Have you ever heard of the Essene Gospel?

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I read some passages of it, it is interesting, and I prefer to keep an open mind

It is called the Gospel of peace
I am more interested in the gospel passages itself.

I like reading it very much . Because it has a lot of inspiration on protecting our polluted environment… which is really important in nowadays

I believe I can get some inspirations from it
It is wise to avoid biblical forgeries. They could easily contain heresies or be gateways to such. They have little or no value to Catholics.
I prefer to have an open mind.

Many years ago, I thought the Bible was a evil book according to what others told me, so I prevented myself from reading it until one day… Now I went to church very often.

I believe people have their own wisdom to differentiate what is right and wrong. I see many comments giving it a high praise

It’s a forgery and an attempt at undermining the canonical gospels. This is something that we should not be “open minded” about.
I believe people have their own wisdom
That is not a Catholic view, Im afraid to say.

The Bible says the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. What does that mean? It means that if you are seeking wisdom you must respect God’s word and not rely on your feelings about a book which you happen to like.
I will pray to God and ask him to grant me the grace of wisdom to understand this kind of books;)
There’s no value in understanding something like this. Period. It’s fake and meant to mislead.
Have you read Laudato Si? It’s the most recent synthesis of Christianity’s thoughts about protecting life and the environment.
Yes !

I read it , I was deeply moved… it is a wonderful book, I wish it can be translated into more languages…

Can I open a new thread for this book?
Have you read the book Laudato Si? Social Justice
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I will pray to God and ask him to grant me the grace of wisdom to understand this kind of books;)
Honestly there are so many wonderful books, why waste time on dodgy forgeries?

Have you thought of reading the parts of the New Testament which relate to St John, and then reading the Dead Sea Scrills, and then read the latest ideas about whether the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by Essenes or not, and whether John the Baptist was an Essene or not?

You might find these puzzles intriguing and at least you will be dealing with genuine texts.
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