Hey guys! I’m a freshman in college, and a practicing Catholic
At the beginning of this month, I had the opportunity to go to SEEK 2015, a conference aimed at Catholic university students. I had a great time, and met a cool group of people from my university. Since then, I’ve started having some feelings for one of the guys in the group (he’s in the year above me). The thing is, he just broke up with his ex-girlfriend last month because he needed to spend some time discerning his vocation. If he truly is being called to the priesthood, that’s great, and I don’t want to interfere with God’s plan for him. At the same time, though, it’s kind of upsetting for me. I honestly think all I can do for now is continue being his friend. Any advice? I know he just got out of a relationship and he’s discerning his vocation, but I can’t help how I feel about him
He’s a great guy, and an even better Catholic than I am (he converted last year, whereas I’m a cradle Catholic who wishes she could have such zeal for the faith). Please help me out, guys, as I’ve never dealt with a situation like this before.