Hand washing in these unusual times

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How many times a day* do you wash your hands with soap and water? (excluding use of hand gel)

*day = 24 hours, midnight to midnight šŸ˜‰

  • None
  • 1-5 times
  • 6-10 times
  • 11-15 times
  • 16-20 times
  • More than 20 times
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Iā€™m taking care of my 93 year old mother, so Iā€™m washing my hands more often than I might do otherwise.
This really is nothing new for me, but I really need to stop touching my face.
I would guess 10 times on average so I voted 10, but it could be in the 16-20 region.
Iā€™ll try and count today how many times. Iā€™m already up to at least 3-4 times and itā€™s not even 10 am.

I have a lot of cats, some of them are living with me because they have bad ā€œhabitsā€ and wound up in a kill shelter as a result, so if I did not take them they were probably going to get the needle.
I clean up cat bodily fluids and solids (both ends) and wash cat boxes daily except when Iā€™m away for a couple days and then they always make double the mess for me to clean up when I get home. Every time I clean up or pick up I have to wash my own hands, on top of all the handwashing I do for my own personal hygiene like use the bathroom myself, or wash hands to cook or after eating something sticky etc.
I normally donā€™t use or buy hand sanitizer, I use soap and water and sinks.
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Iā€™ve started washing my hands as soon as I walk into my house.
I also hand sanitize when I get into my car. And wipe down the door handles and steering wheel.
Any place I go now that has hand sanitizer at the door, I use it.
And Iā€™ve pretty much stopped touching my face.

At work, weā€™ve been going through antibacterial wipes like theyā€™re water. Wiping down the nursesā€™ station, the med cart. Trying to keep it as clutter free (to decrease surface area for germs).
And thatā€™s not to mention we have a housekeeping department thatā€™s doing the same things.

I used to wash hands between patients, but now Iā€™m finding Iā€™m also washing hands if Iā€™m sitting at the desk charting or whatever.

I can see developing OCD from all this.
I was at the mall yesterday, and anywhere there was hand sanitizer, I used it.
I can see it being really rough when youā€™re in health care and have a great likelihood of coming into contact with infected people in the course of your day.

I am happy to see a number of Catholic churches, though not all, are putting out bottles of hand sanitizer in the vestibule and putting up signs telling people to use it coming in and going out.
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Yeah, a lot of stores are still open. However, I should probably point out that a good chunk of the stores at the mall were closed. Most of the people there, were either elderly or teenagers, and unfortunately teenagers clusterā€¦ I also took some paper towels from the bookstore menā€™s room, because you know I might not have toilet paper for very longā€¦
Iā€™ve still got plenty of toilet paper, itā€™s more of a precautionary measure.
Better to lay in a supply of washcloths and a couple plastic bins (one to keep with bleach water for used ones, the other to hold the clean ones ā€¦ then launder on sanitize. Thatā€™s my solution for if my supply does not extend to the normalization of supply.

Iā€™m always a frequent hand-washer. I cannot use anti-bacterial soap or hand sanitizing gelā€“my skin reacts very badly and starts to crack and bleed after a single application, and intact skin is much better for health. In fact, they changed the soap at work, and Iā€™ve had to start bringing my own soap with me to and from the bathroom.
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