How, as a 22 year old, would you deal with a 32yo somewhat handicapped man who hits on you?
He seems normal but he’s a bit off and ALWAYS looking for a pity plea and hitting on me. I’m quite uncomfortable around him but he goes to my church when I’m at home and my parents, who say he’s just a bit off but completely harmless, laugh. Sometimes my parents even give him a ride.
The guy presents himself as going to break down any minute…but those minutes he’s not wollowing he’s hitting on me, badly!!! I just want to rail into him and tell him to knock it off…but more than an “OK, i get it” drives him into a rail of self pity.
Inside I know he’s harmless…but I can’t help but cringe anywhere near him.
He seems normal but he’s a bit off and ALWAYS looking for a pity plea and hitting on me. I’m quite uncomfortable around him but he goes to my church when I’m at home and my parents, who say he’s just a bit off but completely harmless, laugh. Sometimes my parents even give him a ride.
The guy presents himself as going to break down any minute…but those minutes he’s not wollowing he’s hitting on me, badly!!! I just want to rail into him and tell him to knock it off…but more than an “OK, i get it” drives him into a rail of self pity.
Inside I know he’s harmless…but I can’t help but cringe anywhere near him.