There is also a fantastic book about Padre Pio called:
‘send me your guardian angel.’
All God asks is for faith. God CAN WORK MIRACLES if you just BELIEVE in either Jesus granting that miracle, Or BELIEVE IN ONE OF THE SAINTS INTERCESSION FOR YOU.!
As Jesus said in the bible:
‘Do you BELIEVE I can heal you? May it be done for you according to the size of YOUR FAITH.’
‘Your FAITH has made you well.’
Jesus clearly showed that miracles come if you BELIEVE they will come.
It says: ‘In Nazareth Jesus could do no great miracle BECAUSE OF THEIR LACK OF FAITH.’
Lack of faith that Jesus can work miracles, blocks Jesus.
The bible clearly shows this here.
The BEST book on how to pray with faith for a miracle is this catholic book: Written by a holy friend of Sr Briege McKenna, based on a book by a priest in the healing ministry:
‘The Miracle Ship’ by Brian O’ Hare.
This book changed my life. It is available on as a kindle book download or a paperback book buy. It is only 12usd,
I believe this book would change the world if everyone read it…