Have you ever been "punished" for being good at your job?

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New member
I remember many years ago I worked in a store and I sold computers, because I was very good with customer service and good at selling computers they always put me to work Saturdays and Sunday’s as they were the days that had more customers come in.

There was no extra money for working the weekend there and I was put on every weekend. I felt I was being punished and losing out on the weekends for being good at selling computers whereas those that were average didn’t have to work the whole weekend, every weekend.

I didn’t stay there for too long.

Has anything like that happened to you? I have seen it since that those that want to do the minimum at work don’t have to do the more complex tasks and so for them it always seems a win-win.
Perhaps you could have highlighted your achievements to your employer and asked for a raise. Be outstanding in everything you do and the benefits will come. However, some employers will put you on a schedule that is an advantage to their business and not pay more until you speak up.
In my opinion, you need to determine what their definition of a good job is. Also, will it help you by going “above and beyond”? Unless there’s a Promotion or a Raise, a pat on the back won’t make me do a better job.
Yes the better you do the more you have to do.
The marginal you r the less you have to do
Exactly. I see this everyday. People leave stuff for me to do. If I don’t do it, no one else will :man_shrugging:t2: Yet, we all get paid the same.
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You weren’t being punished. They need their best salespeople there on the days the most customers come in.
I spent no time with my wife but if I were average I would have sent time with her.

If they paid time and a half it would be better.

In care I have had to work with the most complex over and over whereas the lazy got the easier tasks rather than train them up to a better level so I went home exhausted and they drank coffee all day.
I spent no time with my wife but if I were average I would have sent time with her.

If they paid time and a half it would be better.
I understand that, I was only addressing your use of the word “punished.” They did not sit down and say – hey, he’s good, let’s punish him. They said, hey, he’s good, we need him when the most customers are here.

It’s a business decision, not a personal one.
All too often Managers will exploit the best workers and let those who’re “dead weight” slide. I’ve been in this position many times and I will call it out immediately!
Once upon a time, I got a job working internal helpdesk at a marketing company. I was one of three people. I wasn’t the techiest person, but it wasn’t particularly difficult-- most problems could be solved by deleting cookies, or explaining how the address bar worked, or explaining to people they needed a real desktop computer and not an e-machine, because this was about the time of the dot-com bust, and our field employees were work-at-home types and not very tech-savvy.

An older gentleman stopped by my cubicle one day to talk to me about my job. Did it take much time? Was it particularly difficult? And I answered his questions honestly-- no, the usual workload wasn’t that bad, and the questions weren’t that difficult. The hardest time came when the servers were down on our side, and we had to return 30 or 40 calls from people who couldn’t upload their reports and ask them to try again after a certain time. That sort of thing.

They decided, as a cost-cutting measure, to cut the internal helpdesk from three down to two. And because I was the least-techy of them, and because I had only been there about five months, I was the one who was laid off.

A number of people in my social circle worked there, which was how I got the job in the first place. I ran into one of them, who had stayed on, about six or seven months later, and we were chatting about how things were these days. A bunch of people had hated the restructuring and had jumped ship in favor of places like Microsoft. As for the help desk, they were now up to four employees— they ended up having to hire two people to replace me. 😛
I got out of the Service Industry because I hated the Customers.

“The Customer is usually Wrong”
When I was a cashier for a summer I used to get taken off the register first to help the clean up crew. The reason was being the only one who wouldn’t complain.

I mean so a pretty small thing but kinda. I took it as a compliment when I was told that by my manager. (Not because I asked she just said that)
I’ve definitely noticed this in retail - being industrious and uncomplaining gets you more and worse work and really not much else. You don’t get raises and a lot won’t give out references.
you need to take care of your good workers.
And of your customers. That’s the nature of retail.
Your good workers keep your customers coming back
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