Happy Feast of St. Therese!

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Just thought I would wish you all a happy Feast of St. Therese! She is my favorite saint so I am very happy to honor her today. I know many others have great devotions to her as well.
Thank you. St. Therese is my patron saint and I try to pray to her daily to ask her to help me “do little things with great love”. ❤️
I just returned from one of the most beautiful Masses I have ever participated in…

In Lake Elmo, MN, there is one of the most orthodox Carmelite monasteries in the world (and is where one of my friends entered as a nun last Divine Mercy Sunday!!) and so, of course, all of their Masses are beautifully done and licit, though I can almost never get out there for Mass anymore.

But today!! Wow – today, one of their highest feast days, they honored our Lord and St. Therese so abundantly that I couldn’t help but weep with joy through much of the Mass.

The Mass was celebrated primarily in chanted Latin (with English readings, homily, and Eucharistic Prayer I) with two Carmelite priests and another young priest friend of mine whom I admire greatly. The servers, in full cassock/surplice, were the Carmelite brothers (their “campus”, if you call it that, has both women and men religious, this was in the women’s monastery chapel). The nuns were the hidden choir, and sang beautifully. Smells and bells, as they say!! There were only about 20 laity present, and many of them were parents of women in the convent. Not a sound, not a cell phone, not a beeper, nothing but total participation from the congregation! Communion kneeling at the Communion rail, given by intinction – such a blessing, and a real reminder to me about the reverence due to our Lord in the Eucharist.

I know the Mass is the Mass, and that I have let myself become far too distracted and restless regarding the liturgical abuses that I see. But, in a way, this exposure to a Mass done absolutely properly with total reverence and love has touched my heart and I think God’s grace has been poured on me to encourage me and strengthen me in my continual internal battle to see past illictness and painful irreverence. I rejoice in my Savior, and I plead for St. Therese to please pray for us all!!

“Everything is grace” - St. Therese of Liseux

:love: Happy Feast Day!! :gopray:

Is the public invited? To which liturgies, the office, weekday mass, Sunday mass, all of the above/some of the above?? I would very much like to get there sometime if it’s encouraged.
Happy Feast day. We are blessed to have St. Therese for our assistance.
St. Therese is a great saint. Don’t forget to honor her today, and try to see her movie if it is offered on your area. I’m sure many graces will flow from it.
She is one of my very favorites…lots of help from her…!
Is the public invited? To which liturgies, the office, weekday mass, Sunday mass, all of the above/some of the above?? I would very much like to get there sometime if it’s encouraged.
Most Masses are not advertised as public, but I think the Saturday AM Mass is “public” so to speak.

During the week, I think the chapel is “open” but I don’t think it is advertised as such… before my friend entered the monastery herself, she took me out there for a few daily Masses (7:45am) and it seemed like the chapel was just open. There were only four other lay people there, and of course the “nuns unseen”.

I would call the monastery however, to check with them before going out there. Their phone # is 651-777-3882.

The Mass for the feast day was obviously a bit more than usual, but the other Masses I’ve been to there were also very nice, quiet, simple, and licit. It is a very plain chapel, but it is well done simplicity–very prayerful. I would recommend going out if you get a chance, at least on a Saturday some time.

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