Had someone ask me an odd question

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I had someone ask me an odd question and I have no idea how to reply. I told him I would get back to him on it. I am hoping someone can help me out here.

This person said in his youth (he is middle aged now) he made some sort of “deal” with Satan. He didn’t go into detail, but he said he has since tried to live a good Christian life, but feels that “deal” continues to follow him. He said it feels as if that has somehow kept him from actually having the relationship with God he wants to have. He asked me what he should do about it, said he feels as if he has damned himself and will never be able to undo what he thinks he did. Other than saying talk to a priest, which apparently he doesn’t want to do at this point, I have no idea what to tell him.

Making and undoing deals with the devil is not something I know much about. Thanks.
First, he really needs to see a priest. This is the type of thing that requires some professional help.

Second, if he’s not ready to see the priest, he should pray to Jesus and also ask the intercession of Mother Mary, St. Joseph (Terror of Demons), and St. Michael the Archangel every day. Ask for their help and also for the strength to go talk to a priest about that.

Third, you can pray for him and we can all pray for him.

Fourth, he also needs to trust in God. God is always stronger than the Devil, God will always win. If he asks God for help and trusts God then God will help him get free of whatever he needs to get free of.
Your friend needs to seek God’s grace.
‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’ - Romans 12:21
First of all no one can peddle away his soul to the devil, the reason is that the soul does not actually belong to you, yes it is yours in the sense that you are responsible for where it will end but no owns his/her soul it is a gift of GOD.
Bearing that in mind when someone commits that kind of act the only real remedy is to seek the help of Priest.
When we are Baptized either infant or adult there is a clear invocation in the rejection of the devil and all of what he stands for.
If he/she is a Catholic then reconciliation is the remedy, if he/she is not perhaps you can help in providing an apology for the faith and hopefully nudge towards the faith.
Ultimately it is up to the Holy Spirit so a good dose of prayer certainly is also needed.

I think the great peril your friend faces is despair.

Nothing he has done is bigger than God’s forgiveness or more powerful than a good confession.
He said it feels as if that has somehow kept him from actually having the relationship with God he wants to have.
There are already excellent answers to the overall question, but I wanted to examine his feeling that his “deal” with the devil has such an effect on his relationship with God.

It is human nature to look for cause and effect, and the tendency is so strong that we sometimes get it wrong. Sometimes see cause where there is none. His sense that something is missing or wrong is very likely (in my opinion) to have a more ordinary explanation.

I have never made a deal with the devil, but I too feel a kind of disappointment and worry about my relationship with God. I work on it, by prayer among other things, and as time goes by, it improves ever so gradually. Some people have a closer relationship with God, but I’m not them, and I am where I am.

So I would suggest to your friend that the quality of his relationship with God is held back by normal human frailty and weakness. With God’s grace, and his cooperation, his love for God can grow and bear fruit in his life.
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Does your friend say why he doesn’t want to talk to a priest? It may be that he can release himself from this situation by going to confession (which involves talking to a priest, I know) and praying about it, but, honestly, there is not going to be anybody better qualified to deal with this than a priest. If your friend was sick, he would talk to a doctor. If your friend was charged with a crime, he would talk to an attorney. If your friend’s house was falling down, he would talk to an architect. If he has made a deal with Satan, I think he needs to do the obvious thing and talk to a priest. It seems that what he is doing at the moment is the spiritual equivalent of looking up his symptoms on WebMD. One chat with a priest and he could have this sorted. Alternatively, he can spend the rest of his life trying to figure it out for himself.
In addition to all of these things, active intervention by a priest being prime among them, there are also deliverance prayers. He would do well to recite these in the presence of a priest, ideally before the Blessed Sacrament.

Father Chad Ripperger, a priest of God, but nonetheless a teacher and commentator about whose various ideas I have mixed feelings, has a book of them. Tolle, lege!

Tell your friend that he has free will, he’s not ‘damned’ and tell him to pray these deliverance prayers every day (especially when he doesn’t want to). They specifically address deals with the enemy and, yes, lay people can pray them Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance - English Prayers

Satanists have converted and become priests. I think there’s even a saint out there who used to be a satanist (not sure about…you may want to google it). God is all powerful, not the enemy. Sure…the enemy wants this guy to think it’s too late for him but no…as long as he’s breathing, he has time to turn back to God and God will welcome him back with open arms.
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