the schools were good. It was not worth paying tuition form them when public schools were just as good (and more diverse with less snobbiness) and free. Other schools were wonderful. The good sisters that taught at one brought us to daily Mass, monthly confession, truly prepared us for sacraments, and loved us dearly. Not only was the school much cheaper and very ethnically diverse, it was the lowest prices with many options for scholarships. Please thoroughly check the school out before committing.
I’ve taught at public schools in many areas. There is a wide range there as well. It isn’t the worst thing to happen if your children attend a decent public school. A bad catholic school can harm the faith more than the decent public school can. Once again, thoroughly check the school (Catholic, public, or private) before committing.
If you decide to have another child, I don’t think you will regret the decision. If you don’t have another child, I don’t think you will necessarily regret the choice, but you may find that the plans you have for the two you have already change over time anyway. Don’t let future plans and dreams rule to the point that they become inflexible. That is where people run into disappointments. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks or says, it isn’t their family. Try to slow down a little and realize that you don’t need to have tuition or school choices planned out for several years in the future yet. Unless you are my age (late 40’s), you also don’t need to rush the discerning for a baby yet either. There is time. Slow down and breathe.
God will give you the grace you need to make the decisions that are best in your unique and lovely family. I’ll pray for you and for a happy future