It has been my experience that the best type of intervention is when the people involved are really clear as to what they want to have happen, what they want the result to be from the intervention. For an example, if you would like your friend to get immediate help for her alcoholism involving entry into a treatment center or a detoxification program, you will need to have a bed in such a center set up ahead of time. You’ll need to know if it is a ‘free’ bed, or if she has some kind of insurance left that can pay for it (like if she is still being carried on her husband’s insurance - some medical insurances provide for inhouse teatment programs). Then, you can contact the program, talk to an intervention specialist there and they can help you set up an actual intervention. Usually, those consist of two or three of her closest friends or family members sitting her down and telling her straight to her face what her behavior is causing THEM…the worry, the pain, the heartache…and what they will no longer be able to put up with, i.e. no more listening to tales of woe, no more money lending, no more late night phone calls, etc. The only alternative this person is given is to go into treatment, right THEN, and the bed is waiting for them…if they refuse then so be it…the door is closed on them and you walk away.
The other type of intervention is for you to aquaint yourself with the disease itself, perhaps by reading the book Alcoholics Anonymous. You can even attend an open meeting or two, and attend a meeting of Al-Anon to aquaint yourself with people who live with and love alcoholics. Then, every time the alcoholic starts to tell you another tale or adventure of woe and heartache you answer them the same way:
“That’s interesting information Jane Doe, but the real problem is that you are an alcoholic who is treating your alcoholism with alcohol. Until you decide to treat it another way you are going to continue to have those kind of things happen in your life. I can’t help you until you stop drinking. Hey, how about those Patriots, eh?”