Have You Attended EUCHARISTIC ADORATION at Your Church?

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I have a regular holy hour at my parish, and occasionally attend during my lunch hour at two other parishes near my work.

And various other times during the week when I need some time with Jesus.
Yes!! Words can’t describe the experience.

Just so you know, the list on the link may be a little out of date. My parish has had adoration for several years now and isn’t listed.
Yes!! Words can’t describe the experience.

Just so you know, the list on the link may be a little out of date. My parish has had adoration for several years now and isn’t listed.
I go when I can, which is not very often. Sometimes I bring my kids and try to teach them to respect the silence, and to feel comfortable talking to Jesus quietly and telling Him anything on their hearts. I should take them more, but it’s hard because I get so little out of it when they’re with me.
We have Perpetual Adoration, and given that my hour is 9 - 10 on Friday, I need to get rolling along.
My parish does not have Perpetual Adoration, so I go to a church very near my home that does. I am incredibly fortunate to live in an area with several churches that have Perpetual Adoration. There must be five such churches within 10 miles of my house. Hopefully we will see the fruits of this wonderful practice reflected in vocations to the priesthood. Our diocese is really feeling the shortage now.
My former parish has perpetual, in spite of the former pastor declaring he would only allow, not support, it.The new, interim, pastor likewise has no desire to promote this or any “devotion”

On the BRIGHT side… the new pastor at an adjoining parish has introduced Adoration between Sunday Masses, and now on first Friday evenings… began last night.

When the pastor removed the host from the monstrance last evening, he inclosed Him in his vestments and seemed to give Jesus a tender hug before placing Him into the tabernacle. It was quite touching and seemed so natural… almost like Mary wrapping her Son in a warm blanket and hugging Him.

It will take some time for any of the regular parishioners to come around and see the value of spending time with the Lord.
I love the quiet time with Jesus. Mother Teresa was asked by a reporter once “when you pray to God, what do you say?” She replied “I just listen.” He then asked “what does God say to you?” to which she replied “He just listens”
Last year during the Year of the Eucharist, our parish instituted Eucharistic Adoration once a week, beginning after the morning mass lasting until 7pm. It has been growing ever since. I have missed very few opportunities to attend. Now my spouse and I attend together. It is amazing for both of us in both in our spiritual walk and also for our marriage. I highly recommend it!
Absolutely. My local parish is blessed to have perpetual adoration. Any time day or night, the adoration chapel is open & available.

It is a God send…literally!🙂

God Bless,
We had a priest come to our parish last year who did a presentation on Perpetual Adoration (he was brought in for this purpose). He actually had people sign up right then and there, and now we have Perpetual Adoration with nearly all hours covered all week (even the wee hours of the night!). Amazing.

The coolest thing is that my hour (7-8 am on Saturdays) is when my pastor is just finishing his hour – how wonderful it is to be present when such a holy man is honoring the Real Presence!

I use to go three times a week when I volunteered at the Mary Joseph Residence in New Orleans. Since it closed and Hurricane Katrina I have not been. My Church doesn’t have Adoration in the evening so because I work I can’t go. I did just find out that there is a Church in the neighborhood that has perpetual Adoration so I think I will check it out. God bless all!! 😉
To attempt to bring more people into the understanding of Eucharistic Adoration, we are implementing a Religious Education Family Night. Yes, I know they are all Family nights, but sometimes families are nervous about taking their kids so they won’t have to deal with “Kids Gone Wild” in front of others. We suggested just stopping by for 5-10 minutes for short prayer and working up time as appropriate. We’re called to be fishers of men… sometimes we need a bit of bait on our hook 😉
Our parish only has it once a month, usually on First Friday. The school children each get a slot of time by grade. At 2:15 PM, there’s Benediction.And yes, I attend for as long as I can. And I have been known to use realpresence.org and attend in other places during the rest of the month.
Eucharistic Adoration is only offered once or twice a year at my church, and unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it those days last years.
There is a parish about a mile from where I live that has had Perpetual Adoration for about 7 years. I used to be a member of that parish, but for a variety of reason, have joined another parish. However, I still have a commitment of one hour a week (Wed 6-7pm) and it is the best hour of my week! I am very protective of that hour and rarely miss going, only if we are out of town. I would like to say I take advantage of the Chapel and stop several times during the week, but I don’t. I have no good reason. It is a new year, perhaps that is something I need to strive for more.

The parish I belong to now has Adoration every Friday after 7 a.m. Mass, until 5:00 pm.
My parish has adoration once a month, on First Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and I am able to go for 1/2 to one hour there. Unfortunately, it isn’t talked up much and sometimes all the time slots don’t all get signed for and then someone is stuck there alone to wait for someone to show up. This isn’t organized well.

A neighboring parish has Perpetual Adoration and I can go every Saturday morning, as I am one of their regulars. It is such a blessing to that parish, and to all who go for adoration.
My parish has adoration once a month, on First Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and I am able to go for 1/2 to one hour there. Unfortunately, it isn’t talked up much and sometimes all the time slots don’t all get signed for and then someone is stuck there alone to wait for someone to show up. This isn’t organized well.

A neighboring parish has Perpetual Adoration and I can go every Saturday morning, as I am one of their regulars. It is such a blessing to that parish, and to all who go for adoration.
Our parish has adoration once a month on Frist Friday too, however, I have been unable to go since its during my working hours. Going at lunch isn’t much of an option, since by the time I would get there, I’d have to turn around and leave. 😦
my church offers first friday adoration beginning after the 7 am mass until 7 pm. its wonderful. i can go as soon as i get out of school.
I am very blessed. At school, my Newman Center has adoration on Monday-Friday for an hour each day, and I have been able to arrange my class schedule so that I should be able to make it every day except in unusual circumstances. At home there is a perpetual adoration chapel just down the street.
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