Happy Cheesefare

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For those of us (Orthodox/Eastern Catholic) on the Julian/Revised Julian. Have some cheesecake today!

Confused, but will read more. (You said “cheese”)
Dominus vobiscum
“Cheesefare” Sunday is the last Sunday before Lent in the Byzantine Churches (Lent begins after Foreignness Vespers). So today, those of us on the Julian/Revised Julian, we say farewell to cheese/dairy (last Sunday for those on the Gregorian).

Yes, happy Cheesefare to all!
Confused, but will read more. (You said “cheese”)
Dominus vobiscum
Eastern Christians give up all dairy (and meat) during Lent. Today’s the last day to eat cheese for the next 47 days.
I had chocolate chip cheesecake last week.

And I have 3 steaks in the freezer that have to wait until Pascha… 😬
Maybe look for a way around that. 47days with no cheese borders on cruelty. There has to be another way! Without cheese, how can we possibly eat vegetables?
Dominus vobiscum
Tomorrow morning marks the beginning week of the Great Fast, and is the strictest week of fasting in the year… Water plus two Lenten soup meals with bread following the presanctified Vesperal Liturgies, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday… Two small meals for the entire 5 days, which firmly establishes in your stomach who is in charge - Either you or your stomach… The Coptic Ethiopians do bread and water alone as long as they can, and look to their failure as instructive to them in their Spiritual Life - eg How well along or not-so along they may be…

The EOC is more lax, reminding us that the Fast is for man, and not man for the Fast… And that we who must also function in the world need to monitor our food with worldly functions but in vastly reduced amounts the first week… So we enjoyed our last cheese-cake today, after Forgiveness Vespers following the Divine Liturgy - 15 minutes shy of 5 hours of Services - And we are all looking forward to the “enhanced” fasting of the first 5 days… And this year’s Fast only has one day of fish in it, and that late… But spineless creatures - Crabs, octopus, shrimp, mollusks, and night crawlers and cock-roaches are all fast legal - With shrimp taking the hardest hit, followed by peanut butter on bread and the occasional avocado… Middle-Eastern Cuisine is developmentally well-crafted for the Fast - They do things with Fava Beans that make it seem as if you are not fasting at all…

But fresh fruit and veggies, and nuts and grains, minimally prepared, in small amounts, are a lovely change of pace for ordinary American gluttony, wherein I stand in the front of the line! And in this, we have set Spiritual goals for the Fast as well - It is the Season of the Church par-excellence… Prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and Services…

May we all have a Blessed Season of the Great Fast of Lent…

Thank you. I had some mock tuna salad for dinner today (made it myself 😁).
Presbytera Frederica Matthews-Green’s son’s song anticipating Lent!

@Cruciferi And I am truly sorry for that.
Dominus vobiscum
Wow. Lifetime penance of vegetables without cheese.
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