Has your house been blessed?

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👋 Hi! I’m curious to know how commonly this is done. I think it’s such a good practice. My house has. It was great! I had to think very hard about what was IN my house beforehand, if everything in it was worthy of a visit from Our Lord. (Good idea anyway.) The patron saint of my house is Ste. Teresa of Avila, who I figure knows a lot about houses. My only regret was letting Father bless the garden. It now grows like a weed and I can scarcely keep up with it.

So, if you have, what was your experience and who is your patron?

My house was blessed by a priest before we ever moved in. We dont have a patron saint of our house but if I had to choose one right now it would be our blessed mother.

Hmmm… The chalk on the front door says the house was last blessed in… :o …1997!

Maybe that is why the place is such a mess – Either the blessing has worn off, or we just haven’t made it clean enough to be fit for a priest. :rotfl:

(On the other hand, both priest and Our Lord visited just this past Thursday, when my bride received Annointing of the Sick and a Communion call :getholy: )
Our house was blessed shortly after we moved in. We belong to a small faith group led by a priest who is the cousin of a friend of ours. At the most recent blessing of a member’s house, we realized how long this group has been together - our priest friend has blessed two houses for almost every member in the group. It just seems appropriate to formally dedicate your home (not just a house) to the Lord.

We have also had our house blessed, but did not have it consecrated in a particular saint’s name. Our priest says he has been getting more and more requests to have this done 🙂 but, oddly enough, quite often by people who are not Catholic and have strange things happening in their homes. :eek:

I didn’t even know this was something that was done until about 5 or 6 years ago!
Every year! Byzantine Catholics have this done every year on the Feast of the Ephinany.

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
We do the yearly Ephiphany blessing, but have not had our home blessed by a priest. We wanted it done, but the priest wouldn’t come to our house.

We’re hoping the new priest will be more willing to travel!
I Intend to after a few weird happenings, but am in the process of decorating, so will wait until thats done.
We did it shortly after we moved in. Had a priest and a deacon, and all it cost me was dinner! 🙂

Our home has been enthroned to The Two Hearts, we are consecrated to the Blessed Virgin, and Sts. Francis of Assisi & Maximilian Kolbe are our patrons. I think we’re covered. 😉
Hi all;
Actually the blessing a priest gives to a house is a sacramental blessing.  The Church has over 200 such blessings.  There are blessings for fields and gardens, cattle , schools,cars, houses, wine , water, fire and vegtables.  A blessing is a ritual ceremony by which a priest makes persons or things holy for divine service or calls down the favor of God on what he blesses.

We also had a priest bless our home shortly after moving in :)
Super Mom
KateQ said:
👋 Hi! I’m curious to know how commonly this is done. I think it’s such a good practice. My house has. It was great! I had to think very hard about what was IN my house beforehand, if everything in it was worthy of a visit from Our Lord. (Good idea anyway.) The patron saint of my house is Ste. Teresa of Avila, who I figure knows a lot about houses. My only regret was letting Father bless the garden. It now grows like a weed and I can scarcely keep up with it.

So, if you have, what was your experience and who is your patron?



My wife does want our house to be blessed by a priest… I never had seen blessing on the house before…

My friend told me that his priest blessed on his home and after that he also asked priest also to bless on his two cars.

What is advantages of priest blessing on home and/or cars? I am curious.
I bless every dwelling that I spend I night in, before I spend the night in it.

I try to have a priest come over and bless any residence where I reside for a good period of time.

I consider my residence Jesus’ place and that I am just his steward of it.
Hi Mike;
To answer your question of what advantage there is to have a blessing on your home or car, things are usually blessed to ask God's protection on their use and to remind us to consecrate all that we use to the glory of God.
God bless you
Of course. It’s as necessary to a house we live in as furniture. More so, in fact.
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