Handbook of Christian Apologetics

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I bought the Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli last month. I noticed that the book is not Catholic specific but applied to Christianity.

Does anyone know if there is anything in the handbook that could go againsts the Catholic teaching or to be taken carefully? Is this a common-groud book that apply to either Christian?

AB :confused:
I am not familiar with this book. But most likely it will talk about sola scriptura and saved by faith alone. Stay away from that. But if it defends the existence of God and the Divinity of Christ it might not be compleatly bad.
I have not read this one by Kreeft. I did read his book about Angels and Demons.

He also wrote “Catholic Christianity:A Complete Catechism of Catholic Beliefs Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church”.

I would assume that it is not going to be against any specific Catholic teachings.
Peter Kreeft is a Catholic Apologist and holds a phd in philosophy.
His writings are Catholic. I have this book, but I believe that it has neither an Imprimatur nor a nihil obstat.
But then again, a lot of books don’t have these now.
I, too, have the book.

Dr. Kreeft has written in two areas of apologetics: Christian apologetics, and Catholic apologetics. This book is in the first area, and limits itself accordingly in the aspects of the faith that it addresses. I have found nothing at variance with what I find in the Catechism.

He has also written excellent Catholic apologetics, and many of those works do indeed have a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. I think in particular of his collection of Catholic apologetic essays in “Fundamentals of the Faith.”

As for fears that one might find such things as sola scriptura favourably presented in the book, they are quite unfounded. Although he is a philosopher, his coauthor is a Jesuit Catholic theologian at Boston College.

The book is an apologist’s gold mine.


I have this book and refer to it often. It is excellent and has nothing contrary to Church teaching.
The book is co-written by Ronald Tacelli who is a protestant and the publsihser is IVP Inter Varsity PRess

an evangelical book publisher fairly ecunemical as they publish a church fathers series for evangelicals as well.

The theme of this book is Christian apologetics not Catholic apologetics verses protestnat apologetics as is the case of most Catholic apologetic books. A Book of this kind is needed as many people we encounter in life that have questions about the faith are coming from a secular or non-christian background and have basic questions about the catholic faith which are central tentets beleived by most chistians many are philosophicla questions and not bible-ping pong these answers make you think even if you are a Christian.
Many intelligent people are not prone to faith off the bat but recognize good philosophy. This book is a perfect antidote for the doubting Thomas of the world.
I, too, have this book and have found nothing averse to the Catholic faith in it. I have found Pater Kreeft’s writings insightful and trustworthy, including this book. (My favorite Kreeft work is Ecumenical Jihad.)
The theme of this book is Christian apologetics not Catholic apologetics verses protestnat apologetics as is the case of most Catholic apologetic books.
And, in addition to providing a very well done book, Kreeft and Tacelli do an admirable job of pointing out where the real emphasis on apologetics should be. Christians should spend a great deal less time whining at each other about doctrine and a great deal more time actually evangelizing those who are genuinely lost.

Another excellent book that Tacelli was involved with is Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment?.

– Mark L. Chance.
The book is co-written by Ronald Tacelli who is a protestant and the publsihser is IVP Inter Varsity PRess
Ronald Tacelli, SJ, is, in fact, a Jesuit priest. That makes him Catholic.
Ronald Tacelli, SJ, is, in fact, a Jesuit priest. That makes him Catholic
I doubled checked my copy I must have him confused with him with another author at IVP he is a Jesuit Priest. Sorry for the bad info.
That;s what happens when your typing from memory. Very dangerous;)

Anyway I got something right the publisher of the book is IVP InterVarsity PRess and is an Evangelical Book House which of course found two catholic professors to write an apologetic book for them.👍

THe tone of the book is very ecunemical though in the C.S.Lewis style of apologetics.
EXCELLENT book! I’ve had a copy for years. My son attends an orthodox Catholic high school, and this book is used in his theology classes.

I read that book last summer up in New York City, and loved it. It was written much in the same style as St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summary of Theology, which I have read in bits and pieces here and there.
There was a line in the introduction that stood out more than anything else, and has stuck with me ever since, and I use it in dialogue sometimes, in regards to moral relativism. It went something like this
The problem with the Inquisition was not what they wanted to do: get rid of heresy. The problem was how they did, and what they failed to do. They failed to distinguish the sin from the sinner, the heresy from the heretic, the act from the actor. Thus, to get rid of heresy, they destroyed the heretic. The problem with modern America, and its moral relativism is the same problem: again, a failure to distinguish between what one does and who that person is. In an effort to love and accept everyone, they love and accept whatever said person does.
If critics of the Inquisition who ascribe to moral relativism would read such nuggets of wisdom such as this, perhaps they would start making sense when they start talking.

Cocamo Joe
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