Hate-filled Easter eggs

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This Easter some young children in my area found plastic eggs in the churchyard after Roman Catholic Mass. What was inside? Jack Chick tracts. Can you imagine putting those out for children to find? On EASTER?
My first thought was to wonder if I could find eggs big enough for Pillar of Fire and return the favor.
This Easter some young children in my area found plastic eggs in the churchyard after Roman Catholic Mass. What was inside? Jack Chick tracts. Can you imagine putting those out for children to find? On EASTER?
That is so terrible! What sort of sick people would do that???
We normally get them in our trick or treat bags. I tell my kids it’s just short of the razor in the candy bar.
carol marie:
That is so terrible! What sort of sick people would do that???.
The sort of people who honestly, charitably believe that they are helping people see the truth about Christ. We have to remember that anyone who would do this is not an enemy of the children, they are an enemy of the Church–but only because they believe the Church is evil. The proper response is diligent correction and catechesis of the children who might find/read these tracts, charitable evangelization of those who may have planted them, and above all prayer that all people everywhere will come to know the fullness of God’s love through His Universal, Catholic Church.
Many times the group who hands out those tracts will have thier name or phone number on the back of the tract (they used to have a spot just for such info) - perhaps giving them a call and kindly offering to discuss the tract… and then dropping “Pillar of Fire Pillar of Truth” as suggested 🙂

This Easter some young children in my area found plastic eggs in the churchyard after Roman Catholic Mass. What was inside? Jack Chick tracts. Can you imagine putting those out for children to find? On EASTER?​

As a Protestant, I appologize on behalf of such ignorant idiots who would do such a thing. I am offended and horrified that people believe Chick tracks should be taken seriously, or that people actually believe Chick has anything to do with truth.
I’m really not up with the times. What is Jack Chick?
Some nutjob who thinks that the world is flat and Catholics aren’t real Christians.
I’m really not up with the times. What is Jack Chick?:confused:
He does comics that are hateful detractions against Catholicism.

the way a lot of candy has gone nowdays, low quality, gross, overpriced, I would rather take the tracts
Catholic Dude:
the way a lot of candy has gone nowdays, low quality, gross, overpriced, I would rather take the tracts
Chick’s tracts have less taste.
Wow… that is terrrible. I used to get those in my trick-or-treat bags when I was younger, and my best friend and I would go trick-or-treating in her neighborhood. She is Catholic too, and her mom would go through our bags, to make sure we didn’t get any razors or something and to get all of our AlmondJoys. I didn’t understand what those were until recently. I have been Catholic all of my life, and **I do not understand **why people do that. I feel like they don’t understand, and they’re too lazy to go find out the truth, so they just assume. It makes me kind of angry.
Not ALL chick tracts trash the catholic faith. Most of them have really good lessons and DO teach the truth. BUT, im pretty sure as Catholics the only chick tracts you see DO trash the Catholic faith. For kids on Easter, i dont believe that was something that shouldve been done. Kids dont understand when that happens. Protestants for the most part, have a limited view of the Catholic faith. They know what theyve been taught from the time they were kids about how Mary is how you get to heaven and the prophets can really help you even though they are dead, points about the catholic faith that are highly misunderstood.
To protestants if is Jesus alone. Only look to him, only pray to him, HE is the only way and there is no need for Mary or the saints.
Personally, I loved reading them. I like the comics and ideas behind them. Some of them are scary and put the fear of GOD in you like it should be, others are more offensive and shouldnt be made let alone handed out - ESPECIALLY to those whose faith they trash.
I came from a protestant church who, now that ive finally gotten away from them, seemed more like a cult than anything and am looking into the Catholic faith and find many things i was taught were really exagerated and false to how you all really do believe.
But i do agreee that it was wrong for the eggs to have the tracks, bad taste. HOWEVER, i firmly believe they need to pass out more of those on the Mormon and JW cults.
just my personal opinion. Dont mean to offend, but they do not know the Truth.
Missing Out:
Not ALL chick tracts trash the catholic faith. .
You are correct. I remember “This is Your Life” and others that promote nothing but the concept of salvation, although from a once saved, always saved fundemntalist point of view.
I remember “This is Your Life” and others that promote nothing but the concept of salvation, although from a once saved, always saved fundemntalist point of view.
Which is itself incorrect teaching. I’ve not found a single Chick tract that does not contain heretical material.

But i do agreee that it was wrong for the eggs to have the tracks, bad taste. HOWEVER, i firmly believe they need to pass out more of those on the Mormon and JW cults.​

Why bother the Mormons or JW’s? People make choices to believe the way they want! People don’t need to be harrased through a paranoid idiot’s comic books.
I almost wonder if someone did this as a prank… I think Chick tracts are popular among a certain segment of know-it-all kids who equate irony with humor.

I came across a website one time where people described “funny” things they had allegedly done with Chick tracts. E.g. one guy worked at a grocery store, and would slip copies of “Where’s Rabbi Waxman” (geared toward Jewish people) into boxes of Kosher products right before Passover. Someone else described leaving a copy of “Doom City” (about Sodom and Gomorrah) every night on a car with a rainbow “gay pride” sticker in his parking lot (I did get a chuckle out of that one). So anyway, the Easter egg thing could have been some kid who doesn’t believe in anything who thought it would be funny to put anti-Catholic tracts into Easter eggs outside a Catholic church… not necessarily the work of someone who actually believes in Chick.
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