Have you ever been a victim soul?

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Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to often ask for suffering to save a soul. And many were saved.I heard towards the end of his life he continually did this. Have you, or anyone you know ever done this? What was your / their experience like? Do you know any good websites on this subject?
Dear friend

Every trial whether great or small has the capacity to save souls, both those on earth, for conversion of souls, those dying and those who are facing judgement or are in purgatory. Every pain every heartache whether physical or mental or emotional should be offered up to our Lord in the chalice and when the suffering takes place to our Lord Jesus Christ for the mercy upon souls and your own soul. Jesus will never refuse to be merciful, He is LOVE, He is MERCY, He is KINDNESS.

If you suffer a life of repeated suffering and sadness, count yourself highly blessed and thankful to our Lord, because He has given you the capacity in your great suffering of any nature, to redeem to Him many souls, we are co-redemptive in our Lord, we have a responsibility to the whole of humanity to work for the salvation of each other and ourselves, we are working in the Lord’s Vineyard and we are to reap as much as possible for Him. He gave each an ability to work for Him and all will receive the reward if they serve Him well with what He has entrusted to them and given them.

There are many ways to do this, by prayer, by suffering, by spreading the Gospel, by working well at work or school, by not sinning and avoidance of sin,by being a good mother, father, son, daughter, sister brother etc by repentance of sin and by giving to each and every person we have contact with the love, peace and kindness of Christ Jesus who is our heart and our love and all of the previous will involve suffering in some way, some trial, but those who have many trials placed upon them that are not of their making, those souls suffer in Christ and are greatly blessed.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I know that God does not desire for us to live with sickness and diseases. Jesus came so that he could bear all our sickness and diseases. There was 29 stripes on his body each one representing the catagories of diseases in this world… There will be no sickness and diseases in heaven so we know they are not from God. Does God choose for us to suffer or does He wish us to be made whole. Jesus said I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundetly. I dont know all the answers why people get sick but I do know its not from God. Yes ,sometimes sickness bring us closer to God and I also know sickness sometimes seperates us from God depending on whom we blame. Thank God for His promises that we will be given a new body. Our Lord will continue to save souls for that was the reason He came. Praise God.God Bless
I know that God does not desire for us to live with sickness and diseases. Jesus came so that he could bear all our sickness and diseases. There was 29 stripes on his body each one representing the catagories of diseases in this world… There will be no sickness and diseases in heaven so we know they are not from God. Does God choose for us to suffer or does He wish us to be made whole. Jesus said I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundetly. I dont know all the answers why people get sick but I do know its not from God. Yes ,sometimes sickness bring us closer to God and I also know sickness sometimes seperates us from God depending on whom we blame. Thank God for His promises that we will be given a new body. Our Lord will continue to save souls for that was the reason He came. Praise God.God Bless
Hi Spokem word,
Have you read the book of Job. It is a great example of how God permits sufferings etc. We can join our sufferings to our Lord’s and offer them up for the reasons Teresa has pointed out. There is nothing lacking in the sufferings of Christ. But He desires that we actively participate in them for the salvation of all.
Thanks to yourself and Teresa for your comments.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
Hi John, Yes I have read the book of Job. I had a hard timing reading it as I could feel the pain and agony and frusration that Job went through. I believe this was allowed because of Jobs goodness and his rightiousness. God had a hedge of protection around Job. Once that hedge was removed look what satan did to him. He took everything away from Job ,but satan could not take his soul.This was a test God allowed to prove to satan that he could not have victory. It is the same today thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing can seperate us from the love of God. The enemy has been defeated and we have victory in Jesus Christ.Praise God. God Bless. P/s After all Job went through God Blessed him tremendiously in everything he had,just like He will do for us as we endure our suffering. 👍 .
Dear friend

There are some Saints that spring immediately to my mind but I am sure all saints suffered trials, (we are to be saints if we make it to heaven and we too have and will suffer trials and various sufferings). St Benedict Labre suffered in mental health and St Therese died young and suffered in physical health as you know. All of the martyrs suffered through no fault of their own. Mary Our Blessed Mother suffered. All those who are close to Christ Jesus suffered, this is telling me something, that it is part of our calling as disciples to suffer and to face our sufferings with the love and kindness of Christ…(tall order!! The road is narrow !!) …and to unite our suffering with Him as Mary did at the foot of the Cross.

Christ calls all to Him and to His Cross, we are told to take up our daily cross, because everyday there will be a trial/suffering either small or large and we are to behave no differently than Christ in any trial no matter the magnitude of it. It is in Christ our suffering only then becomes redemptive …

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hi John,

I know of Little Audrey Santos— a victim soul:


she is related to my daughter-in-law through marriage…the oils from the statues were used to bless one of my grandchildren who was chronically ill w/ a serious blood disorder…We feel that along w/ the intercession of St. Josemaria and this annointing contributed to the miraculous healing. Annunciata:)
Hi John,

I know of Little Audrey Santos— a victim soul:


she is related to my daughter-in-law through marriage…the oils from the statues were used to bless one of my grandchildren who was chronically ill w/ a serious blood disorder…We feel that along w/ the intercession of St. Josemaria and this annointing contributed to the miraculous healing. Annunciata:)
Hi Ann,Jesus is the only sacraficial lamb, a victim of innosense for us ,the sinner. But because of sin man suffers,Yet our Lord turns evil into good.He allows that suffering so that souls can be drawn closer to His heart.Little Audrey is an example of this.Healing and miracles are happening because of her illness.Praise God. GodBless. 👍
Hi John,

I know of Little Audrey Santos— a victim soul:


she is related to my daughter-in-law through marriage…the oils from the statues were used to bless one of my grandchildren who was chronically ill w/ a serious blood disorder…We feel that along w/ the intercession of St. Josemaria and this annointing contributed to the miraculous healing. Annunciata:)
Hi Annunciata,
Thanks for the link. I’m glad to hear about your grand child’s healing.
I have had a difficulty with my pregnancy towards the end with extreme tiredness and aching. I had a natural birth with both of my previous children, (no painkiller), and I heard of this when pregnant with my 2nd. I offered to the Lord all of my suffering with pregnancy and labor and delivery for the conversion of my husband. I plan on doing the same with this 3rd child, which is due at any moment.

I think the Catholic Church has the most beautiful way of looking at pain and suffering, that it’s NOT FOR NOTHING!!! You can apply it to anything!
I have been fasting weekly and offering this for the souls who need conversion. I have some souls in particular I like to pray for, however, The Blessed Mother knows better who needs the conversion and the blessing. It is for Her discretion.

You can offer anything up for the souls - both good works and sufferings. Our Lady will take them, present them to Her Son, and use them to help as She see fit.

It is a beautiful thing you ponder to do for the souls. May God bless you.
Suffering surely is due to the Fall. Thus, humanity as a whole share the consequences of sin. God is the author of Life and that is a given. To say that God does not allow for suffering or even asks a soul to become a victim of Love would be contrary to the Faith.

We have many examples of those who were victim souls. St Faustina is a prime example as Jesus asked her to experience the different sins of humanity and to suffer with Him the trangressions of mankind. One example comes to mind is the sin of abortion. She literally was bent in pain from such a procedure and felt the pain acutely as there were no pain-killers for her. She experienced the many sins that Jesus showed to her that He underwent with the different kinds of sins. Also, each sin had its own kind of wound. We have Bl Catherine Emmerick, who herself, suffered the very same pain of Jesus during His life, but especially the Agony and the Crucifixion. She also experienced the many mental hardships that Jesus had to endure through His Life. We tend to forget that mentally, He was in great agony many times. She also experienced the stigmata.

Little Therese was called in a different way into the victim soul ministry. She would offer all of her pain to redeem souls so they would experience a conversion. One story is that one day she felt something at her throat and it was shown to her that at the last minute this criminal converted before he was hung.

Many saints do say that a lot of suffering is lost because it could ‘used’ as redemptive and St Paul explains this well. We make up what is lacking in the body of Christ. The body of Christ on earth is sinful as a whole. It is like the suffering is made right what is wrong here on earth and in purgatory, as Mary, the Mediatrix knows where to place these jewels in the Body. How blessed we are for the great riches of our Mother Church.

But as Theresa said, many souls who are called to a special kind of relationship with Jesus, what we would call the mystical ones, suffer a great deal on behalf of their brothers and sisters due to their passionate love of Jesus…

I don’t get it…Jesus promised us that we would suffer, & Hebrews 11:24-40 details a long list of saints who suffered for their faith. I don’t believe that God wants us to be warm & fuzzy & never to be sick or suffering. If it was good enough for my Lord then it’s good enough for this sinner saved by His grace, mercy, & sacrifice. What else could Jesus have meant when he said, “Greater love has no man that he lay down his life for his friend.” That surely entails sacrifice & suffering. I believe that our faith (particularly Catholicism) gives true maening to our suffering. It does mine.
Dear Shoshana

A beautiful piece of writing, thank you very much I enjoyed your post so much.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Friends,
I have not shared something on this scale with you before and I just feel now is the time to share it. Patience may be required!!!

In a nutshell;
I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2001 and underwent daily radiotherapy for over a month. Thank God, it all cleared up and all medical personnel involved were delighted with my progress and my tolerance. I would go to work and then on the way home, I would go for my 2 min blast and then go home. Same each day for a month. No sickness no tiredness nothing.

A very close eye was kept on me for the next while including scans, blood tests etc. All was progressing very very well. My body was clear. Not even a chemical trace of cancer could be found.

In July of 2002 I decided to carry out the 33 day prep for total consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immacualte Heart of Mary, the DeMontfort method in thanksgiving and I had planned to finish it on the 15th of August at the Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal.

One night as I was finishing my prayers, and leaving my room, I became intensly aware of the following words “Are you willing to suffer again?” coming from Our Blessed Mother. My response was immediate “You know I am, Of course I will” and that was that. To be honest folks, I forgot the experience after a few days.

Some weeks after I began to get a sharp pain in my hip similar to artheritic pain and put it down to muscle pain or some other osteo muscular problem. It got worse and steadily worsened rapidly. I was diagnosed with groin strain, kidney infection, and would you believe I was actually told that my pain could be from the constancly of genuflection!! Oh Boy!!! Anyway I was put on antibiotics and painkillers etc.

The pain got a little easier but did not go away. Then in class in front of my students I was taking extreme sweats for no reason and without exertion. Now I knew something was wrong. I returned to my specialist and he assured me that from all the tests he had received cancer would not be an option and each and every test was clear up to the previous two months. Not even present on a microscale.

He sent me for a hip scan and they discovered a tumour 8cm x 7cm in a region that was clear 2 months previous. Not only that. They discovered that it had interfered with my right kidney whcih was only functioning at 30%.

Anyway intensive chemotherapy followed and their aim was to reduce the tumour to 3cm. If it remained >3cm then surgery was necessary. If it was <3cm then they were going to leave it and monitor it.

When they did the final scan after 3 months of chemo there was no trace of the tumour. My kidney had also normalised, in fact they quoted by calculation that it was at 110% function. Better than normal.

I now believe that the Lord needed my acceptence of suffering and time of trust in order to accomplish some good. I will never know why, but there again I don’t need to.

My latest results show a very healthy blood pressure and great levels of fitness. I have never exercised in my life above the normal running from class to class.

I am not for one moment saying I am a victim soul. I am simply now very aware that my suffering was necessary. I believe I was given an option. I chose to accept. After all any heart consecrated to Our Lady will imitate her virtues in every situation.
Dear Friends,
I have not shared something on this scale with you before and I just feel now is the time to share it. Patience may be required!!!

In a nutshell;
I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2001 and underwent daily radiotherapy for over a month. Thank God, it all cleared up and all medical personnel involved were delighted with my progress and my tolerance. I would go to work and then on the way home, I would go for my 2 min blast and then go home. Same each day for a month. No sickness no tiredness nothing.

I believe you. It has been my experience that when a soul truly and sincerely seeks spiritual perfection (to be found in different spiritualities), this will happen. If perfection is offensive to some, it just means holiness. A soul who journeys in that way, many things out of the ordinary will happen. Whether physical, spiritual or mentally. Many saints also suffered from depression…St Ignatius is a case in point. St Therese is also another one. It matters not the means that the Lord allows in our path. We will be tested in our sincerety, but, in the meantime this suffering can be ‘offered up’ as salvific. This is the example Jesus gave us. Also another thing I have noticed in many of our Saints (their true biographies on who they were as humans) that they weren’t so hung up on being ‘nice’. Such a secular term. Everything was done in charity but they were all prophetic in their own way. And of course, a prophet is never accepted in his own country, family and friends. St Bernadette who literally did not do anything offensive in her life was not very well loved by her Sisters in the convent. But Our Lady did say that she was not to be happy in this life. Actually, she was despised. Again, everything was offered up for the glory of God. In all of these cases, all things were done in obedience to their Superiors whether the Superior was right or wrong (except sin of course). Obedience is a big asset in the Faith…which originates in humility. We have many Saints who were so obedient to their Superiors even if that Superior was extremely grouchy, etc. And this could be transposed to our local pastor as well. Leading a holy life is not easy…but nothing in the spiritual life is really easy…

Dear Friends,
I have not shared something on this scale with you before and I just feel now is the time to share it. Patience may be required!!!

In a nutshell;
I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2001 and underwent daily radiotherapy for over a month. Thank God, it all cleared up and all medical personnel involved were delighted with my progress and my tolerance. I would go to work and then on the way home, I would go for my 2 min blast and then go home. Same each day for a month. No sickness no tiredness nothing.

A very close eye was kept on me for the next while including scans, blood tests etc. All was progressing very very well. My body was clear. Not even a chemical trace of cancer could be found.

In July of 2002 I decided to carry out the 33 day prep for total consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immacualte Heart of Mary, the DeMontfort method in thanksgiving and I had planned to finish it on the 15th of August at the Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal.

One night as I was finishing my prayers, and leaving my room, I became intensly aware of the following words “Are you willing to suffer again?” coming from Our Blessed Mother. My response was immediate “You know I am, Of course I will” and that was that. To be honest folks, I forgot the experience after a few days.

Some weeks after I began to get a sharp pain in my hip similar to artheritic pain and put it down to muscle pain or some other osteo muscular problem. It got worse and steadily worsened rapidly. I was diagnosed with groin strain, kidney infection, and would you believe I was actually told that my pain could be from the constancly of genuflection!! Oh Boy!!! Anyway I was put on antibiotics and painkillers etc.

The pain got a little easier but did not go away. Then in class in front of my students I was taking extreme sweats for no reason and without exertion. Now I knew something was wrong. I returned to my specialist and he assured me that from all the tests he had received cancer would not be an option and each and every test was clear up to the previous two months. Not even present on a microscale.

He sent me for a hip scan and they discovered a tumour 8cm x 7cm in a region that was clear 2 months previous. Not only that. They discovered that it had interfered with my right kidney whcih was only functioning at 30%.

Anyway intensive chemotherapy followed and their aim was to reduce the tumour to 3cm. If it remained >3cm then surgery was necessary. If it was <3cm then they were going to leave it and monitor it.

When they did the final scan after 3 months of chemo there was no trace of the tumour. My kidney had also normalised, in fact they quoted by calculation that it was at 110% function. Better than normal.

I now believe that the Lord needed my acceptence of suffering and time of trust in order to accomplish some good. I will never know why, but there again I don’t need to.

My latest results show a very healthy blood pressure and great levels of fitness. I have never exercised in my life above the normal running from class to class.

I am not for one moment saying I am a victim soul. I am simply now very aware that my suffering was necessary. I believe I was given an option. I chose to accept. After all any heart consecrated to Our Lady will imitate her virtues in every situation.
Dear friend

When I read your post, the thing that stood out most to me is your trust in God. You are a walking miracle! What you have gladly suffered without complaint (because you do not seem to complain from your post) is truly the trust and courage of the martyrs and the saints.

I will always say a little prayer for you and have you in the chalice.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

and have you in the chalice.

Dear Teresa,

I know what you are trying to say but I never heard it that way. Without trying to offend you at all, I chuckled reading that. May I ask if you are french? (I am…this would be something I would say;) )

Dear Teresa,

I know what you are trying to say but I never heard it that way. Without trying to offend you at all, I chuckled reading that. May I ask if you are french? (I am…this would be something I would say;) )

Dear Shoshana

It’s alright:D . I know why you had a laugh and I am glad I made you laugh, it is good to know someone smiled because of me!😃

My grandmother was irish and my mother was born there and it is as far as I know an irish saying that as you place your suffering in the chalice or someone else’s…you have them in the chalice…

Keep smiling Shoshana, it’s a beautiful thing and a lovely prayer !

🙂 I have to say that I would not have guessed you are french, your english is fantastic!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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