Has anyone read "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ"?

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This book inspired Mel Gibson to make “The Passion of the Christ”, and I read that he based certain scenes on what he read in that book. A reviewer on Amazon said that book is actually more graphic then that film. If anyone read this, does the author (Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich) actually claim that these visions were true and that is was indeed the way it happened, or were these just made-up ideas to help us grow in faith? Also, if you read it what do you think about the book?
I did not read it, but my mom did. She would read it and have to discuss it because it is very graphic. She (Blessed Emerick) did see these visions. She had the stigmatas and the wounds from the lance and the crown of thorns on her head. She saw a great many other things besides the Passion. Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. She lived only on water and the Body of Christ. She is in line to be a Saint.
If you are faint of heart, I think it would be a difficult read, but if you can, it is a great thing to meditate on. That is how Mel found it.
This book inspired Mel Gibson to make “The Passion of the Christ”, and I read that he based certain scenes on what he read in that book. A reviewer on Amazon said that book is actually more graphic then that film. If anyone read this, does the author (Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich) actually claim that these visions were true and that is was indeed the way it happened, or were these just made-up ideas to help us grow in faith? Also, if you read it what do you think about the book?
I am reading it right now and it is wonderful. It’s an inspiration. I would also note that she was beatified and is now Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich. It is a must read.
I am about 1/2 way thru. It is very interesting and for me enlightening. I found that it helped me understand some of the events and theology of the passion better.
Downloaded it for free some place.
I recommend it highly.
Dear friend

I read some of it and had to stop, it is heart-rending, it tore a lump out of my throat.

I’ll read the rest when my heart can stand to read a little more.


Click above link for the Dolorous Passion online

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thanks for the feedback. My ultimate curiosity about this book is about whether it’s true or not. Do you believe the visions she saw truely were the way this event happened? Are the details she gives about Jesus’s ultimate sacrafice true or false?
My ultimate curiosity about this book is about whether it’s true or not. Do you believe the visions she saw truely were the way this event happened? Are the details she gives about Jesus’s ultimate sacrafice true or false?
Its been a while since I’ve read it, but I was greatly edified in reading it. It was during Lent and I fell in love with Jesus all over again for what He went through. As far as truth, there is nothing in her visions which contradicts revealed truth, as far as I know, and much which is very plausible and greatly stirring to our love for Him. I’m anxious to read her visions for the rest of His life.
Great book. Since it’s private revelation, there’s no requirement to believe the truthfulness of Emmerich’s visions, but it certainly makes for a heart-wrenching read.
Thanks for the feedback. My ultimate curiosity about this book is about whether it’s true or not. Do you believe the visions she saw truely were the way this event happened? Are the details she gives about Jesus’s ultimate sacrafice true or false?
I think the details of the Passion are a great source for devotion. I found the description of the Holy Grail to be a bit overboard so it kind of gave me some doubts about the rest of it. Still, it’s a great source of imagery when praying the Sorrowful Mysteries.
It knocked my socks off! I was so excited when I heard the movie was going to be made. Tan Books sells several versions, the really long one, and some abridged ones. Their prices are very reasonable (Tan Books is on the net, too) I purchase much of my pious reading material from them. They print wonderful time tested classics. But back to the book…it is intense. I especially liked the visions of what happened to the others who were present during the crucifixion…Longinus, for example, and Pilate’s wife, and what occurred in the Temple after the resurrection. Emmerich had many, many visions, and like all private revelations, what is imparted is filtered through the mind of the seer, and as such can only be one persons ‘point of view’ so to speak. But I highly, highly, recommend the book…I could not put it down. She had visions of many aspects of not only Jesus’ live, but of the Holy Family, and of Mary’s life. I recommend her books highly. :clapping:
Does the author say her visions are meant *just *for good devotion, and/or does she state that they are the true way it happened? Does she herself believe her visions are how it really happened?
Thanks for that entire web page with the book. Does the Catholic Church allow us to believe the details in this book 100%?
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