Have You Ordered Special Christmas Cards for Those Who Are Pro-Abortion in Your Area?

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Have You Ordered Special Christmas Cards for Those Who Are Pro-Abortion in Your Area?

Below is an idea of a Christmas Card you can send to your Local Abortionist, ALL of his/her Neighbors, Pro-Abortion Politicians and ect.

Christmas Card Carries Unusal Message to Barrington Residents.


illinoisleader.com/content/img/f10522/SZ200_cardfront2.jpgA photo of Libertyville’s nativity scene, missing the Baby Jesus, is featured on the front of a Christmas card going to the neighbors of an abortionist that lives in Barrington.

Christmas card carries unusual message to Barrington residents

Friday, December 12, 2003

By The Leader-Chicago Bureau

illinoisleader.com/content/img/f10522/SZ200_cardfront2.jpgA photo of Libertyville’s nativity scene, missing the Baby Jesus, is featured on the front of a Christmas card going to the neighbors of an abortionist that lives in Barrington. illinoisleader.com/content/img/f10522/SZ200_guraprotest.jpgKrista and her adoptive mother Sandy Gura protested in front of Dr. Vinod Goyal’s residence this past summer. The pickets are held the third Saturday of the month.**BARRINGTON – **The 200 neighbors who live in the abortionist Dr. Vinod Goyal’s neighborhood will be receiving at least one unusual Christmas card this year.

Following a quote from the Christmas story in Matthew 1:18-19, the card’s text says:

Your neighbor, Dr. Vinod Goyal, 777 Thompsons Way, is an abortionist. If Mary & Joseph were pro-choice, they could have visited him to terminate the life of the Prince of Peace. Please join with us this Christmas to pray that the Holy Spirit changes Dr. Goyal’s heart so that the uses his God given talent to save babies instead of aborting them.

For over a year, a band of pro-life activists have faithfully protested in front of Goyal’s home for an hour each third Saturday of the month, rain or shine.

Another band of protesters stand outside Goyal’s Aanchor Medical Clinic, 1186 Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn, several times every week.

Vote Life America’s co-founder Jim Finnegan has spearheaded this effort, along with Carol Wright, who has been fighting Goyal’s Glen Ellyn abortion clinic since it first opened last year.

Jim Finnegan of Barrington and Dan Gura, 48, of Lake Zurich were the two that came up with the idea of sending the Christmas cards this year.

“I’m interested in the life issue because my wife and I were blessed with two adopted daughters,” Gura said. “We are interested in promoting life and thought this would be another way to raise the issue.”

Gura said that both Finnegan and Pro Life Action League’s Joe Schiedler are mentors to him.

“Joe Schiedler’s book 99 Ways to Stop an Abortion says that there are two very effective ways to challenge abortion,” he said.

Schiedler says in his book that abortionists often do not want people to know what they do for a living, Gura said. Schiedler also encourages people to pray for abortionists to stop performing abortions.

“This Christmas card combined those two points,” Gura said. “We point out Goyal’s occupation and ask people to pray for him.”

While the Christmas card includes no return address, the pro-life activists are likely to hear from the neighbors next Saturday when they return to demonstrate in front of Goyal’s house.

“Sometimes the neighbors are encouraging, sometimes they’re not,” Gura said.

A Barrington Police Department operator said that on several occasions said that they’ve had calls from neighbors complaining about the picketers when they were in front of Goyal’s house, but would not say whether or not there had been any arrests made as a result.

“I would be upset, too, if I bought a million dollar house in Barrington, and found out that my neighbor wasn’t a doctor like I thought, he was a doctor who does abortions,” Gura said.

Gura said that he will be heading the protests during the winter months, and that they will be singing Christmas carols next Saturday as they picket once again.
GUEST OPINION: Vote Life America educates abortionist’s neighbors

Friday, November 26, 2004
  • Dan Gura
illinoisleader.com/content/img/f21141/SZ200_goyalbanner.bmpAny questions?OPINION - Imagine working hard all of your life to buy the house of your dreams-- a million dollar estate in the prestigious McIntosh subdivision in northwest suburban Inverness.

Your 4,500 square foot home would have five bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen, a three car garage, over an acre of manicured lawn, and an abortionist living on the cul-de-sac at the end of the block.

“A what!” you scream excitedly as you look out your living room window and read Vote Life America’s (VLA) banner, “Your neighbor ‘doctor’ Vinod Goyal performs ABORTIONS!”

I guess your realtor forgot to mention that Pro-Life Christians gather every month in front of 777 Thompsons Way, rain or shine, to pray for a miracle.

VLA’s co-founder Jim Finnegan has been leading prayer vigils there on the third Saturday of every month since August of 2002 when Goyal, operating under the name Illinois Abortions, Inc. opened his fifth “clinic” in the Chicagoland area.

MORE illinoisleader.com/opinion/opinionview.asp?c=21141

Gura: A True Activist

Our good friend from Lake Zurich, Dan Gura, is putting his money where his mouth is and has sent 200 Christmas Cards to the neighbors of Dr. Vinod Goyal, a major abortion provider from Barrington, The card is very touching. It is a color photo of Libertyville’s nativity scene missing the Baby Jesus, who was stolen.

Gura and his family protest in front of Goyal’s home in Barrington every month, while others picket Goyal’s Aanchor Medical mill on Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn several times a week. Others involved in the protest are Jim Finnegan and Carol Wright. Dan and his wife, Sandy, are activists after my own heart: acting!
God bless you!

Now that is turning the tables on them and beating them at there own game!

Stigmatizing the doctor and putting a face on the abortionists has to have a profound effect immediately and eventually.

Keep the wheels moving … you have my creative juices flowing.
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