Have you voted yet for the Best Catholic Site Contest hosted by AMS Publications?
If you have not, please vote! Your vote could change the winner.
We have a list of projected winners where the other websites have hardly a chance to win, but still you could change that!
Please vote for the Best Cathoilc Website, to view the projected winners click this link: avemarisstella.com/ams/BestCatholicSite.htm If you do not see the projected winenrs, refresh your web browser.
To directly vote for the Best Catholic Websites, go here: pub30.bravenet.com/vote/vote.php?us…497092554&cpv=2
Where our polls are being hosted as decided to place advertisments. Please just close the advertisment and vote for the Best Catholic sites. Sorry about the advertisments.
Eddie Lee (Founder of AMS Publications)
If you have not, please vote! Your vote could change the winner.
We have a list of projected winners where the other websites have hardly a chance to win, but still you could change that!
Please vote for the Best Cathoilc Website, to view the projected winners click this link: avemarisstella.com/ams/BestCatholicSite.htm If you do not see the projected winenrs, refresh your web browser.
To directly vote for the Best Catholic Websites, go here: pub30.bravenet.com/vote/vote.php?us…497092554&cpv=2
Where our polls are being hosted as decided to place advertisments. Please just close the advertisment and vote for the Best Catholic sites. Sorry about the advertisments.
Eddie Lee (Founder of AMS Publications)