I think a better question is ‘when hasn’t this happened?’
For what it’s worth, atheism, Marxism, and, uh, ‘Nietzscheanism’ are three very, very different things. You can be one of them without being either of the other two, and even within that one, there can be vastly differing ideas about what things are like, about what the philosophy entails or what needs to be done.
Here’s about how it goes:
Catholic vs. atheist – if they’re both good at it, stalemate.
Catholic vs. Marxist – depends on both the Catholic and the Marxist. The Marxist might even be Catholic, or the Catholic might subscribe to liberation theology. The Church officially doesn’t have much truck with the philosophy, but it’s a religion, not an economic theory.
Catholic vs. Nietzscheanismisticalifiermabob – again, depends. Nietzsche’s philosophy isn’t something you have to take 100% – I agree with him on human purpose, disagree on ethics. The Church doesn’t like his ethics either, but the only way to prove Catholic ethics requires proving God, and that’s a stalemate. On humanism, I suspect you’ll find the Church rather more amenable; although Nietzsche expresses it in an entirely secular rather than religious manner, the spirit of both is actually fairly similar.