I have experienced this with my wife- to some degree anyway. I had a reversion experience 4 years ago. I did a 180 in my life and naturally that changed things pretty dramatically at home for my wife and kids. While my wife was not vindictive, she was not happy or understanding of my new found spirituality in the early years- it was a strain on my marriage. I often took this to confession with a wonderful priest who I could trust. He advised me to slow down, be patient, not so vigilant, and reminded me of how God had been so patient in my life where I had wandered for most of my life. It was not realistic to think my wife would do a 180 in a couple of months due to my faith experience. He reminded me of my marriage vows, and how I was to imitate Christ who laid down his life for His Bride- the Church.
My advice- pray, pray and pray some more. Never lose hope. When I began taking this area to prayer- esp. to our Blessed Mother with the rosary- small miralces began to happen. (I don’t want to be over-dramatic, but slowly, my wife has made some dramatic changes in her life and in her faith walk).
One example to illustrate- we are now expecting our 3rd child. Four years ago we were sterilized, and vehemently opposed to any more children. The Grace of God transformed both of us (at different paces, and in different ways). We are in our late 30’s- and so excited, if it be God’s will, to have another baby. Some days I have to pinch myself that this is really happening.
Never lose hope, never stop praying.
God bless, Todd