Have you ever experienced a devil's oppression?

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“The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat…” (2 Tim 4:18)

Four days after I started my bible sharing apostolate via the internet in June, 1999 I had the following eerie experience. I remember the date so well: Wednesday, June 23, 1999.

At around midnight, I suddenly became aware of a presence in my bedroom. The light in the room was still on as my husband was still out. He was still at the factory making last minute preparations for the out-of-town trip early Thursday morning of three of our staff who were going to install poultry equipments in one of the farms there.

I was aware of being awakened from my sleep by an unseen force. I tried to open my eyes, but I could hardly do so. The unseen force was trying to overpower me. I had goose bumps all over my body. I felt that the rosary was still in my hands. I had fallen asleep praying the rosary again (as usual! 🙂 ). Automatically, I found myself praying in my mind: "I…believe… in… God… the… Father… Almighty…” laboriously and with great difficulty. It seemed the presence was trying to prevent me from saying the Creed. I can’t describe it but there was something diabolic and eerie in what was happening. Midway in the Creed, the thing subsided. I immediately got up because I smelt something burning. I checked the electrical outlets. Nothing. I went out of the room and inspected all electrical connections. I unplugged the computer. I went inside Nikki’s (my daughter who was 19 at that time) bedroom; checked the electric fan. It was not on. In the kitchen all electrical appliances have been unplugged. I noticed I did not sense the burning smell in those areas, only inside my bedroom. When I went back to my room, the burning smell was gone.

While I was recalling the incident to Nikki at lunch the following day I suddenly remembered the burning smell. “Could it be the devil that came visiting to try to oppress me?” I thought aloud. And Nikki commented: “Mommy, maybe the devil is so outrage over your bible sharings.”

If it was indeed the devil who tried to oppress me because of the apostolate I started (I don’t want to be presumptuous, really) I have nothing to fear because the Lord will always be there to rescue me from his evil threat…

Have you ever experienced the devil’s oppression at one time in your life?

God bless,
My experience was almost exactly like yours, plus a few other scary phenomena – the room being extremely hot, a cat jumping across the bed when I didn’t own one, etc. The only thing that stopped it was the Jesus Prayer (“Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”). I was very awake, and very scared. This happened about 20 years ago when I had just started becoming very strong in my faith. I remember it like it was yesterday.

This topic has been brought up on these boards a couple of times before. I expect to see the usual condescending posts saying these things are common “night terrors” brought about by an altered state of wakefullness, blah, blah, blah, yada. yada, yada, yakkity, yak yak yak, and there is probably nothing supernatural about them. They’re entitled to their smug little armchair analysis. All I know is what happened to me was quite real.
I have had a similar things happen to me. Awake without being able to move even a little, not able to talk. It was hard to breathe because there felt like there was something pressing down on me. The only thing that works for me when this happens is trying to say Jesus.
Hi Elliot and Fidelis,

I decided to go through the previous threads on the same subject [thanks for the tip - I am quite new in this forum :)] and I found them quite interesting. But yes, like you my experience was real to me. It was not some kind of ‘altered state of wakefulness’. I hope I don’t go through the same thing again…

God bless,
I have had my share of these experences as well, most notable was a figure which appeared humanoid and black within a dark room (as in a black form or cut out, not as in a dark skinned man) this chilled me to the bone. I had lost and was regaining my faith at that time and was lost as how to proceed. I searched many places for a way to proceed (since this “black” man kept appearing). It was not until I understood the principles of rebuking the devil in the name of Christ that I gained peace. Overall, however, I find that the experience has strengthened my faith, because the devil was bothered by it enough to attempt to hinder me.

“Be subject therefore to God. But resist the devil: and he will fly from you.” James 4:7 Douay-Rhiems
Yup. Many times. In the form of doubts, lukewarmness, confusion etc.

Once I had a mug explode in our sitting room whilst I was on the phone. My wife and my friend witnessed it.

Have had the house blessed, go to Mass every day and Confession once a week. Keeps oul nick busy hatching plans to trip me up.
I have had experiences similar to these. Unusual smells, images, sounds, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. Very disturbing.
Yup. Many times. In the form of doubts, lukewarmness, confusion etc.

Once I had a mug explode in our sitting room whilst I was on the phone. My wife and my friend witnessed it.

Have had the house blessed, go to Mass every day and Confession once a week. Keeps oul nick busy hatching plans to trip me up.
A mug exploded??? :eek:
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