Have you ever ended a friendship because of a different religious denomination belief?

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Some religious denomination belief seem to be in opposition to your experience.

Have you ever ended a friendship because of denomination conflicts?

What denomination was it?
Heavens, no. I have friends of every stripe of religion, politics, state of life. We love and respect each other.
Nope. I even dated a gal who attended a Baptist church that taught that the Catholic Church is the whole “whore of Babylon” thing. She didn’t buy much into it, and I was happy to show her what Catholics are actually like.
Ended a friendship, no. Let one die a natural death, yes. This has happened to me several times with friends that are Catholic and I have known for years, who now have nothing to do with the Church and belittle its teachings and modes of worship and devotion. And by association, belittle me. There is a terrible aura of superiority in such people that I have encountered. I pray for them, but I really don’t associate with them any more.
Goodness no. That wouldn’t speak too well to the dumper’s denomination. Actually it would speak to the person who did it not the denomination. Just because you are in a Church, doesn’t mean you actually really do any of it. 😇 I mean really. Let’s get real. (I am joking.) All that stuff about becoming Christ like. And yes I am aware of crucial theological differences between ‘denominations.’
I don’t dump people usually. Mostly we just move apart. One friend I grew up with resented my religiosity. He left the Church and we haven’t talked for awhile.
I did end one with an atheist once in part because the person disrespected my religion while I was visiting them.
That wasn’t the only reason I ended it though, as the other reasons involved them being very close to another person I had cut off a friendship with over non-religious reasons, and also their attitude towards several other things such as the USA, and their priorities in life.
I have several other friends who are non-believers (whether they categorize themselves as agnostic or atheist) and we get along fine as they do not diss on my beliefs and I do not hassle them about theirs. We are not best bosom buddies, but we can enjoy each other’s company from time to time.
I embrace ppl in love. I love talking religion in politics b/c we learn things. I lovingly disagree if we don’t have one mind.
In Christ’s Love
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Have you ever ended a friendship because of denomination conflicts?
Yes, twice, with men, and they were just friends, no romance involved.

One was an atheist. I could not abide his pessimism.

The other was some kind of non-denominational Protestant. He believed in God and even read the Bible daily. But, he was a firm believer in reincarnation. He insisted the story of Jesus healing the blind man at the well was about reincarnation, but he couldn’t explain how. He was very stubborn and set in his beliefs.
Conversely I have been dumped painfully by “friends” due to my own faith.
A JW friend was told to go away after a 10 year friend ship.
They were given the book. Why JW are wrong.
They still wouldnt. Change
Go figure
When people have spent a lifetime learning one belief system, it is going to be difficult-to-impossible for them to change. Just giving them a book and telling them they are wrong won’t do it.
I don’t doubt it.
I meet non-practicing Catholics all the time and mostly they’re vastly ignorant about the Church…
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