Hello, I am in my mid 30s and have recently started experiencing doubt in God (and have always had doubt but continued on anyway). I feel bad even saying this because I was raised Catholic, attending Catholic schools all my life. However as of recent I have been having an existential crisis of sorts and have found myself pondering what will happen when I die. Worried that so much “scientific” evidence points to nothing. It has been racking my brain as I am very analytical and wonder why I don’t have definitive “proof” of God. I read things like how the Bible doesn’t necessarily match up with history (though maybe parts of the Bible are the only historical documents of certain events)…also it seems like religion is diminishing through the world and have friends that have abandoned faith all together, and some that remain faithful. I look at things like miracles that may offer some proof but I obviously still have doubts. My mind keeps getting occupied by things like what does anything matter if we are returned to nonexistence like before we were born after we die? I went to ash Wednesday mass this morning and aside from myself and my wife and 3 little girls, it was mostly elderly people. It worries me that everyone is coming to a realization that there is nothing and I am clinging on to some hope. This really frightens me and us causing me a ton of anxiety. Is this normal for me to be having these feelings? I keep praying and have always prayed even when I have doubts because it does bring me some relief. Does anyone have advice for getting out of this slump that I feel like I am in…and how to not consistently worry all the time? I know this sounds selfish but sometimes I just wish God/Jesus/Mary or whomever would just openly reveal to me rather than it being such a mystery. Sorry for the long post and any help or advice would be appreciated.