Have you ever seen what appears to be a possessed person

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I know many of you will probably dismiss this as my imagination. But I’d like to hear from some of you who have had similar experiences.

Has anyone ever seen a possessed person? Or allegedly possessed. Or did you ever look at a person and see the evil in their eyes and know that somehow you weren’t looking at the person but the evil spirit in them?

I don’t know why God is permitting this but I’ve been witness to several instances of this.

I saw a girl come in to church begging for help and she was thrown down to the floor and writhing. Then got up again. Her voice was changing from high to very low deep. She kept begging for help and then stuttered. It was absolutely pitiful. The deacon came over to talk to her. The priest ignored her. One lady thought it was purely psychological. I gave her my St. Benedict Medal and she was referred to a bishop who does exorcism.

Also another time at a job interview I was being interviewed by a normal looking women then while we were talking she was slumping in her chair and her eyes changed shape and she was moving extremely slowly. Another lady witnessed this too. Right afterward she got up and acted as normal.

From another person I got the distinct feeling that they were acting like a dog. I can’t explain it but it’s true. Would you believe a total stranger months later one day remarked, that that same person was acting like a dog. The difference was that they didn’t know why but I had the terrible suspiscion it was a spiritual problem.
There’s more examples but it would take to long.
I’ve never seen some one who was possessed, but I believe what you are saying is true. My husband is pentacostal and told me a few stories about the same thing happening in his church when he was a child. It’s scary to think it can happen, but I believe it.
It is rare but it happens. It was mentioned that a priest ignored someone who had the marks of possesion. That is inexcusable.

It takes a lot of effort and courage for a person who is infested with an evil spirit to go and ask for help. Most of them appear normal most of the time. Some who need an exorcism apper almost normal unless pressed. It is nothing to cavalier about.
I’ve not had your experiences but I believe you.

As for the priest who ignored the incident, I don’t know why he did so, but lets try not to judge what his motives were. The devil tries to attack the clergy, in whatever ways possible.

I do haev a question. How did the person get referred to the Bishop? Via the Deacon? Did the Priest ask the deacon to handle the situation?

Just wondering.

Be careful that you don’t start seeing evil where it doesn’t exist. Do you have a spiritual advisor? You may have a charism of discerning Spirits or discerning evil which is a somewhat infrequent gift of the Holy Spirit. If so, it may be helpful for you to have on-going spiritual direction to assist you in discerning what you are encountering, it’s meaning and what if anything you are meant to do when you encounter these situations. (If I had your charism, I might consider carrying holy water with me). I assume you already wear a crucifix and a miraculous medal to protect yourself in these encounters.

I know that while I don’t have your charism, I had in a very brief time several people who shared with me in a very small town, stories regarding their discernment of spirits, in one case I was present when she encountered a spirit. Why exactly all these things were happening to me all at the same time, I still can’t say, but I knew I was meant to take time to discern and I did so with my spiritual advisor.

Remember that our charisms are not meant for our personal profit, they are meant to build up the church, they are a public gift. Therefore, I encourage you to learn how you are to respond such that you use what appears to be a gift, for the greater good of the church.

May you go in Peace,

Much more common than demon possession is cooperation.

One level of cooperation is to simply involve oneself with evil.

The next level of cooperation is to actively seek to snare others in the same evil.

I once saw what may have been a demon possessed person. A woman was walking around quickly and rather randomly in the parking lot of a shopping mall and swinging her arms quite wildly. A mall security person was following and watching the person, and I suppose security was just hoping that the gal would simply leave the property. But I admit it could have been somebody fairly bombed out on drugs. And it may well be that getting fairly bombed out on drugs is a way to temporarily open the door to demon possession.

The devil likes to be undercover. He really likes it that most people do not believe there are devils. And that most people think Satan is a religious fantasy.

The strong Christian message is that “greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.” I bless myself with Holy water sometimes. And I like to pray the Holy Rosary.
How can one differentiate between someone with a psychological disorder (i.e. schizophrenia), someone with a drug problem, or someone who is possessed? Is there reading material on this?
i’ve seen some who were allegedly possessed; i’ve read about those who were indeed possessed. someone’s really messing around.
How can one differentiate between someone with a psychological disorder (i.e. schizophrenia), someone with a drug problem, or someone who is possessed? Is there reading material on this?
Pray for ther gift of Discernment, it makes recognizing these things much easier.
Much more common than demon possession is cooperation.

One level of cooperation is to simply involve oneself with evil.

The next level of cooperation is to actively seek to snare others in the same evil.
The 6 levels of demonic activity are :
  1. Temptaiton. Even Jesus was tempted.
  2. Infestation.
  3. Depression.
  4. Oppression.
  5. Obsession.
  6. Temptation. 51% of the persons life is in control of the evil one.
We “co-operate” when we give into temptation.
I once saw what may have been a demon possessed person. A woman was walking around quickly and rather randomly in the parking lot of a shopping mall and swinging her arms quite wildly. A mall security person was following and watching the person, and I suppose security was just hoping that the gal would simply leave the property. But I admit it could have been somebody fairly bombed out on drugs. And it may well be that getting fairly bombed out on drugs is a way to temporarily open the door to demon possession.
Exactly. We have Holy Communion, agents of the evil one have their drugs.
The devil likes to be undercover. He really likes it that most people do not believe there are devils. And that most people think Satan is a religious fantasy.
Turn on MTV sometime. The evil one is much more out in the open than we realize.
The strong Christian message is that “greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.” I bless myself with Holy water sometimes. And I like to pray the Holy Rosary.
🙂 God bless you.
Yes, I would suppose so. I have come across people who made me very uncomfortable. I felt something was out of order but could not put my finger on it. Those could be imagination on my part though I suppose. The one time I know for sure I met a very possessed person, I was not sure either. He walked into the shop where I was doing some business with the employee Insurance plan as an agent. I looked up from the desk I was sitting at and outside the window I saw a man who appeared very agitated. He left, the manager, who’s desk I was using came back in and I mentioned I did not like the looks of that guy. The manager said the guy was just unhappy and they had tried to appease him but you cannot please everyone.

I could not explain to Russ…the manager why I thought it was more than just an unhappy customer. I saw the man as surrounded by a dark evil mist. Russ just saw an angry guy who would get over it.

I left 20 minutes later having finished my work there. Ten minutes after I left, the man returned and shot the manager to death through the window. The manager was sitting at his desk that I had just left. The gunman also shot at everyone else in the shop but they got out the back. Yep! I have never again poo pooed my instincts. Met a couple of people after that who would also later turn out to be very evil people.
I’ve not had your experiences but I believe you.

I do haev a question. How did the person get referred to the Bishop? Via the Deacon? Did the Priest ask the deacon to handle the situation?

Just wondering.

Be careful that you don’t start seeing evil where it doesn’t exist. Do you have a spiritual advisor? You may have a charism of discerning Spirits or discerning evil which is a somewhat infrequent gift of the Holy Spirit. If so, it may be helpful for you to have on-going spiritual direction to assist you in discerning what you are encountering, it’s meaning and what if anything you are meant to do when you encounter these situations. (If I had your charism, I might consider carrying holy water with me). I assume you already wear a crucifix and a miraculous medal to protect yourself in these encounters.

The deacon and also some other people referred her to the bishop. He was kind of well known. Also I’m not sure if the priest asked the deacon to handle it.

I agree with you. The LAST thing I want to see is evil everywhere. But to be honest, at this time, evil IS everywhere. And I can’t help seeing what IS there. Just walk into a video store and you see the devil’ fingerprints everywhere.

I do need a spritiual director at this time. I tried to read some books on what I might be experiencing and I read that there are some people called “sensitives”. I never thought of it as a charism but perhaps you’re right. But these things only started after I started going to Eucharistic Adoration on a more frequent basis.

Yes I do carry holy water and wear sacramentals every day. I think everyone should in these times. But we can’t be afraid, 'cause Jesus said, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
That Was your Guardian Angel telling you that the man was evil and got you out of there in time. That’s what I believe.
I can easily believe that people can be possessed, though I have not seen it. I have however, met people that I am sure were obsessed with evil.
Yes, unfortunately, I have seen what you described many times. One college student, an African-American man, had been abused very much by his mother. They also came from Haiti and had ties to the occult. His voice would change to very low, he would shake in the presence of praise and worship and preaching. When this was happening, a demon would talk through him – accusing us, threatening, etc. On occasion, he would vomit a foul smelling green “slime”. A charismatic priest was ministering inner healing and deliverance to this young man and he was gradually getting better. We also took him into our young adult prayer group so he had solid Christian fellowship to grow in His relationship with God and allow his long-suppressed personality to grow and mature in a safe environment.

I have also witnessed a drug dealer look at me while I was driving my car – his face changed to a demon with pointed ears and piercing eyes and I felt like I had been shot and I actually doubled over. My sister was with me and witnessed and felt the same thing. We were just coming back from our youth group / bible study night.

Another time, a Hispanic high school girl fell writhing on the ground after a Christian concert which was followed by prayer. She herself knew the cause and volunteered the information – she had been messing around with ouija boards. She confessed her sin and we were able to rebuke the demonic oppressions so she could get back to her feet.

You seem to have a spiritual gift that is called “Discernment of Spirits.” It is likely the Lord is calling you to minister in areas of spiritual warfare and deliverance (not to be confused with exorcism – which is reserved for certain priests).

It is a special gift the Holy Spirit gives to some members of the body of Christ to assist people who need to be set free from demonic oppression. If you read the gospels looking specifically for deliverance ministry, you will be amazed at how much deliverance Jesus did. And it’s not only the Jews of 2000 years ago who had this problem. The desert fathers of the 300-600AD era talk about it extensively.

And as the above instances portray – it is still happening today in our modern society. I recently read that the Vatican had sent a large number of priests to be trained in deliverance ministry because churches are receiving such a huge increase in requests for this type of ministry. With games like Dungeons and Dragons, Yu-Gi-Oh, and all kinds of occultic and witchcraft movies, games, literature being thrust as entertainment upon our youth – along with mind-altering drugs, it is no wonder.
Song of Songs:
I have also witnessed a drug dealer look at me while I was driving my car – his face changed to a demon with pointed ears and piercing eyes and I felt like I had been shot and I actually doubled over. My sister was with me and witnessed and felt the same thing. We were just coming back from our youth group / bible study night.

You seem to have a spiritual gift that is called “Discernment of Spirits.” It is likely the Lord is calling you to minister in areas of spiritual warfare and deliverance (not to be confused with exorcism – which is reserved for certain priests).
Yeah, sounds scary. But I believe you. Also one time I was on a train and saw a man holding a newspaper upside down. I saw a demon’s face in the newspaper. When I looked closer at it, right side up, it wasn’t a demon at all but a woman selling porn. I didn’t see the woman, I saw the demon.

Also, I see it in a few famous stars. One very famous star I am convinced is possessed. I saw them stuttering and shaking in an interview and I knew it is a spiritual problem. But the world doesn’t see these things.

I was blown away when I actually read in the bible that “sin can change the countenance of the face”. Of course, I can’t look at someone’s face or read their souls. But sometimes I can see something bad in certain people’s eyes.

Now here’s a story that even amazed me. One time on tv they showed a little boy about 4 years old. The narrator remarked how cute the boy was. Not know who the boy was, my first reaction was disagreement. I felt the boy didn’t look right to me. The boy turned out to be Jeffrey Dahmer.

I wish more priests would open their “spritual eyes” and see the truth.
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