Has anyone here ever made SEARCH?

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It is a big deal were i live. You go away for a weekend and its really about God. But I dont know what to expect, does anyone have any info on this.
Yes, I’ve made SEARCH and TEC and KAIROS retreats.

All of these can be good experiences, very intense, but it is important to keep in mind that they are meant to be JUMPING OFF points to further your faith–not the end all, be all. The weekends are designed with a lot of emotionalism–making you “FEEL” things very passionately, such as recognizing your own sinfulness and inspiring you to go out into the world and do good things, living a better life.

Part of me felt a tad manipulated by these retreats because it is such an emotional roller coaster. There are good things and bad things, but ultimately I’ve never met anyone who said they would rather have NOT made the retreat. I’m in my mid-twenties now, and I still am in touch with people I met on those retreats over ten years ago.

Go for it! Pray that you get what God wants you to learn, out of it.

if you have specific questions about what the weekend is like, i’ll try to answer those as well.
I’ve never heard of SEARCH but it sounds very much like Cursillo. cursillo.com/It was a HUGE “jumping off” period for me, as one poster stated. Now that I went through, I will not participate as one of the regulars anymore because it caused (?) me to become more Orthodox toward my Catholic faith. Cursillo has “buddy mass” every once in a while and they are a real circus in my area.
SEARCH is, I believe, a regional program. It is in the San Angelo, Texas diocese as an outreach to teenagers. It is somewhat similar to a Cursillo, only loosely, though. I have not been active in SEARCH but my pastor is very active & in fact began the movement in the '70s. My pastor is very orthodox… a good shepherd.

I have seen SEARCH begin some teens on a road of deeply dedicated spirituality & I have seen others who have been touched, seemingly, only lightly by it… but who knows? Only God knows what seeds might have been planted in them.

One great fruit of SEARCH is that several of the teens from SEARCH have joined NET (National Evangelization Team) after high school. My son was in NET for two years & it is an awesome movement, I’ll tell you more about that if you’re interested.

I guess what I’d say is that at worst, SEARCH will not be harmful to your faith life & that it may be an instrument God wants to use to do something more with you in your life. Keep praying about it & I will pray for you , that you make the right decision about it.
SEARCH can be found all over the country in many different forms. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a SEARCH program in their area.

In my neck of the woods SEARCH has been around for a long time, long enough in fact that some people that went on the retreat in high school, their kids are getting ready to go on it!

My one reservation about SEARCH is that it isn’t very solid in its Catholic identity. (This might just be with the program in my area.) When I first went on a SEARCH retreat I wasn’t sure it was a Catholic retreat until we had a reconciliation service and celebrated mass. The level of Catholicism in SEARCH really depends on the people running the program. I know people that went on SEARCH and the retreat convinced them to convert to Catholicism, and I know people that went on the retreat and now no longer consider themselves Catholic.

When all is said and done though, I would have to say that SEARCH is a good thing.
SEARCH is, I believe, a regional program. It is in the San Angelo, Texas diocese .
I am in the San Angelo Texas Diocese. I have a borther who went about 4 years ago. I just assumed it was nation wide.
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