Have you gone through or taught in RCIA? Tell us about it!
Was Confirmed this past Easter Vigil! I’m also in it now as a Sponsor for a friend getting Confirmed.
What did you like about it? What didn’t you like?
I liked that little groups of friends were formed. Yeah, a lot of people think ‘cliques’ are automatically bad, but once we all settled into our same tables every Tuesday we got to know one another and formed a deeper friendship than in groups I’ve been in where we were ‘shuffled’ every now and then. I liked that we got genuine Catholic teaching and weren’t taught a watered-down faith. I’m glad that on the head team there was a Traditionalist, a Charismatic, and many who just called themselves plain Catholic because it really showed us the breadth and depth of Catholic spirituality and the ablity of HMC to hold all of her children together.
This year, however, they’ve started singing at the begining, and it’s being led by a man and a woman who sing very dippy songs while the woman gives testemonies or something in between songs (they’re in the program, btw, not fully Catholic yet). The first night as we left my friend’s first comment was “that was very Protestant”. The singing makes me uncomfortable, just as it did when I was a protestant, but it’s probably just my personal preferences.
Was it too intense or too fluffy?
Neither. The singing in the begining bugs me, but I have to say everything I’ve heard has been orthodox as far as I can tell.
How were theological disagreements resolved?

There were none. Anything majorly important has already been defined by the Church. If there were multiple options on something (such as a literal interpretation of Genesis or whether or not Mary died before the Assumption) we were presented with both options and told we could decide for ourselves.
What things were dwelled upon too much, and what topics were not discussed enough?
We went so far into the rosary that we were being repetative, I think, but at the same time it is an important devotion. The use of sacramentals, the role of such things as encyclicals and papal bulls in the Catholic life, and the teachings on Salvation are still a little fuzzy to me.
What happened when the teacher couldn’t answer a question?
We never had just one teacher, there was a group of people with their nametags in red called ‘red badgers’ and between the group of them they could pretty much answer anything.
Was homework assigned? What was the attitude towards homework?
During Inquiry there were reading chapters but other than that not really. I can’t imagine adults would enjoy doing homework much though.
If you had to do it over again, what would you change?
Not very much. I had a great RCIA.