Has anyone ever read " Poem God Man "

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Has anyone ever read this book ?

I was told about it -written by a woman - and now have a curiosity for it.
It was on the index of forbidden books. I would leave it be, lest you encounter heresy.
EWTN’s Colin Donovan published an article on this that you may find helpful in your discernment.

He stated in the article:

In 1959 when the “Poem” was put on the Index of Forbidden Books, it was described as “a badly fictionalized life of Christ” (L’Osservatore Romano, quoted by Cardinal Ratzinger in a letter to Cardinal Siri, 31 January 1985). Catholics were warned that it was not to be considered as revealed by God, and in fact, under the rules of the Index, no one, not even a priest, could read the volumes without a serious reason (e.g. to refute its errors) and the permission of the bishop or religious superior. Despite Roman judgements against the work its promoters have continued on their merry way, publishing and promoting it without interruption.
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On EBay - the books go for 300 bucks !
I’m gonna let that one remain a mystery -
Okay - thanks
Has anyone ever read this book ?

I was told about it -written by a woman - and now have a curiosity for it.
I see nothing wrong with it.




From the Mystical Revelations of Maria Valtorta

The Purifying Flames


"I want to explain to you what Purgatory is and in what it consists. And I explain it Myself, with a form that will clash with so many who believe themselves to be trustees of knowledge of the Beyond — and are not.

The souls immersed in those flames suffer only from love.

Not undeserving of possessing the Light, but not yet worthy of entering immediately into that Kingdom of Light, these souls, upon presenting themselves to God, become clothed with the Light. It is a brief, anticipated bliss, which makes them certain of their salvation, and makes known to them what their eternity will be. It makes them experience what they had committed toward their soul; thus defrauding it of years of the blessed possession of God. Immersed thereafter in the Place of Purgation, they are clothed with the expiatory flames.

In this matter, those who talk of ‘Purgatory’ speak rightly. But where they are not right is in wanting to apply various names to those flames.

These flames are a conflagration of Love. They purify by enkindling souls with love. They give Love because, when the soul has reached in them that love which it did not reach on earth, it is liberated and joined to Love in Heaven.

This seems to you a different doctrine than what is known — true? But reflect.

What does God, One and Triune, want for the souls created by Him? The Good.

He Who wants the Good for a creature, what sentiments does He have for that creature? Sentiments of Love.

What are the first and the second commandments, the two most important? Those of which I have said there are no greater, and in which are the keys for reaching Eternal Life? They are a commandment of love: ‘Love God with all your strength, love your neighbor as yourself.’

Through My own mouth and by the prophets and the saints, what have I said to you an infinite number of times? That Charity is the greatest of absolutions. Charity consumes the faults and the weaknesses of man, because he who loves lives in God, and by living in God he sins little; and if he sins he at once repents, and for him who is repentant there is the forgiveness of the Most High.

What is lacking to souls? Love. If they had loved much, they would have committed few and light sins, connected with your weakness and imperfections. But they would never have reached a conscious obstinacy in faults, even venial ones. If they would have striven not to grieve their Love, Love also, seeing their good will, would have absolved them even of the venial transgressions they committed.

How does one repair, even on earth, a fault? By expiating it — even if only with difficulty — through the means with which it was committed. He who has damaged something, by restoring whatever he has taken away with his insolence. He who has calumniated, by retracting the calumny, and so on.

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This is not an approved thing by the Church. We should not be discussing it or posting its revelations here.
This is not an approved thing by the Church. We should not be discussing it or posting its revelations here.

Since the abolition of Canon 1399 and 2318 of the former Code of Canon Law by Paul VI in AAS58 (1966) page 1186, publications about new apparitions, revelation, prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed to be distributed and read by the faithful without the express permission of the Church, providing that they contain nothing which contravenes faith and morals. This means, no imprimatur is necessary.

The Discernment of Visionaries and Apparitions Today by Albert J. Hebert, S.M., Page III
And the CAF rules?
  1. Do not post material from unapproved private revelations.
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No kidding! Banned books. I started volume 1. The story of the writer was sad. Can’t recall. I found the reading was presenting the Bible in different words. I think, it was suppose to mention the lost years??? I’m not good for much here.
Anyway, I found it boring & repetitive.
God bless the writer. LetbYour Love & Mercy cover her. In Jesus name. Amen
In the case of the books which were formally on the Index, we would still be bound to avoid them.
I must admit I did buy
“ The First Temptations of St. Anthony “ by Flaubert
Hard back $ 11 bucks. 1932 edition.
I got to page 32…232 pages.
I love some of the St. Anthony books…
but this one…is strange in left field.
Illustrations too.
Your thread aroused my curiosity and I looked for the book at Amazon. com. “Has anyone read it?”, you ask. Given that – according to the publisher’s blurb – The Poem of the Man-God runs to 5,000 pages, I don’t suppose there can be very many people now living who can truthfully say they have read it. If I were to embark on a 5,000-page read, I think I’d rather go for all 17 volumes of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture:

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When I saw the title I was thinking of something else. I remember somewhere on this forum that there was a work attributed to St. Thomas (whether or not that’s accurate was up for debate) that had a for-entertainment account of Christ’s childhood. One of the details, though I’ve never read it myself, was a story of Him making clay pigeons on a Sabbath and turning them into real pigeons to hide it.

I had thought that was what was being referred to as Poem of the God Man but that’s obviously not the case considering the book being talked about here.
The latest (and currently juridically binding) position of the Church is represented by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s decision in 1992 to explicitly give permission to Dr. Pisani at the Centro Editoriale Valtortiano (the publishing house of Maria Valtorta’s works) to continue publishing her work as it is without any needed modifications to the text. Thus, the Church has given permission to the publisher to publish Valtorta’s The Gospel as Revealed to Me (also known as The Poem of the Man-God) and has given the faithful permission to read it. This action and permission also implicitly acknowledges that the work is free from error in faith and morals and may be safely read by the faithful.

In addition to this, multiple bishops and ecclesiastical authorities have declared that her work is free of error in faith and morals after having thoroughly examined it. Not only was her work commanded to be published by Pope Pius XII in 1948, but it was approved for publication by the Holy Office in 1961 according to the testimony of Fr. Berti who dealt directly with the Holy Office at the time; and in 1992, Cardinal Ratzinger, then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave permission for her work to be published. In a letter dated May 6, 1992 (Prot. N. 324-92), addressed to Dr. Emilio Pisani (the publisher of Maria Valtorta’s works), Bishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, secretary to the Italian Episcopal Conference, gave permission for the work to continue to be published for the “true good of readers and in the spirit of the genuine service to the faith of the Church.” (Pro e contro Maria Valtorta (5th Edition), Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, 2008, pp. 263-265). Dr. Pisani relates concerning this letter:

This action and permission also implicitly acknowledges that the work is free from error in faith and morals and may be safely read by the faithful.
This does not imply any endorsement by the Church of these writings.
This action and permission also implicitly acknowledges that the work is free from error in faith and morals and may be safely read by the faithful.
This does not imply any endorsement by the Church of these writings.
It was a bad translation of the first edition that caused it to be on the Index of Forbidden Books, the second edition has a imprimatur.
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You requested this from Techno2000. He seems to be defensive about this work, so I doubt you will have good information from him, as you asked. Here🙂 is something I found: (near the bottom)
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
November 1996

II. Regarding the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations, the Congregation states:
  1. The Interpretation given by some individuals to a Decision approved by Paul VI on 14 October 1966 and promulgated on 15 November of that year, in virtue of which writings and messages resulting from alleged revelations could be freely circulated in the Church, is absolutely groundless . This decision actually referred to the “abolition of the Index of Forbidden Books” and determined that — after the relevant censures were lifted — the moral obligation still remained of not circulating or reading those writings which endanger faith and morals.
  2. It should be recalled however that with regard to the circulation of texts of alleged private revelations , canon 623 #1 of the current Code remains in force: “the Pastors of the Church have the … right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful which touch upon faith or morals be submitted to their judgement”. 3. Alleged supernatural revelations and writings concerning them are submitted in first instance to the judgement of the diocesan Bishop , and , in particular cases, to the judgement of the Episcopal Conference and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
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The Book got a Imprimatur by Bishop Roman Danylak in 2002

The big issue is this: “Is there anything against faith or morals in her writings?” All her critics begrudgingly have acknowledged that there is nothing against faith and morals. The old Index of Forbidden Books has been abolished. Yet allegedly Catholic theologians, priests, Catholic websites, newspapers and even radio programs insist on bringing out old skeletons, the original condemnation of the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith in 1958. Not only is this bad scholarship; it is outright immoral and sinful to continue to level their accusing fingers at this gift of heaven and God’s faithful servant and victim soul, Maria Valtorta.
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