Has the Theology of the Body affected you?

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The theology of the body, has been brought up it quite a few posts, but I don’t think that this question has been asked about it.

How has The Theology of the Body affected your life?

I’ll go first:
It has made the Catholic Church make sense - I see and love the consistancy of our Church.

I used to purposely ignore thinking about the Church’s moral teachings, I thought they were inconsistant and out of date.

I realize now that I understand the Moral Teachings, it is one of the greatest things about the Catholic Church.

I now completely understand and accept…
Why women shouldn’t want to be priests,
Why only maritial sex is okay,
Why God intended marriage to be only between a man and a woman,
How amazing it is to be open to life,
Why abortion is never okay,
Why women suffer from eating disorders and poor self-esteem,
How beautiful it is to submit to a husband who loves you like Christ,
The inherant dignity in each person,
How Woman is the Archetype of all Humanity,
How Woman shouldn’t strive to be like men,
The awesome gift of the Eucharist,
And how much God loves each one of us.

I could go on forever.
Ditto. This book is beyond revolutionary. Is the canon of Scripture still closed or can we add this book?
I totally agree. The TOB explains Catholicism and the doctrines of the Church in a way that makes sense on a personal level.

The TOB is central to all Catholics and will have a dramatic impact on the Church as it becomes more widely known. Some have compared the potential impact and importance of JPII “Theology of the Body” to the theological contributions of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. I don’t think it to be any exaggeration that the TOB addresses all the major issues affecting the Church today.

The TOB explains the way the message of love and the body has been warped by the world and how this twisted understanding has even infiltrated the church.

I believe the TOB can be summarized in one word: GIFT

The key is to know how this word gets applied and that is worth the study.
I am still working my way through the Theology of the Body, but I have read West’s “for beginners” books and already it has had a huge impact on me. I find it enormously healing in the insight in provides to my sexual history and just where it all went wrong for me in the past. It has also had an impact on my vocational discernment. It really is a remarkable piece of work and I think it will be one of John Paul II’s greatest legacies to the Church and the world.
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