Has anyone ever read this book ?
I was told about it -written by a woman - and now have a curiosity for it.
I was told about it -written by a woman - and now have a curiosity for it.
I see nothing wrong with it.Has anyone ever read this book ?
I was told about it -written by a woman - and now have a curiosity for it.
Current Canonical Explanation: RESPONSE TO APPARITIONS AND VISIONARIES FOR ROMAN CATHOLICSThis is not an approved thing by the Church. We should not be discussing it or posting its revelations here.
This does not imply any endorsement by the Church of these writings.This action and permission also implicitly acknowledges that the work is free from error in faith and morals and may be safely read by the faithful.
It was a bad translation of the first edition that caused it to be on the Index of Forbidden Books, the second edition has a imprimatur.Techno2000:
This does not imply any endorsement by the Church of these writings.This action and permission also implicitly acknowledges that the work is free from error in faith and morals and may be safely read by the faithful.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
November 1996
II. Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states:
- The Interpretation given by some individuals to a Decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church, is absolutely groundless . This decision actually referred to the “abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books” and determined that — after the relevant censures were lifted — the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals.
- It should be recalled however that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations , canon 623 #1 of the current Code remains in force: “the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement”. 3. Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop , and , in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.