Has anyone lost friends from sharing the Gospel?

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I’ve lost 4 long-time friends from reaching out in love and sharing the Gospel. Two of these friends are “gay”, a third left her husband, and the fourth has had affairs for years with married men. All the same, as I’ve shared what I’ve learned and my convictions, since I’ve married and had a family, 2 have written me off via letters, the other 2 just haven’t heard from in years. Since I’ve been married, I’ve gotten much more “conservative” in my views, only my friend who left her husband has kids, the other 3 do not. I’ve been the same ol me, loving, kind, gentle, non-judgmental. I’ve never once “pointed fingers” But all the same, they’ve all rejected me. Just because I now am married with kids???

What do you all make of this?
I am no expert but I could be they fear the truth. Where you fire and brimstone or suttle and sweet? Could be many things. Pray to God to soften their hearts and in time they may come back.

I am starting to inform my friends all of which are craddle catholics who now ignor the faith. I with Jesus hope to light them on fire with the love of God. (hehe, that was in today’s gospel)

Good luck and hang in there. Don’t get yourself down.
I am no expert but I could be they fear the truth. Where you fire and brimstone or suttle and sweet? Could be many things. Pray to God to soften their hearts and in time they may come back.

I am starting to inform my friends all of which are craddle catholics who now ignor the faith. I with Jesus hope to light them on fire with the love of God. (hehe, that was in today’s gospel)

Good luck and hang in there. Don’t get yourself down.
Agree. When we put on the cloak of Jesus the truth is held up like a mirror for people we address.
I am no expert but I could be they fear the truth. Where you fire and brimstone or suttle and sweet? Could be many things. Pray to God to soften their hearts and in time they may come back.

I am starting to inform my friends all of which are craddle catholics who now ignor the faith. I with Jesus hope to light them on fire with the love of God. (hehe, that was in today’s gospel)

Good luck and hang in there. Don’t get yourself down.
Thx Friend:

Yes, I think that too. For I am far from any perfect Christian, but just cuz I want to be Holy, want to be Godly and rear Godly kids, could that be enough to push them away? How sad? Why is that? I have sooo many faults, but I desire to live for the Lord more than anything in life…and I want a Christian family more than all the riches in China. Why can’t they accept and be glad for this? I’ve lost my 4 soul mates. Will God make it up? I sure pray for it. I’m a lost sailor here in RCIA alone…100 family members all Fundamentalists…Lord help me…thanks for your prayers Friend…

God Bless You…
Thx Friend:

Yes, I think that too. For I am far from any perfect Christian, but just cuz I want to be Holy, want to be Godly and rear Godly kids, could that be enough to push them away? How sad? Why is that? I have sooo many faults, but I desire to live for the Lord more than anything in life…and I want a Christian family more than all the riches in China. Why can’t they accept and be glad for this? I’ve lost my 4 soul mates. Will God make it up? I sure pray for it. I’m a lost sailor here in RCIA alone…100 family members all Fundamentalists…Lord help me…thanks for your prayers Friend…

God Bless You…
When you’re ready, it sounds like your apostolate has been picked out for you already!
The Barrister:
When you’re ready, it sounds like your apostolate has been picked out for you already!
What do you mean?

Tell me more most wise friend-----the calling of an “Apostolate” a calling? Where God needsus to minister? Is that what this word means?

Oh brother if you’re right…I’m gonna be the ONLY Catholic in probably 500 years in my family. Where do I start? Lord…help me!

I know for one, already I’ve encountered much conflict -----pastors in my family alone…claiming “Peter was Never in Rome” thus their de-bunking of the Papacy, etc…much, much more. My Dad’s a Pastor of 50 years. Man------what does the Lord have in store for me???I shudder…Have read 50 books in the past 6 months—but their army is overwhelming sometimes. God has lead me to His True Church I know it, and HE will prepare me for battle------Man Praise the Lord…I am NOT the fearful type nor ever have been-------I’;ve always gone full steam ahead in life…wooooahh Nelly…sometimes it’s caused me to smack into a wall, other times, well–like I think my becoming a Catholic has been the greatest thing in my life. I feel such a calling…I’m overwhelmed with joy…but friends help me O.K.?

Thx. Barrister
He means live your faith, set an example for others to witness it. This with prayer can change the hearts and minds of many. You don’t have to nessisarily pull out the bible and preach. Actions speak louder than words. More than likely they know you are a christian, sooner or later they will realize that hey Sparkle is happy and kind what do sparkle have that I don’t?

Are you following?
He means live your faith, set an example for others to witness it. This with prayer can change the hearts and minds of many. You don’t have to nessisarily pull out the bible and preach. Actions speak louder than words. More than likely they know you are a christian, sooner or later they will realize that hey Sparkle is happy and kind what do sparkle have that I don’t?

Are you following?
YES, RedCrossKnight:

Thanks for sharing, and for your encouragement. Really Appreciate it.

God Bless You Today Friend~~
Actually, both of our families are uncomfortable around us because both sides are Catholic in name only.

If I have lost friends, I have more than made up with the extended faith family I have.
I’ve lost 4 long-time friends from reaching out in love and sharing the Gospel.
What do you all make of this?
Yes, the answer is yes. Once we walk the walk there are some that won’t want to be reminded of their conscience. You are doing the right thing. They will come to you when they are ready. As far as friends go, you need to make new ones too so that you aren’t lonely. Those people could be on a path of self destruction and you can’t go there.

I’ve lost 4 long-time friends from reaching out in love and sharing the Gospel. Two of these friends are “gay”, a third left her husband, and the fourth has had affairs for years with married men. All the same, as I’ve shared what I’ve learned and my convictions, since I’ve married and had a family, 2 have written me off via letters, the other 2 just haven’t heard from in years. Since I’ve been married, I’ve gotten much more “conservative” in my views, only my friend who left her husband has kids, the other 3 do not. I’ve been the same ol me, loving, kind, gentle, non-judgmental. I’ve never once “pointed fingers” But all the same, they’ve all rejected me. Just because I now am married with kids???

What do you all make of this?
The Truth hurts and many of us are inclined to run from it. People just do not want to deal with the pain of examining their lives and holding themselves accountable for the decisions they have made. It is much easier to find quick and easy sources of pleasure and avoid the consequences at all cost. Heaven forbid someobody attempt to call them on anything! My priest always likes to say that they worship the Trini-me, (me, myself, and I)!
I have been lucky. Even though all my friends know I am very serious about my faith they put up with me.😃

My bestfriend from the time I was 13 came from a pentecostal back ground. It was when I was thirteen that I found out Catholics and protestants have different Bibles. It was then also that found out there were people that disliked Catholics, that was a surprise too. My bestfriend and I rarely talked about religion in order to avoid conflict. My friend fell away from her own church around the age of 15. (Her mom brought her to the pastors house to perform an exorcism on her because she was being rebellious.)

When I returned to the faith after being lapsed for a while, I began to pray for God to send someone to reach her and help at least return to a church. I could see the hole she had in heart that she was trying to fill with things of the material world. I witnessed subtley knowing she really wouldn’t understand where I was coming from, and continues to pray every night (along with prayers about my other family and friends.)

This summer I went to her baptism (a protestant baptism), and the baptism of her husband and children. She has since told me my strong faith was definately an influence on her. She said she saw how much comfort and joy I got from it. And how I seemed to have such peace in my life. Now we have our love for Jesus to share, the one part of our lives that we could not before. I continue to pray that she may guided to the full truth of Christ but I leave that to God.

Sometimes the best witness we can give is by example. We must be gentle and prayerful. Trust that God is in control, as frustating as it can be to see others going down the wrong road, or missing out on so much of Christ’s church. Pray often for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Be a joyful person, show others how God (and his Church) has changed your life, not necessarily by words but by example. Becare not be scandelous (ex: gossip, bad language, uncharitableness ect.)They will be attracted to the postitive things they see. And be ready when they ask, to respond with positive reasons for what you believe. Be sensitive to where they are on their faith journey.

Slip in little comments if you think you can like "The Eucharist is such a such a strength to me, I feel so close to Jesus at Mass.’ or "I feel such relief after confession, it’s such a blessing to be able hear that I am truly forgiven."ect.

Don’t lose heart. Keep praying for your family and friends, if they will not hear you ask God to send someone to them that they will hear. Sometimes its hardest to hear the truth from the people closest to us.
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