Have You Ever Been "Healed"?

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I was watching Benny Hinn in “action” the other day and saw him performing some “miracles.” Why these “healings” never make the news is beyond me, but my question is: Has anyone here at CA ever been cured of some serious malady by a “Faith Healer”?
I was watching Benny Hinn in “action” the other day and saw him performing some “miracles.” Why these “healings” never make the news is beyond me, but my question is: Has anyone here at CA ever been cured of some serious malady by a “Faith Healer”?
I have a friend whose ex-husband and she attended those services and she tells me that people were healed. When I ask her how she knows they were healed since she doesn’t know them, she changes the subject. I am not sure if any of Hinn’s followers actually believe that a healing took place or that the person was just going to “get better.” There is never follow up with these people. (Unlike people who were healed through saints’ intercession. They are followed up, poked, prodded, and researched.)

I would guess that anyone who was “healed” at a Hinn session just gradually got better, but that is just a guess.
I was watching Benny Hinn in “action” the other day and saw him performing some “miracles.” Why these “healings” never make the news is beyond me, but my question is: Has anyone here at CA ever been cured of some serious malady by a “Faith Healer”?
I’ve seen some pretty miraculous healings through LDS “priesthood blessings”. Does that count?
I was watching Benny Hinn in “action” the other day and saw him performing some “miracles.” Why these “healings” never make the news is beyond me, but my question is: Has anyone here at CA ever been cured of some serious malady by a “Faith Healer”?
Benny Hinn is just another fake like Leroy Jenkins,Don Stewart and Rod Pasley,none of his “healings” have ever been proven. He is all about money and entertainment.
Will Pick:
Benny Hinn is just another fake like Leroy Jenkins,Don Stewart and Rod Pasley,none of his “healings” have ever been proven. He is all about money and entertainment.
They are all disciples of the Healer Ernest Angsley, he was the first of televised faith healers. Ravenous wolves in sheep clothing…and shortly after the healing, the offering baskets get passed around…
I was healed about 8 years ago, not by Benny Hinn, but when I went to a church to hear a minister that I knew through reading some of his books. I didn’t even know he incorporated healing into his ministry, but I went and at the end of the meeting (it was a mid-week meeting), he started pointing people out in the congregation and said the Lord was going to heal them of certain things.

Next thing I know, he pointed to me and told me I was being healed of several things, many of the things that I knew of but that I had not revealed to anyone else, including my family, and I was absolutely healed of those things. I have never had a recurring problem with them. One was a noticable problem with heal spurs, that severely affected my being able to walk without excruciating pain. I had been treated with Cortezone but nothing helped. One other problem that was severe was a heart condition, this I had not revealed to family or friends because I knew the alarm they would feel. But I was in bad shape, I couldn’t even climb a flight of stairs without severe distress, my heart would just about jump out of my chest and I would have to immediately sit down in order to breath. I knew I didn’t have long to live because of this, it was bad.

After that service, God as my witness, within 12 hours, I could walk freely, I could run, I could run up and down my staircase at home, several times! It was truly a gift from God that I was not looking for, not expecting and will never be ashamed to say was real. I have never had a problem in these areas since that day.

The gift of healing does exist in the Body of Christ. I’m not saying that all who claim to have it, do. But I know that there are those who do have it, in and out of the Catholic Church. And many who have it don’t use it for their own glory or profit. They use it as God intended, to display His love and mercy.

Now, I don’t know why God chooses to heal some and not others, that is a mystery and I don’t know that we can ever solve those types of questions. But I know sometimes he reaches out, I am a testament to that.
Bless you, Jeanette. A wonderful testimony. There have been healings through me. It is not something I would ever try to capitalise on. Yes a total mystery. Why some and not others.

Why sometimes we pray for healings with tears in our hearts, and it does not happen.

Always “Thy will be done”.

So many healed by Padre Pio. Many for a short period so they could put their affairs in order. Many not healed physically but making their peace with Jesus before their death. Healing takes so many forms
Physically? No!

Spiritually? Yes!

But I do know a Deacon that was healed of his need for glasses when he was praying before “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. He was praying for his nephew who was terminally ill…a voice spoke and told him
“your nephew is with us, now take off your glasses, they are no longer needed”.
His testimony was awe inspiring. He found out later that his nephew passed on to the next world at precisely that point in time. :gopray2:
i have never been healed of anything. but i have some family members who were…

my dad tore a tendon in his ankle. and we went to chruch camp in houston and this kid came up and prayed for him. so my dad just sorta humored him and let the kid pray for him. but the kid told my dad that he was gonna walk out of the service that night carryin both of his crutches. and he did! praise God.

and my sister went to the doctor and was told that she had scoliosis. so she got mad and told our mom that she didnt want it. so they rebuked it right then and prayed, and she went back to the doctor and she had no sign of scoliosis.

and my cousin’s leg was growin crooked and he was gonna have to fly to ft. worth for surgery and they were gonna have to break his leg and straighten it up. so we prayed for him. and they flew to ft. worth. but they doctors asked “why are you here. his leg is perfectly straight”

and all of these healings have never returned void. or the sickness never came back. it was a Jesus thing. and He healed them. Faith is all you need to be healed. God bless!
Jeanette L:
The gift of healing does exist in the Body of Christ. I’m not saying that all who claim to have it, do. But I know that there are those who do have it, in and out of the Catholic Church. And many who have it don’t use it for their own glory or profit. They use it as God intended, to display His love and mercy.
I agree with you, but… well to put it short Benny Hinn is a huge fraud. 🙂
wudn’t benny hinn catholic growing up?

i also heard him say on t.v. that he loves the Catholic Church.
but i dunno if he’s a fraud or not. ive heard soooo many negative things toward him, and ive read tons of negative things about him on the internet. i mean you cant type in his name on yahoo or somethin, and boom! bash benny this. bash benny that. but ive also heard great things about him. alot of great things. my roomate said that he went to a crusade of his one time, and benny hinn said “can you smell the aroma of God?” and he said that he breathed in, and he smelt berries and stuff. and this was outside so i dunno if it was someone sprayin perfume or not, but i really dont know what to think about him anymore. ive also heard about some of the people that got healed, wrote him and said that they were sick again or somthin like that. mabye they just lost their faith and God allowed the disease or demon back on em. i dunno, i aint God. lol. but i also think that we shouldnt call anyone a fraud or not. its not our place to judge people 🙂 but im goin to a crusade of benny hinn this friday, soo ill repost on here afterwards and let everyone know about what i experienced at his crusade. good or bad. soooo God bless!!
I was not healed by a faith healer but by the answer to intercessory prayer. This was years ago. I had been terribly ill for several days. I had influenza, a nearly continuous 102 degee fever and delirium. I was in a yoga commune in KC, Mo living with Sikhs. Their answer to my fever was for me to get into a hot, hot bath so I would start sweating. That got it up to 104 degrees.
A charismatic Catholic girl who came just for the yoga classes prayed over me. The fever abated and did not return. I was lucid for the first time during the illness. It was like day and night.
No antibiotics. No meds at all. No homeopathics. No herbs. Just a young girl praying earnestly for intercession by the saints and Our Blessed Mother. And God listening
i have not been, but i was a witness to someone that was paralyzed, he had a t-12 fracture, they had even put a piece of metal there to hold the discs together. (i saw the x-rays)

he went to church with us one day and we had a visiting pastor from guatemala, and he told him that god spoke to him telling Alfredo (the paralyzed man) to stand up, and he did!!! 👍 he’s been healed ever since.

he told me afterwards, that he felt like someone was helping him stand up from the wheelchair. he tells me that he knows that god healed him.

I have known and witnessed people healed by Christ in a healing service, yes. Healing is something the Bible promised us, this power did not disappear. Glory to God. In the church of my youth, I saw a man, who had been in a wheelchair for…as long as I can remember, his legs were shriveled, get up and walk, not well mind you, but walk across the stage. His wife fainted. Amen. Gives me chills remembering it! Praise the Lord that can reach into our sinful word and show his power and might. Glory to God!
There is a well-known shrine to Saint Anne in Fiskdale, MA where my dad grew up. My ancestors (the Dupre, LeBlanc and LeBouef families) built it. They first built the tiny Sacred Heart Parish chapel. Saint Anne is the patron saint of all French-Canadians and they had a statue of her in back of the church. My great-great aunt Madeleine LeBouef from childhood had a disease that caused her feet and legs to swell to huge proportions. It was very painful and she was confined to a wheelchair. For over 20 years she paused after every mass at the statue of Saint Anne and prayed for her intercession that she would be healed. One Sunday, as she prayed, her shoe fell off. She soon saw that her legs and feet had returned to normal size. The disease never returned. After that, they built a shrine on the hill in back of the chapel and there were hundreds of cures over the next 80 years. The cures are still happening. If you go to the shrine and stop at the little chapel, you will see the many crutches, canes, leg braces and wheelchairs hanging on the walls.

God bless,
wudn’t benny hinn catholic growing up?

i also heard him say on t.v. that he loves the Catholic Church.
but i dunno if he’s a fraud or not. ive heard soooo many negative things toward him, and ive read tons of negative things about him on the internet. i mean you cant type in his name on yahoo or somethin, and boom! bash benny this. bash benny that. but ive also heard great things about him. alot of great things. my roomate said that he went to a crusade of his one time, and benny hinn said “can you smell the aroma of God?” and he said that he breathed in, and he smelt berries and stuff. and this was outside so i dunno if it was someone sprayin perfume or not, but i really dont know what to think about him anymore. ive also heard about some of the people that got healed, wrote him and said that they were sick again or somthin like that. mabye they just lost their faith and God allowed the disease or demon back on em. i dunno, i aint God. lol. but i also think that we shouldnt call anyone a fraud or not. its not our place to judge people 🙂 but im goin to a crusade of benny hinn this friday, soo ill repost on here afterwards and let everyone know about what i experienced at his crusade. good or bad. soooo God bless!!
He was a Eastern orthodox christian! They also call themselves Catholic.
He was not in union with the Pope of Rome at any time!
That man is an absolute fraud. Love the Catholic Church?
He left his Eastern Orthodox faith and started a heretical scam as a false prophet!
That is what I was told anyway. By an Eastern Orthodox Christian. So, I cant give a link on it- but I feel like googling it up so this false idea does not spread.
Recently I and several others with diagnosed severe and chronic mental illnesses, were healed through prayer, fellowship, peer support, and the Holy Spirit. Two just made significant breakthroughs in the past few days.

This was not by any faith healer on TV, though, so yes I now know what healing is because I’ve experienced it myself now and know some people personally – including my wife – who has.

It is not necessary to be supernatural or magic to bring about healing. The Holy Spirit heals any and all through those of us who let Him use us to perform acts of love. I’ve never seen Benny Hinn, so I have no opinion on whether he is truly a man of faith, using that faith to help others bolster their faith and thus find healing … etc. etc. … or whether he’s just a big pompous blowhard hypocrite like Jimmy Swaggart.

I was healed of Celiac Disease, but not through Benny Hinn. A lady at my church prayed for me.
I have witnessed many healings, but not from Benny Hinn. I used to belong to an Assembly of God church and saw many “faith healers” do their thing. After a few years, it seemed to me that many of the same people were going up to the altar time after time to each and every one of these “healers” and some went following Benny Hinn whenever he was within 500 miles of us.

Three of my own healings happened in a much quieter way than these. While at a women’s conference in the twin cities, Gigi Tv— (don’t know how to spell her last name! She’s Billy Graham’s daughter) talked about forgiveness and I felt a complete and total forgiveness towards my ex-husband. This is something that I could have not done on my own. It was the Grace of God that got me through that. Another time, my former Pastor prayed for me while I was in the hospital with a herniated disk. Within minutes my pain went away and I was able to be discharged. The third time was from a prayer given to me in confession. I have suffered from depression for years and through the Sacrament of Penance, I was healed and forgiven. I have been without those black times for months. I have faith that I was healed through that Sacrament. 😉

in Christ
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