Yes, when our universe (the
manifold we are on at present) expanded from the point of zero dimensionality to a very small volume compared to the present volume, there was a very brief time when there was no matter but there was a
false vacuum.
At the end of this short period (10 ^ -36 seconds to 10 ^ -33 seconds or 10 ^ -32 seconds; also known as the
inflationary epoch), the false vacuum either decayed into a stable state or a metastable state with the evolution (“creation”) of a great deal of energy and mass.
If you want something more familiar from your own experience, something you can more readily imagine, think of a jet of steam leaving a nozzle (or perhaps the hole of a tea kettle, that is if your kettle holds just a tiny bit of pressure, just enough for the steam to have to speed out and then nucleate. One of those whistling kettles is much more likely to show this than the sort where the steam just drifts out.). As it first leaves the nozzle (or hole, or whistle), it is transparent and seems to be a gas much like the air, but after a very short distance, it is filled with a fog of fast moving tiny droplets which have just nucleated out of the steam. In this example, the transparent steam is analogous to the false vacuum and the new fog is analogous to the way the universe was after the brief cosmic inflationary period. After the inflation, the universe was suddenly filled with matter and energy.