Has anyone heard of Ecumenical Catholic Communion

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I wasn’t sure where to put this thread, but I just found out today we have a church in our
metrpolian area named after a loved and
popular saint but says they are ECC - Ecumenical Catholic Communion. The description says share theology and liturgy with the Roman Catholic church, but do not
follow canon law!!
Has anyone heard of the ECC? They say all are welcome to the communion table and
they appear to welcome remarried Catholics
and same sex couples.
I have never heard of ECC before. Is this a growing trend now? I hope not. The pastor is female.
My friend is visiting our city this weekend and
put in her daughter’s address and googled Catholic churches close to the address and this church came up!!
How deceiving! I can only wonder how many people have wandered in thinking it is a Roman Catholic Church. Why not just call
themselves an Episcopal church.
This can only be very confusing for non-Catholics and Catholics.

(If this should be in another forum, feel free to
move it.)
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I stopped reading somewhere in the middle. These aren’t Catholics. No more needs to be said.
But they want to identfy as Catholics which is scary and my point in starting this thread is bringing this to the attention of others to warn
I pray this group will not grow. I don’t know how long they have been around. It is alarming.
There’s no reason why they can’t call themselves “Catholic”. The word “Catholic” is not a trademark, and anyone can use it as they wish with no restrictions other than with an intent to commit legal fraud, which is not the case here.

There are some old groups like the Old Catholics and the Polish National Catholic Church that have called themselves Catholic for over a century. There are about 300 other registered groups of more recent origin that do so, too. By far, the overwhelming majority of them are “traditionalist” sedevacantist and conclavist groups, like the one established by Mel Gibson’s father, or the SSPX, which is in de facto schism, or its offshoots, which are in total schism.

There are far fewer liberal or progressive groups like the one you mention.

I wouldn’t get too worked up about it, as these groups are, and will remain, tiny. Besides, there is nothing that you or anyone else can do about it except gripe. Life is too short for that.
In the U.S. they are in 20 states and I think there are 10,000 members.

You say these groups will remain tiny, however, as someone who was baptized in
the Episcopal church in 1954, I saw what happened over the next 40 years it is a concern. You are right, there is nothing I can do about people choosing churches that cater to their lifestyles. Considering that now there are almost as many that identify as no religion
as there are who identify with a religion,
religion will be seen more and more as a joke.
Who will ever know what the truth is? Or care anymore?
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Yeah, the “Ecumenical Catholic Church” is not in good standing with Rome.
It’s a group that started in 1987 … Very Liberal, modeled somewhat after the Roman Catholic Church but with an emphasis on Social Liberalism. The only catholic part about them is the name and trying to mimick the forms/liturgies/vesments of the church of Rome.

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I have never heard of ECC before. Is this a growing trend now?
No, this is just another fringe group. There are many such groups that spring up because somebody had some disagreement with the Church. Just ignore them and pray for them.
however, as someone who was baptized in
the Episcopal church in 1954, I saw what happened over the next 40 years it is a concern.
God protects his true Catholic Church. He doesn’t protect Protestant churches, all of which are prone to all sorts of fragmenting because they weren’t built on any firm foundation to start with.
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Obviously not as they do not follow canon law
or adhere to the teachings of the Catholic church.
I don’t see any reason to be sad about it. If that’s how they chose to express their religious feelings, power to them.
It’s sad because it has the potential to mislead people into thinking they are actual Catholics, and because it is yet another group leading people away from the true Church.

I am okay with religious freedom but I’m not going to say “Power to them” when it comes to some blatantly heretical/ schismatic group.
St. Augustine:
And so, lastly, does the name itself of Catholic, which, not without reason, amid so many heresies, the Church has thus retained; so that, though all heretics wish to be called Catholics, yet when a stranger asks where the Catholic Church meets, no heretic will venture to point to his own chapel or house.
No reason to be sad about it? No reason to be sad they reject the one, holy, apostolic and
catholic church and choose to mimic it by
setting up a church that opposes the teachings of the Catholic church and calling themselves catholic?
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No more so than the much more numerous schismatic sedevacantist and conclavist groups, or the SSPX.

What they THINK is between them and God, who will deal with them as he so pleases at his own leisure. I don’t see why I as a Roman Catholic should be particularly upset or saddened over it. Let them do their thing, as long as they are not hurting anyone. It’s part of the price we pay for living in a free society, which I consider a real bargain.
But they hurting someone. They are misleading people that you can still be catholic and at the same time have everything you want that that Catholic church opposes.
Let them do their thing? What about Truth?
What is catholicism?
If our Lord did indeed start the one, apostolic,
holy and Catholic church, they are definitely
slapping our Lord’s face by starting their own church in the way they see fit.
And I want to be surrounded by a bevy of gorgeous hula girls serving me roast pig and pina coladas.

As I said above, the word “Catholic” is not a trademark, and anyone can use it as they like except for genuine legal fraud, which is not the case with this group. If anyone is unhappy about that, there’s nothing that they can do besides gripe and moan. Like I said, life is to short for that, and I, at least, have much bigger fish to fry.
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