I’m not sure I understand where Catholics fall when it comes to the celebration of Halloween. I hear “redeem Halloween” and then I here that it’s okay to go out trick-or-treating, but preferably dressed as a saint. I’m not sure where I fall. Not having much understanding of All Saint’s Day and All Souls Day (my parents, though Catholic, did not ever mention these days to me) I grew up dressing up silly and trick-or-treating. I now have a desire to learn about important Cahtolic traditions, but I’m not certain that throwing out the trick-or-treating all togerther is necessary. After all on Christmas we don’t throw out Christmas trees and wreaths. I would like to get together with another family and do some fun things on Halloween and perhaps leave some of the lessons to be learned about All Saint’s and All Soul’s for those days (I homeschool and could easily incorporate these lessons on those days). Do people engage in any activities on these days? Or should I say is it permissible to teach your children on these days separate from the fun experienced the night before. I guess I need to know exactly what does the Church expect people to do on the eve before All Saint’s and All Soul’s Day? I’m struggling with this and would appreciate some replies.
Thanks in advance,
God Bless You,
Thanks in advance,
God Bless You,