Have you heard from God lately?

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I would like to share this experience that I had last evening. But first some background knowledge might help to clarify the story. I struggle at times with whether or not the Catholic church is the one true church. There is a long history which I won’t go into, but suffice to say I’ve been ifluenced by some fundamentalist Christians. I left the Church several years ago and then came back. Since I’ve been back I have struggled, and have bounced up and down with feelings of security in the Church’s teachings and then questioning it’s doctrines. Many times I’ve come to peace then some incident makes me question. This past weekend I’ve struggled somewhat and decided last night to ask God for a sign indicating that the Catholic church is the one true church.

At the time I went to sleep a thunderstorm had hit the area. I finally fell asleep, but during the evening I woke slightly (not sure why come to think of it) and immediately was thinking about the particular struggle I was going through. I was still quite sleepy and had not thought very long when a very bright lightening lit up the sky. And not more than a second later there was an extremely loud crash of thunder. The kind that actually makes your entire home vibrate. It took several seconds before the entire noise had gone away. I immediately got up to check on my children. My oldest son was awake and said to me, “mom did you hear that thunder”? We talked about it for a minute then he went back to sleep. I went back to bed and the thought crossed my mind that perhaps this was the sign I had asked for. I was not sure so I did not ponder the thought all that much and went back to sleep.

The next morning my husband remarked about the thunder and later in the day my nephew called to tell me about it. He was so scared he ran to his mom and dad’s room. I tell you this just to establish how loud this thunder was. It was definitely something to talk about.

Anyway, later that morning I was homeschooling my son. I was teaching him a lesson in his language arts book. I introduced the lesson, did a few examples with him and sent him off to finish the exercises. A few minutes later he called me over for help. I had to read the sentence he was having difficulty with. It read like this, " Have you heard God speak in the thunder, or felt His voice in the stillness of your heart?" When you hear in a novel that someone gasped it sounds a bit of an exaggerarion, but that is just what I did. I gasped loudly enough for my son to ask what was the matter. It hit me finally that indeed God was responding to my request.

Have you heard from God lately? Maybe you have a story you can share.
Thank You KGM, I have been having the same struggle and have requested the same in prayer. This past weekend I was reading 1 John before bed and I got to ch5 and something hit me, (believe in Jesus Christ, In, I’m a sinner, He bares my sins, In Him is sanctuary) may be simple to some , but to me it was hiding in plain sight. I was thinking about church on the way home today and heard my conscience say " believe in me ,Tim". Yeah, I’m a hardhead, Thankfully He’s patient with me. Tim
I used to visit a certain retreat center in Youngstown, in an old mansion donated to the order that runs the center, I went once ever 6 months for a retreat put on by a charismatic group. I should add that I am not part of the charismatic renewal, and pretty skeptical of a lot of what goes on there. The first time while we were doing a prayer exercise, a ceiling light exploded over my head (no harm done, but quite exciting) and every one joked that was the Holy Spirit. The second time the light in the hallway outside my room exploded when I came out after a particularly emotional prayer experience. I of course had to tell someone to get it fixed. The third time I walked into the dining room after a healing-prayer session and the chandelier broke when I sat down. At all three of these retreats I made huge progress in overcoming certain spiritual obstacles and experience great spiritual healing and recognition of the action of the Holy Spirit in my life. I moved here, attended a retreat at my new parish where I knew nobody, and as I entered the fire dept. pulled up, it seems some candles had been left burning in the hall and started a small fire. The theme of the retreat turned out to be Listen to the Spirit. All I can figure is that the Holy Spirit is the member of the trinity with the strongest sense of humor.
I heard from God this weekend at retreat. I have been hurting emotionally(my mom is old and dying).I was on the verge of tears. At retreat, I was taking a walk and talking to God about mom. I met another retreatant who gave me a quizical look and then asked me about my mom and gave me a hug. That was the beginning of my healing.Throughout the weekend six more people gave me a hug. I am pretty sure God knew what I needed and allowed this to happen.I am feeling much better today.
Have I heard from God lately? No; not lately but I think God is too busy having conversations with your President! 😉

But seriously, I can’t compare with puzzleAnnie. That’s just awesome, Annie.

I do believe that God speaks to me in the grace of my life, in the daily kindness as well as the daily hurt. He speaks to me when I dine at his table, and when I gaze on him in silent adoration when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.

God speaks to me when my 12 year old son slips his hand into mine to cross the street and he speaks to me when I visit the sick in our local Hospice.

God speaks all the time. God speaking isn’t the problem. Do I hear him when he does? Am I listening? Do I want to hear what he is saying to me?
I’m definitely a “sign” asker and receiver.

Other than many “ah-ha” moments while reading scripture or hearing from a friend who asks about exactly what I need to talk about…I’ll share a few.

My DH and I got married not knowing whether we wanted to have children. We got pregnant on our honeymoon. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. One day after just hearing from my doctor that I was miscarrying, I was on my knees praying to God…and asking “why?” I felt a firm hand touch my back, a sense of peace overwelmed me and I heard very plainly in my ear, “Now you know that you want and need children”. I have never second guessed the importance of children.

Last year, taking my then four month old to the doctor for his shots and well-baby check up, I stopped in the local drug store for diapers and other things. I walked by the pregnancy tests and, well, felt the need to buy one. I get back in the van, my mother had tagged along to help, so the kids were in the van with her, and told her that I had a sudden thought that I might be pregnant. No, no signs or anything. Once we get to the end of my road, where I have to pick up the mail, I got out of the van to do just that. After getting the mail, getting into the van, I looked at the odometer…it had 7,777 miles on it. I knew then that I was pregant…so I really didn’t need those tests that I had just bought, but YES, I was pregnant and he is 2 1/2 months old now! Third boy!

During that pregnancy, I know now that I suffered from some mild depression. I actually fell down the stairs when I was 8 months, hurting my shoulder and arm really bad. I still haven’t recovered completely. Anyway, a combo of pain from my shoulder, dealing with two other children, pain from general pregnancy, and running our business…stress was not the word! Thoughts of leaving my husband started surfacing. After days of praying, I finally asked for a SIGN. My sign was…a small night light in my bedroom of the Blessed Mother. It was on when I went to bed…and went off during the night. No, no one turned it off…the bulb wasn’t shot…the switch wasn’t moved…it was just off and I noticed it during the night while getting up to go to the bathroom and other things you do while you are pregnant (maybe just couldn’t sleep). I had to take the nigthlight out of the wall and put it back in the electrical outlet to get it to come back on…my sign from the Blessed Mother that everything was going to be fine.

Since then, my “nightlight” has given me signs on two more occasions. And I asked for those signs.

I do believe in signs…whether asked or not…we must look for them. And when we receive them, we MUST thank God!
at a family gathering one of my daughters who had been suspecting evidently confided in her sisters, and they hustled her into the bathroom with a test kit, and sure enough. We broke out champagne (she was only allowed a sip) and had a celebration. She started crying later, and said in-laws had been really putting on pressure on the two of them to wait, finish school, get good jobs, buy a house etc. and being very negative on the whole topic.

She was so astounded, relieved, happy about our family reaction to the good news- that it was indeed good news. She later said she and hubby talked all night long about the whole thing, and re-thought the entire subject of having kids, the purpose of marriage etc. etc. I wisely kept my mouth shut, sent her only one book on the topic (Theology of the Body for Beginners), let them make up their own minds. But I think God spoke to her and hubby through our family.
Dear friend

I hear from God daily.

That seems a pretty big claim doesn’t it? Some would say very unrealistic and now you are all wondering if I am a barmy nutter!:rotfl:

But I maintain I hear from God daily, I hear from Him in the morning sun rising, in the sweet soft new dew of the day, in the world waking up and getting busy about their day, in the smile and childish chatter of my daughter, in the words of friends, family and strangers, in the breath taking view, in the darkness of the sacred night, in the purr of my cats and the list goes on.

I hear from Him most in the stillness and silence of sitting motionless and loving Him truly present in my soul.

Do I see signs? Yes I do, I see the signs of the times, I see the signs of my Creator in the created, I see the signs of my Lord in His magnificence and power, in the spiritual realm He has graced my soul to converse with as He does so to all souls.

In truth I see only Him. I refuse to see anything but Him, no matter what people do, I see Him, always seeing Him.

In only seeing Him, we love.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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